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Posts posted by dtmullican

  1. idk what you are trying to say here as it makes no sense.

    if you get "Spawn menu aborted" that means you where not near the cloneroom when you spawned in.


    I'm standing in the middle of the clone room. In fact, if I pull up the debug console and put in 'player distance getMarkerPos "respawn_west";' I get a number that is far smaller than 35. Usually it's very close to 0.

    Yes, what's happening makes no sense to me either. It worked fine with, which is why I asked if anyone had it working with Since it is, that narrows my troubleshooting focus to something I messed up somewhere and not some change with

    For some reason, when the script runs, it seems to be getting a distance larger than 35. I tried adding code in to log the actual number it's using in the comparison:


    if(player distance _rspawnw > 35)exitWith{Halv_moveMap = nil;Halv_fill_spawn = nil;Halv_near_cityname = nil;Halv_spawn_player = nil;Halv_spawns = nil;HALV_senddeftele = nil;HALV_HALO = nil;HALV_SELECTSPAWN = nil;HALV_fill_gear = nil;HALV_fnc_returnnameandpic = nil;HALV_fill_gear = nil;Halv_ontreedoubleclick = nil;Halv_ontreeselected = nil;HALV_GEAR_TOADD = nil;HALV_player_removelisteditem = nil;HALV_addiweaponwithammo = nil;HALV_fnc_halo = nil;HALV_playeraddcolours = nil;diag_log "Spawn Menu Aborted...";diag_log format["[halv_spawn] Distance: %1",(player distance _rspawnw)];};


    Edit: Got that added code working. It gets even weirder:

    7:16:37 "Spawn Menu Aborted..."
    7:16:37 "[halv_spawn] Distance: 23005.6"

    The only thing I can figure at this point is that something is off in the timing during the spawning sequence.


    Yep, it's some kind of timing issue. If I change the section of spawndialog.sqf to:


    // Makes the script start when player is ingame
    waitUntil{!isNil "Epoch_my_GroupUID"};
    waitUntil{!isNil "HALV_senddeftele"};
    sleep 15;
    //exit if player is not near a spawn
    if(player distance _rspawnw > 35)exitWith{Halv_moveMap = nil;Halv_fill_spawn = nil;Halv_near_cityname = nil;Halv_spawn_player = nil;Halv_spawns = nil;HALV_senddeftele = nil;HALV_HALO = nil;HALV_SELECTSPAWN = nil;HALV_fill_gear = nil;HALV_fnc_returnnameandpic = nil;HALV_fill_gear = nil;Halv_ontreedoubleclick = nil;Halv_ontreeselected = nil;HALV_GEAR_TOADD = nil;HALV_player_removelisteditem = nil;HALV_addiweaponwithammo = nil;HALV_fnc_halo = nil;HALV_playeraddcolours = nil;diag_log "[halv_spawn] Spawn Menu Aborted...";diag_log format["[halv_spawn] Distance: %1",(player distance _rspawnw)];};

    it works properly.

  2. Works fine for me. You could try doing a fresh install or if you're using Infistar make sure you have the proper allowedDialogs set.

    Yep, I am using Infistar. I don't think the issue is with an alloweddialogs though, as the script itself is aborting and logging it; theoretically because it thinks the player isn't near the spawn.

    Appreciate the info, that at least confirms it's something I've messed up then.

  3. If I don't load Epoch my joystick is seen. If I do load Epoch with the Arma launcher, my joystick, throttle, and rudder pedals are no longer seen. If I load Epoch with the -mod command line, my joystick is seen until I try to change a control, and the servers kick me for not having the correct mod loaded for some reason.


    Maybe this info will help with troubleshooting the issue.

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