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Posts posted by overboard1364

  1. Hey guys so super super weird question, but what controls the Ai's ability to move? Im having a problem where about 50-70% of  the Ai are kind of "stickied" to the ground. Their legs will NOT move no matter what. They still do all the other actions, including shooting and awareness, but do not move around at all. The others run and do all the normal Ai things. I had the same problem with zombies... and then I defaulted compiles and was able to fix it that way :) (meaning I had bad code in my slow zombies scripts).


    With Wai though I've actually downloaded the absolute vanilla 2.2.0 and still they DO not move, the majority. This issue happens with both Wai and Dzai. And like I said it's only half of them, which is the weird part.


    I'd be happy to post any type of log that would help, but I don't know where to start :)!

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