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Posts posted by hakimos00

  1. Thx for This Huge Update NICE WORK :D


    u need to add this to  infiSTARsettings.txt for ur epoch anti-pvp script


    /*  custom _EHF Function */ _customFiredEventhandler = {if(SC_PvE)then{if (isPlayer cursorTarget)then {deleteVehicle(_this select 6)};}};


    because i try it without that line & script didn't work :(



    i try the new update for SIM script its work without problem :)




  2. Hi,

    Nice script its really going to help server admins :)


    when i install it i have those kick restriction:


    Set damage:


    #0 0.000000 2:436 B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH
    #0 0.000000 2:2273 I_G_Offroad_01_F
    #0 0.000000 2:2787 B_MRAP_01_EPOCH

    #0 0.000000 2:479 B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH
    #0 0.000000 2:2747 B_MRAP_01_EPOCH
    #0 0.000000 2:3203 B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH
    #0 0.000000 2:480 B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH
    #0 0.000000 2:534 I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F
    #0 0.000000 2:506 I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F
    #0 0.000000 2:862 I_G_Offroad_01_F


    i add exception for them but still have those kick


    any idea for this pb ?



  3. Hi, good job on this update


    u need to change PvE.sqf to SC_PvE.sqf in ur folder on github


    & its work with regular players without pb & with infistar


    but the problem its when infistar admin shoot  normal player he killed & kicked publicvariable restrection

    playername (ip) GUID - #0 "SC_PvEkilled" = [b Alpha 1-2:1 (playername) REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:1 (adminname) REMOTE]


    i add !="SC_PvEkilled" to public variable but nothing change

    i delete the line add on infistar & nothing change too



    It's kind of like eating a large hamburger held on one hand (physical core), and getting thirsty halfway through eating it, then using your second hand (logical HT core) to pick up your drink for a quick sip while you temporarily lower your burger. You're doing two different tasks, but not at the same time. You can't eat at the exact same instant that you're taking a sip. If you happen to never get thirsty while eating your burger, that drink won't be touched until you've finished eating.


    Hope you understand the analogy.

    Thx i understand that & its a nice analogy :p 

    Hyperthreating maybe im going to use that for headlessclient :)

  5. One additonal thing, If you don't already have a player base then I would recomend getting 1 cheap server to start with (if we a GSP most offer trade up programs) then build a player base and move to bigger boxes as and when you can/need to.


    50 players on a new server is hard to start. Just look at all the empty servers already around.

    i know we have around 20-40 players atm

  6. I agree with everyone else but you could get the dual Xeon and run the 2 servers on the physical cores seperate with the affinity startup parameter so each server uses its own single Xeon and headless clients on the logical cores. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then I don't recommend the above method. I would imagine you already have a player base? If you don't you will have a hard time finding players.

    thx for reply i understand but dual xeon it a bit expensive :(

  7. Hi,


    i wanna rent a dedicated server to put 4 or 6 arma 3 servers but i have a prob to chose a good configuration for my Dedi S

    thats why any help well be welcome :)


    first one :                                         |                  second one                        |               third one

                                                            |                                                            |

    AMD Opteron 6338P                       |             AMD Opteron 4386                 |     Intel Xeon E5-1620v2

    12 core                                           |                  8 core                                 |                4 core
    2,3 GHz                                           |              3,1 GHZ/ 3,5 GHZ                  |        3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+

                                                           |                                                             |

    64 Go                                             |                    64Go                                |                  64 Go

                                                           |                                                            |

    SSD                                                |                      SSD                               |                SSD



    what better CPU for dedicated server & for arma 3  ?



  8. For #17 which is actually line 18 of scripts.txt. On my scripts.txt line 18 is setVelocity, so I would add !"player setvelocity ["


    For  #55 which is actually line 56 I would add !"displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"];"


    I use InfiSTAR so my scripts.txt might be a line or so off, so it's important to look for the reason you're being kicked, and then make sure the corresponding line matches the exception you are entering. Then the exception should work. Hopefully that makes some sense?

    Tyvm Tyvm :D

  9. you need to change some settings in your run.sqf then:

    /*  Use EH_Fired check   */ _EHF = false;	/* true or false */	/* Some mods revert the EventHandlers by default and can cause problems with this check. Tested on Epoch and AltisLife. */
    There may be some others you need to change also.


    already false :(

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