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Posts posted by R4ziel

  1. I  would like these options very much, we really do need a better way of placing lower cinder walls as described.


    The only way to do it currently is to glitch the cinder wall halfway into the floor and that does not always work as expected as you cannot really do freebuild anymore, the objects keep snapping any way they want.


    I hope it wont be tii hard to add something like this, I also like the hatches and windows!

  2. R4ziel,

      Look at the .rpt for your HC. It will be in the default 'user' profile location if you did not define one in the command line.


    And if memory servers me, all the current themes packaged with FuMS will work on any map.



       I'll look into the vehicle thing!



    Thanks Horbin, I somehow got it to work.


    Can I disable the white text in the left top corner?

  3. I dont see anything about FUMS in there, thats part of the problem, it doesnt look like its loading anything.


    Its just a normal server with a local HC, what other info do you need?


    EDIT  : 


    Looks like I got it now, its working with the raptors as well, not sure what I missed but as long as it works now. 


    how do I disable the white text in the left top corner?

  4. Hey dude, Runs great on Chern without any changes!




    Awesome thanks, server restarted 5 minutes ago and it looks good so far, found a heli crash or two.


    Just one more question, how do I know it will load all the missions by default, instead of waiting 15 minutes every time for them to spawn? I assume I have to wait for the stuff to happen?


    I am just not entirely sure if my HC is working as intended and I want a sure fire way of knowing the FUMS system works like it should

  5. In the hpp file the 'x' value determines the left/right alignment.  The 'w' value determines the width.  By adjusting those two numbers you should be able to do what you're trying to do.  Do note though that if you make the background fill the whole screen width that the items on the status bar will only take up as much room as they need to.  They won't stretch to fill the screen.  I suppose there's probably a way to add spaces between each item but I'm not sure how that would be done.  


    Lol sigh sorry man, I missed that completely

  6. This is really a question that should be brought up on infiStar's forum, as he would be in a much better position to answer it. 


    From the sound of it, it sure is something that is suppressing the menues....


    Completely understand that it would be better there, but this community is alot more helpful and I just thought i'd ask here if someone saw the same symptoms.


    thank you for your answer though, I am trying to find what is causing it but not really coming up with anything. 

  7. Hey guys, me again with another weird stupid question. 


    I am running infistar and I do suspect that its causing my issue, but I need some advice please.


    The problem is that any addon that has a menu seperate from what is already in the game does not actually stay open for regular players. For admins they work fine. 


    For example the server info from IT07 and R3F towiing, both their menus for info and inventory open for a split second and then close instantly. 


    Is there anything in infistar that causes this perhaps? If so, where do I disable the resetting of the interface (Which I assume is what is happening)


    @R4ziel http://pastebin.com/xMAaKYnT

    It's between markers and intro

    class Sensors
                    class Item0
    position[] = {1024.85, 5.8588, 2023.52}; //respawn_west Location
    a = 10;
    b = 10;
    activationBy = "ANY";
    repeating = 1;
    interruptable = 1;
    age = "UNKNOWN";
    name = "SPAWNPOINT";
    expCond = "(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 10;";
    expActiv = "hint ""You are in the clone room""; inSpawnPoint = true;};";
    expDesactiv = "inSpawnPoint = false;";
    class Effects{};


    Got it thanks, didnt copy the last }; at the end sigh XD

  9. This works but you can't choose your sex before the spawn points, so once you TP to the spawn it asks you to choose your sex and puts you back in the spawn room.


    Lol thats a fail.


    I still think that the gender selection is done very badly, this along with the kick to lobby on kill is just annoying but thats just my opinion.


    thanks for the testing Richie, Ill keep trying on my end and let you know if I maybe find something

  10. Hey guys


    I have a very weird question which I hope someone could answer. 


    We have recently discovered that randomly any gun would stop doing any sort of damage, like its shooting blanks when your in a safe zone.


    This has never been a problem, but all of a sudden people are reporting it all over. This happens completely randomly, on login, after playing an hour, any weapon etc.


    Any ideas where I can check perhaps?

  11. in halv_fnc_playerdied.sqf :


    i think you can remove a line around line 56:

    	if(isPlayer leader(group _killer))then{

    then remove this block around line 92:

    			//killer is not a player
    			_killerType = typeOf _killer;
    			if(gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _killerType >> 'displayName') != "")then{
    				_killerName = gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _killerType >> 'displayName');
    			_message = format["%1 was killed by a %2 with a %3 from %4m",_victimName,_killerName,_txt,_distance];
    			_hint = _message;
    			_dyntxt = format["<t size='0.70'align='left'>%1</t>",_message];
    			_loc_message = format["[KillFeed]: PKILL: %1 | %2",_message,_killerType];

    i think that would make it look like you wanted ...


    Hi Halvhjearne, I am testing this now and removing that block of code it looks exactly the same with only the white text.


    Just thought I'd let you know

  12. Redownload the script from the original post, it's been adjusted as some were having issues, it should now work, let me know if it does for you :)




    Thank you R4ziel, glad you enjoy it, my idea was the same thing, stops players being bored and gives you a reason to explore and move about, it does the job well :)


    Well we regularly have less than 5 players online, yeah South Africa and Arma 3 dont go well together it seems, but we have alot of AI on the map with varying difficulties and that keeps everyone entertained most of the time. 

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