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Posts posted by Nex

  1. yeah like the first one:

    _servicePointClasses = ["Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", "FuelPump_DZ"];

    You can add as many object classes as you like, but I found out yesterday that it might not be a good idea to add the fuel pump to that list, because if a player just holds it in his hand it will recognize it and you can refuel and whatever while he is placing it.. that's more a "problem" with epoch because the fuel pump has no preview object like walls etc do, so it is the same object no matter if placed or just "holding" to build it. I could add a fix for that in my script just for that class but thats kinda stupid.. I think you still have to be near a fuel tank to build a fuel pump anyway, so maybe not that big of a deal.

    There are two different fuel pumps. One that needs a fuel tank within 30m and one that you can place wherever and whenever. Also thanks for the great script.

  2. Well I'm having no luck with these debug monitors and keep getting stuck at waiting for character to create. I've used both and have placed 

    [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf";

     correctly and the same with the custom_monitor. By default in my init I found

     //Run the player monitor
    _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
    _playerMonitor =  [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
    I've tried replacing with 
    [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf";  
    if (!isDedicated) then {                       
    [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf";}
    But I still get stuck. Also navigated to \z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf and I tried deleting or replacing it and I still can't figure it out.
    Any suggestions?
  3. This bug has happened to me before and I somehow fixed it. But now I have it again and I have done all the things I have before and it is still here. It's almost as my character is desynced. I have no abort timers, I can't open/close safes, unlock/lock vehicles, craft... Just about any option but get in and out of vehicles, switch weapons, and access gear if no one else in it. Sometimes when I log in it allows me to do one of the options before I become bugged again. I also can't eat or drink. This has never happened before on any other dayz mod and I still continue to play other mods with no problem. I have reinstalled epoch, verified files on steam, re downloaded the newest patch on commander( Same as the server I play on ), and battleye. If anyone knows any other methods to try and fix this it would be very much appreciated.



  4. I haven't heard of anything fixing desync other then something server side. Re-logging helps for a bit but after a very short while the desync kicks straight back in. I have died countless times directly because of desync. It's a huge game changing thing and I have never seen it as bad as it is in Epoch. Your video is pretty clear to how it affects the players. Granite there is desync in every dayz mod but I have noticed that servers with a lot more custom additions for any mod increases the amount of desync. And with the 10 second time out, logging out is ridiculous. Quite a few times since it was added I would be sitting somewhere safe without zombies in range waiting for the timeout to abort and when I would log in I would have the consequences for combat logging. I honestly like the idea that origins has that your character stays in game for 30 seconds if there is any combat around rather then spawn in bleeding, knocked out, and infected. Those are pretty much the two things that bring epoch down for me. But hopefully these issues will be addressed soon with enough people acknowledging how much of an impact they make to the game.

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