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Posts posted by tehatomicpotato

  1. The short version

    When the server restarts vehicles reset back to where they were originally were and back to the original state they were in before the restart.

    Longer version

    Example. So I take a car drive it from Cherno to the airfield and put some gear in it and shoot out a tire then restart the server, it will be all the way back in cherno in its original condition and without any gear. 

    If I spawn a vehicle and move it to another location and restart the server it will still be there in what ever state I left it in. But then it starts acting like all the other vehicles, always reverting to that spot. So it must only be saving the vehicles the database once after the first restart that they are on the server for then it doesnt update them again. 

    I thought it might be a problem with the server monitor.sqf and replaced it with a fresh one, which did not help. I also tried using the monitor.sqf from my other server that is working just fine and that didn't do anything either. If anyone else has any idea on what to do the help would be much appreciated. This is the last obstacle in the way of my PvP server but its a rather annoying one.

    If you want to talk to me directly you can find me on my teampseak GOHgaming.mainvoice.net  

  2. Basically as the title says, the vehicles on my PVP server are not being saved to the database correctly. They generated and spawn in just fine but if you get in a world generated vehicle and drive it somewhere else it will just revert back to its original position and its original state after restart. Spawnign in vehicles works alright and it even saves their position after you move them, but only on the session they were spawned in. Once you restart the server it too becomes locked in place on where ever you left it and will keep reverting to that spot just like all other vehicles do. 

    I'm gonna guess it has something to do with the publish vehicles or objects files in the mission pbo so I compared those files from my PVE server which works fine to the ones on the PVP server and found that the PVP server's update object and publish object files had a few lines missing  that were included in the PVE server's files. So i tried adding in the missing code but that only made it worse. It caused the server to get stuck are trying to get authentication even after wiping the database and puting back in the working server files. To fix that problem i had to completely wipe the server and start back over with vanilla files. Which is why I always make back up files but its still annoying and time consuming. I'm out of ideas. 

    If anyone can help me with this that would be great. If you need to look at the files I can just email them to you.

  3. I started a new server after successfully running a overpoch PVE server since June I decided to make a pvp server. I decided to go with a more stable server host then Survival servers (was never my choice in the first place I wasn't the original owner of the server I just ran it and later bought it from the owner because he was a twat.) So I chose gtx gaming to be the host and I'm kind of regretting it. Their file system is weird and hard to learn but I've got the hold of it now but for some reason snap Pro and vector build are refusing to work properly. I followed the steps exactly even watching a video showing specifically how to install snap pro onto GTX gamin servers. Snap pro is kind of working but not really, when i go to build something the snap Pro tutorial and stuff pops up and everything and i get the snap toggle action in my scroll menu like you should. But when I try to toggle on snap build it does fuck all. It doesnt change to enabled and the snap points dont show up. I still get the commands that let me press f to freeze it and let me walk around and stuff but snapping isnt working. 

    I don't even know whats wrong with vector build i followed all the steps and it still didn't work its not even showing up in the scroll menu. Does anyone know how to properly install these mods on a gtx gaming server? or have working files from a gtx gaming server with these mods installed and working. 

    Also Side note, does plot for life even work anymore? I could never get it working right on my PVE server and when I tried installing it on the PVP server it caused a fuck ton of errors and made it get stuck on waiting for authentication. Though that may have been me screwing something up somewhere as the instructions confused me a bit since i was still learning the new file system. 

    The only other mods i have installed right now on the server are infistar anti hack, a safezones script, and WAI.

  4. But Arma 3 is no fun It suffers from a severe lack of interesting content and vehicles. What good is dayz epoch without a stupid array of vehicles you can fuck around with. RIght? Though in overpoch the seafox water target thing is my new alternative. It only holds a fraction of the coins but still has 2k gun slots and 10k mag slots and 20mil coins storage though it does constantly make you hear the ocean,

  5. Just recently murders and kills on my server have stopped being recorded by murder boards on my server and I don't know why I didn't change anything. I tested it with my other admins by shooting them in the face with a default weapon and it didn't show up. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening because google is not helping right now. 

    Also why did the admin armored suvs the ones with like 5000 weapon slots and 20k mag slots all of a sudden have virtually no storage? Again  I didn't touch my files. 

  6. Hello i'm trying to add your script to my server and it keeps getting stuck on wait for host. I added the files like your instructions say but it screws up the server. why is that? The only thing that can do that is stuff added to the dayz_server.pbo and all that was was your bank.sqf file i don't see why that would cause the server to not be able to start

  7. Hello, I am TehAtomicPotato a pretty experienced server developer with experience in working with linux epoch/overpoch servers and over a thousand hours playing the mod, most of which have been in epoch. The server I was an admin on in the past had its funding cut so I'm looking for a new summer project. I know whats fair and don't take bullshit from anyone. I have tons of free time on my hands right now so I'd always be on the server keeping people happy and in check. So if anyone needs any extra Admins for watching the server or for adding scripts I'd love to help.  I will volunteer I do not wish to be paid I just want to work with a good community and server. Preferably new ones, but if you are good people and need the help I couldn't say no.


    Thanks and Happy hunting



  8. Hello, I am TehAtomicPotato a pretty experienced server developer with experience in working with linux epoch/overpoch servers and over a thousand hours playing the mod, most of which have been in epoch. The server I was an admin on in the past had its funding cut so I'm looking for a new summer project. I know whats fair and don't take bullshit from anyone. I have tons of free time on my hands right now so I'd always be on the server keeping people happy and in check. So if anyone needs any extra Admins for watching the server or for adding scripts I'd love to help.  I will volunteer I do not wish to be paid I just want to work with a good community and server. Preferably new ones, but if you are good people and need the help I couldn't say no.


    Thanks and Happy hunting



  9. Hello, I am TehAtomicPotato a pretty experienced server developer with experience in working with linux epoch/overpoch servers and over a thousand hours playing the mod, most of which have been in epoch. The server I was an admin on in the past had its funding cut so I'm looking for a new summer project. I know whats fair and don't take bullshit from anyone. I have tons of free time on my hands right now so I'd always be on the server keeping people happy and in check. So if anyone needs any extra Admins for watching the server or for adding scripts I'd love to help.


    Happy hunting



  10. Work Around: 


    If you add the two endLoadingScreen; statements in your init.sqf it seems to work aorund the problem.  In no way is this a fix to the real issue.  So far in development I have not seen any issues.  I be rolling this to my prod servers tonight.


    endLoadingScreen; // Work around for 2nd Log in hang

    if (!isDedicated) then {

        //Conduct map operations

        0 fadeSound 0;

        waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};

        dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");


        //Run the player monitor

        _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];

        _playerMonitor =     [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";    


        //anti Hack

        [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";


        //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";



    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"

    //Start Dynamic Weather

    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf";

    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf"

    endLoadingScreen; // Work around for 2nd Log in hang

    i did this and it got rid of the loading screen problem on my new server but now my problem is my character is never saved I keep respawning fresh any thoughts?

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