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Posts posted by RuschGaming

  1. Check all of the files and code in your description.ext to see which file has the duplicate RscTitles in it.

    There is no such thing as a script being "incompatible" with another script so take a good look in the code and find where the duplicate is.


    i did and its zupa's hud builder.


    class RscTitles
    #include "ZHB\ZHud.hpp"
    i tried added your script in a line under the #include "ZBH/ZHud.hpp" did sorta work but no info appeared in the middle of the screen
  2. Thank you! You are welcome.

    To answer your question: just add

    <img image='Folder\whatever.jpg' width='numbah' />

    to one of the lines in the code where you want to have it shown. Can't get easier than that mate :)


    thanks for the info I appreciate it!

    but sad news script works and doesnt show the image. I think its just arma not letting me add it?  

    I have even lowered down the resolution to 16x16 (icon size) jpg/paa and still no luck... arma is hating me xD




    PS:  Suggestion.

    my buddy and i have been talking allot about your script and came up with an idea for it. the server menu is great but what if the person is new to the server and is reading the info and then he hears gun shots and he wants to run away but the menu is still blocking his view. is there a way to add for example if right click => exit menu?

  3. Great script IT07!
    Question i am trying to play with the script you made.

    I have understood most of it so far but i cant seem to get the image working correctly.


    Tested the code i got from the wiki and play around with it. Finally got it to work (sorta) gave me an error missing content. Fixed that issue (derp me) 

    Scrolled through the menu everything is working fine except for the image isnt showing in the Server Menu Content. Been cracking my brain open, searching through google and tells me the exact same line of code i need to use. Am i overlooking something?


    what i have used to work with:

    _imageText = parseText "<img size='5' image='logo.jpg' width='100' height='100'/>";
    _imageLogo = image "logo.jpg";

    Also tried changing it up with jpg or paa no luck.

  4. The missions should be the same, unless you run Bornholm.  Then your mission may be different from the "Official" one.  So unless you've customized it to run a HC or added sensors or something then you should be able to use the stock mission.sqm just fine.  


    well i added custom items towards the mission.sqm  ( a bridge, drops, "oil platforms" and more ) is the reason why i ask  and i am using altis map


    so i was wondering if anyone already DeRap the latest mission.sqm to compare?

  5. is the mission.sqm from 0.3 changed at all compared to the, since i use custom mission.sqm
    tried to DeRap it to compare to the previous version but having issues with that since it keeps crashing sadly.
    after hours of screwing around i got it to work. for those who want to compare it to their custom mission.sqm here it is
    Epoch 0.3 mission.sqm
  6. Hi everyone


    I have a tool that's still in development, but will be finished soon, this will help with your arma 2 & arma 3 servers. This tool will make setting up your server's and manage them with less hassle. We will be supplying support and update's for this tool.  If interested post here, or feel free to message me.


    Sign me up, I am interested!

  7. Q: Epoch 0.3

    If epoch 0.3 stable gets released for us will this mean for us administrators that we have to wipe the Redis database in order to get the new epoch version to work?


    Q: Zeus module + BattlEye Filters. 

    I have been busy reading on the Zeus module adding it to the mission sqm got that to work (with battlEye=0) and i have enabled it back again on my test server and get kicked for it. And i couldn't find it in here (for BattlEye Filters) i found out it has something to do with the Status bar, which is really confusing me.


    Q: SafeZones

    Is there a way to extend the safezone proctection (no fire, no damage) instead of adding another script towards the pbo? The safezone atm is about +/- 45 meter radius and i would like to increase that.


    Q: CBA + DragonFyre

    Is it worth it to whitelist these mods?  ( i know dragonfyre is a great expansion to the audio) but last time i joined a couple servers i got permanently banned from their server for using it. Is there a reason behind it? or is there an exploit that i dont know of?




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