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Posts posted by Mezo

  1. What crap that is .. hacker log only good, if infistar catches .. thats the whole point its missing most.. not to mention every new release breaks stuff.. between the issues with infistar and the hackers .. its a never ending battle for what ?? people just bitch and whine.. I just got the screw it attitude.. whine and your kicked.. lazy ass players .I dont even play anymore .. just spend my time fixing crap ..

    Interesting reply... :D

  2. Hey Guys,


    I have a copy of infistar and have done some gluegling but can't find out where to get this safezones.sqf that you can apparently download?


    Any pointers apprecaited,


    Kind Regards,

    Mezo :)


  3. Hello Ken,


    I think where the problem lies is that generally people that are starting server (like me) think it's pretty easy... it's not. There for Developers / Script creators tend to not dumb the install tutorial down.

    Either way, if you read them a few times over and use some common sense, it CAN be very easy.


    Let me know how you got on either by PM or on the thread.


    Kind Regards,


  4. Hello Guys,


    I have both Single Currency and MultiChar installed and working fine other than one minor problem. If a player chooses to use anything other than their first character they're unable to save there money (cash or bank)


    Zupa mentioned I needed to use Souls custom Hive. The problem I have is I'm unable to find any clear instructions on how to install it or what exactly it does. If ANYONE is able to point me in the right direction or perhaps write up a little tutorial it would be most appreciated.


    Kind Regards,

    Mezo :)

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