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Posts posted by Vip3rRTB

  1. So here is why I am all for indestructable bases.


    Last night @ 8pm local a bunch of guys decided to raid our base again. Slinging vehicles and trying to drop them on our base again. The first was a .50 cal offroad, which was luckily not destroyed so we repaired it and pulled it into our garage. Short while afterwards they came back with a ghosthawk. So we used their .50 cal and got the chopper down. While this was going on some of our members got taken out and while running in they gave us some valuable intel. We had 2 guys in the area giving intel and  4 guys actively engaging the attackers. So while this was going on other players on the server saw the friendly kills and got focused on a single individual which was causing trouble all over the map at various bases. Eventually at about 10pm the attackers decided they want to call a cease fire. In the process of getting to some neutral ground we took incoming from another group. This lead to a battle flair up between us joined by enemy no 1 and the new group of attackers.


    After another 2 hours of fighting the new group, getting enemy no 1 out of the area the new group contacted us to call a cease fire. Apparently they were looking for group no 1 as the one member kept messing around their base. So basically our base was a target for one group and mistaken as an enemy base right after that. We fended of 3 ghosthawks as well as a total of 10 attackers with only 4 group members actively engaging enemy targets. As a PVE group we are in constant PVP skirmishes trying to keep our base safe and all the work we put in.

  2. Let me sketch a picture from a different part of the world. Locally we have less than 10 servers available with pings below 100ms which mean our options are very limited. These servers then need to cater for both PVE and PVP players. Now myself leaning more towards PVE don't really appreciate it when I log in after a long day at the office to find my base in pieces after I spend the previous week gathering the resources to get it built. Also not all players can spend the amount of time in game that some other players can, thus making the most of the time they have available becomes very important. Spending 50% of your time available picking up the pieces of an offline raid kills the joy of the game.


    Now linking a player of a group to the jammer seems to be a good option and I will support such a choice, but with a few added items. What I find a bit "unfair" though is the fact that vechicles can be dropped on your base without any real defence against it. My group had a situation where a group with 2 Mohawks came to our base and slinged the vechicles we gathered on an excursion. We emptied 3 mags of 12.7mm AP rounds into the one with no effect what so ever. They promptly dropped these vechicles on our base and left. Basically only gave us grief and nothing else. And for this reason I would like to add that anything (cars, heli's, bikes, etc) within the jammer radius cannot be moved by anyone outside of the group or owner of the jammer when locked. Also I think balance must be looked at from the perspective of "what can attack vs what can stop the attack" because of the attackers mostly using arial assault and not the boots on the ground type assaults.


    I do not care about raiding other players bases because that is not what Epoch is about to me. To me Epoch is about surviving against what remains of the pre extinction society (AI, Drones, Sappers) and fellow players are like me, a clone trying to build, explore and survive a harsh environment and not base raiding.


    "Arma3: Epoch Mod

    Epoch Mod is a hybrid of genres with elements of science fiction and horror. Epoch is set in 2035, just two years after a massive world wide extinction. The exact cause is unknown and the only people left are clones with no memory of the past. Documents found in the world tell a us that before the mass extinction event, The largest technology corporation had made great breakthroughs. This technology changed the world in many ways and is thought to be the cause of the extinction. Those that remain are left with remnants of a once technological society. Try to survive, build, or explore your way through the harsh dynamic environment."


    I understand that different players like different things and for that reason I support making a base indestructable and maybe doors not (must however be difficult to do, not impossible) etc. It will allow for all players to still have their way of fun without having one or the other frustrated by it.

  3. sorry but I think this is a horrible idea with too much work involved to get it off the ground ,

    1. how would this even work? would it show on map? how they know which base is yours? .. again awful idea.

    2. separate safe zones for pve players I just don't like the sound of this at all

    3. flagging themselves for pvp/pve how would this even work? how will you know who is who? is it broadcasted to the entire server? seems as though this just negates any kind of stealth.

    4. the only way I see a compromise is if the base was a little stronger when offline and normal damage when online. that way they can still try and breach your home while offline but it will cost more in explosives and time , having it indestructible just leaves it open to abuse , oh my base just got attacked I better logout so it doesn't get damaged.

    if you want this stuff id suggest making your own pve server. as a pvp player I would have no interest in any of these ideas except maybe 4. , where the base isn't indestructible but maybe a little stronger while your sleeping , even when online and you logout your base will be normal damage for a period of time so you cant abuse it and run away from a fight.

    or if you could make jammers indestructible , that way they can breach your walls and doors , steal your stuff but your "hard work" of building a base isn't ruined by "12 year olds" who enjoy this type of play. so when you logon your precious base is still mostly intact , only some wall/doors will be down and some of your hello kitty lunchboxes would be gone.

    Epoch for me is about building a base , preparing it for raids and building up supplies to go on base raids .. you take this away and epoch quickly loses its essence and becomes a shell of what its supposed to be.


    1 and 3 should be very easy, similar type thing is being done with the teams on wasteland servers. Blue, Red or green blocks. Even your group identifiers already exist. 2 can be very easily done if some thought was put into it. On number 4 I agree battle logging should be taken into account and the base should maybe remain at "Normal damage" until server reset.


    I'm sure there are quite a few ways these type of things can be done though.

  4. If I may shed some light from the PVE side of things. Its no fun logging in at your base to have shots fired from any which way not knowing how many people are out there taking shots at an "empty" base just to find your vehicle/s already destroyed etc.


    My first request would be that a base be indestructable if the owner or group owning the base is offline, there is no fun in working days on gathering the resources to build a base to only have it destroyed by a bunch of 12 year olds out on school holiday.


    Then also the community must needs realise that not all players have the ability or the means to join numerous servers due to infrastructure contraints and various other reasons. We here have 6 servers to choose from with pings lower than 200ms, none of them are PVE only. So if I want to play Epoch I'm forced to take part in PVP even if its not what I enjoy. I enjoy the random spawing baddies, Sappers, drones, looting and building but a player camping out on a tower with a nightstalker trained at my base waiting for me to login not as much. In the past two weeks we had to defend our little piece of Altis 8 times. Sometimes even twice on the same day. It resulted in us building an extra base just to have a place to hide away for a bit, taking up additional space in the world counter etc.


    So after spending some time thinking about this I came up with a couple of ideas that will aid both PVP and PVE players playing on the same servers.


    1. Once you place an explosive on a base panel (ie in range of jammer) your own jammer is flagged for PVP, making your own base attackable for a period of time (admin adjustable).

    2. Have "safe zones" for building with a built limit per jammer (for instance 50 pieces instead of 100), if you want a base the size of fort Knox go build in the danger zone.

    3. Have players flag themselves for PVP or PVE. Once flagged that persists for an amount of time (admin adjustable)

    4. Bases of players offline are by default indestructable but once they log in the return to normal.


    I know this might not be to everyones taste however I do think it might encourage larger numbers on servers as well as allowing both PVP and PVE to share the same servers. Epoch is not just a PVP or just a PVE mod its both, just need some way to give both parties an equal share of the pie

  5. This is what Epoch should be about. No base raiding, but fricking MONSTERS in a frickin ARMA.

    Agreed, having to defend your base from those single mine planting, running away when it explodes little people drives me insane. Walking round a corner into a boss sapper makes the blood pump a bit more.

  6. I fully comprehend the taxing effect continuous negative feedback has when you are trying to make something that will suit and please everyone. This entire thread started with questions on how certain things affected us as players and for us to better understand the idea behind these things. So yes if a question turns into a debate or a "hot topic" some attention needs to be given to the core issues relating to this whether it be good or bad.


    In the case of this thread Axe did come forward with some positive ways in which the issues can be addresses which will solve most worries all players have. As a community I think we should then take these suggestions from the dev and help him hash out possible flaws instead of bashing on about the same thing where it started.


    And to the guys still complaining, how about you spend some time adapting to the changes? Nothing in life will ever stay 100% the same, why should a game? Everything action in life has a reaction as well. Accept it and make the most of what you have now..... :P


    Since our server was updated over the weekend, the posting of the question and responses we as a bunch of friends playing the mod have made slight changes to our way of playing. We still continue building bases, do incursions into towns for loot, do vendor runs to sell unwanted loot etc. but with added look outs. :ph34r:




    Part of this mod in my mind is being aware of your surroundings and possible threats, why else would you need to survive? So while one of us build base the others gather resources and keep a look out for sappers and other players. Drones are shot down A.S.A.P before they can spawn fighters. With us playing in this fashion we are now way better off w.r.t gear, vehicles, bases, etc. than we were before 0.3. ;) 



    So basically we as players have the following choices. We can either play the mod and enjoy it, supporting the dev (constructive criticism positive and negative ), keeping him happy, making him give us more or we can complain the whole time and make the dev fed up and bin the mod entirely.

  7. I've been playing Epoch now for almost 2 months and enjoy every second of it. I'm very much a PVE type player, enjoying the AI fights and base building, exploring, finding the random spawned vehicles etc. And because of my PVE inclanation being base raided 5 out of the 7 days of a week was no fun anymore, especially when the only goal for the attackers were to detroy and leave without looting. Now with the increased spawn rates there are quite a bit to keep the base raiders occupied, but WOW its hectic spawn rates.


    Last night while looting a dead sapper one spawned right on the other ones corpse. Over the weekend while setting up or shelves in the base, Mr Boss Sapper gently strolled through the wall and promptly leveled our entire base and all 3 group members. While relocating after Mr Boss Sapper, another "small" sapper came to visit me upstairs in a world house where I was busy putting gear in a lock box. The door was locked through which he walked... :blink: .


    I understand the reasoning behind the anti camping idea from a PVE and PVP perspective but I think it might need a bit of work still.


    IF... and it is a big IF, this was real life survival one would find a place to camp and make sure its safe to loot the area or find supplies...? Secondly a drone would be followed by soldiers/ rebels some distance behind. So instead of having them spawn 0.0000001 sec after the drone spots you, have a vechile spawn 800m or so away which will drop the AI off with in 300m radius of the player... ? Lastly Mr Boss Sapper, a very good idea I just think he needs a bit of tweaking as well. Here is why I say so. They idea behind the anti camping script might be to have people less stationary waiting to pick of easy targets and give them something to worry about, which I agree to, but to have the Sapper come and destroy the place/ surroundings entirely might be a bit much. The toxic gas is a great idea, so how about giving the boss sapper high damage but instead of destroying everything have the cloud of gas stick around the area for 10 min or so. The camper will still not be able to go back to his original camping spot....



    I do enjoy the latest release of the Epoch mod and congratulate the developers on what they have achieved thus far. Being in the development side of IT solutions myself I understand the work and effort going into creating something everyone enjoys.

  8. You guys are gonna live the sapper migration event I am testing :) am looking at making it a little easier to escape the sapper and ban them from spawning in safe zones and jammer radius.. 

    Sounds promising. The thing that bugs me the most though is the uninvited visits inside the base behind locked doors.

  9. Hi everyone,


    Since we received the latest release we had all sorts of "fun" with regards to the Sappers.


    First time our warehouse converted to base was leveled by a boss Sapper, Second time I got gassed on second story (world house) of our new base while packing gear into lock box and lastly got chased for 1km by a boss Sapper as a fresh spawn after I took a rest break heading towards the gas station east of western spawn.


    So my questions are the following:


    1. Our bases, both warehouse and two story world house had all entrances blocked by epoch built walls with locked doors (which was locked at the time). Should the Sappers be able to "glitch/walk" through them?

    2. Should Fresh spawns with low stamina not have some method to avoid boss sappers spawning on them (simply lying down will not do it with that guy)?


    Last thing is, it feels like the sappers have become a way to make easy money. 3 Sappers looted gave me 1000 krypto last night all with in about 5 min while building base.


    Does sound a bit much, doesn't it?



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