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Posts posted by Revoplay

  1. it will be related to the massive usage of scripts. Look at your Server FPS. If the server cant handle the massive serversite data and also syncronise the client scripts, the server also cannot work on the battleye checks. (He must not do many much, but if the server is overloaded, he will not get this done)

    Remove all scripts or use the normal mission and server files and check if the problem is still there. if not include one script after annother. then you will find the problem.

  2. So, i'm finished the Fair Use Section. 


    In the init.sqf i add the Variable 

    AdminListFairUse = true;

    so that it looks like this

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    AdminList = [
    "33770502", // <Admin In-Game Name>
    "2430850" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    ModList = [
    "99999999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    AdminListFairUse = true;
    [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";

    The Core is that i add to every function three lines

    if (AdminListFairUse) then {
    		[nil,nil,rTitleText,"An Admin is using the Admin Tool: SCRIPT NAME", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

    So if you want to disable the message to every player for a specific function (Spectate as example) simply comment out these Lines.


    One Error i found is a kick with publicvariable

    22.02.2014 20:32:09: Pictureclass (IP) GUID - Value Restriction #70 "remExField" = [,,"titleText","An Admin is using the Admin Tool: Get Code of Lock","PLAIN",10]

    Dont know why this is happen. But only in the Epoch Tool Section. Can somebody help please?


    Download of the actually tool with the Fair Use Messages: http://revoplay.de/download/admintools_with_fairuse.zip


    I hope you can include it, Gregarious. 

  3. I think all 3 of us are misunderstanding him.


    He's saying that notifying players when an Admin uses a script would increase the trust that those players would have of the Admins.


    This way players know if an Admin is teleporting, spawning vehicles, using Godmode, etc. It's more for the players' benefit than the server owner and his Admins.


    That about right?


    That being said, I don't personally see a need for this, but you're welcome to set it up on your own server if you like.

  4. I dont know if you understand my bad english right :) 


    I have implementet it that every player on the server can see if a Admin or Moderator (or what ever) is using a script. I think you will also know the reproch that the admin is hacking or not playing fair. So my intention is that if every player get a message when an admin is using it, the player will trust the admin more

  5. I would personally, not add this feature.


    If you are only giving admin to players that can handle it than you don't need to worry.


    Plus this then takes away the ability for an actual admin to montior players.


    Maybe an optional addon but this to me is the dayzst map feature that i hated the most.



    The plan is that the Server Hoster can chose it if he want this feature or not

  6. Important: There are differents between "Wrong signature for file...XYZ" and "Signature Checked Timeout".


    Wrong signature for file...XYZ: There is maybe a problem with the Download or in the Connection from the Client. Maybe a Firewall is blocking the Check or the Server/Client has no stable Connection.


    "Signature Checked Timeout": The Message can you find in the Server.log not in the rpt File. First step is to update the Client and Server Files of Battleye manual (http://www.battleye.com/download.html)

    Next step: Check the Firewall of the Server. Remove all Scripts from the Server. Dump your Database (just for Tests) and check the MTU Settings (Google -> Arma MTU). If someone tell you its not related to the Server, this Information is wrong. Its maybe a connection Problem. You can also look in the Teamspeak Client Information if the Client have Packet Losts.

  7. If got an Idea for an other feature. 


    I added to every Script (like ESP or Teleport etc) a global Message, so that every user can see, if an Admin using a "hack".



    if (isnil "malfly") then 
        titleText ["Flying - ON / WASD to move / Q&Z for up and down / Space to Hover","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
        // NEW LINE
        [nil,nil,rTitleText,"An Admin is using the Admin Tool: Fly Mode", "PLAIN",10] call RE; 

    For me it is very important that my players know that i'm playing fair. Can you include this funktion or what do you think about it. Maybe with a variable to enable or disable it like

    admintool_fairuse = true;
    if (admintool_fairuse = true)
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"An Admin is using the Admin Tool: Fly Mode", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
  8. I have some questions.


    Point to repair/delete. Will that repair or delete any buildable or vehicle? So, if I accidentally run into another player's vehicle, I can repair it, or if I find an old base that has been abandoned, or maybe a player wants part of his base removed, I can use the delete option for that?


    I tested it, and a can remove also Buildings from Epoch. In the Output stand that it was also deleted.


    http://pastebin.com/WjynbNgZ - Hi i'm trying to use this admin tool of yours, and it sounds great, but when i join my server there is no menu when i scroll, did i install it right?  ;)


    Look in your RPT if there are any errors or paste it on pastebin and send us the Link

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