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Posts posted by The_Zodiac_925

  1. Hello, I am a noob when it comes to installing scripts, However i have most scripts from epoch mod and other sites working, I have a issue though.


    As far as the installation instructions for Build Vectors with Snap Building Pro 1.4.1 (Optional Download with AdminBuild and Plot 4 Life)

    With steps 3,4 and 6, How do i make sure the code is copy pasted in properly?


    If i copy/paste it with notepadd++ it takes up only 1 line, I know that isn't right. Most script that you copy paste is in the proper format, Which on this it isn't. I know for an advanced user that is easy to sort,

    However for a noobie like me it isn't easy. Can anyone help me please? Sorry for the stupid question :(

  2. So i found this so far as you mentioned KamikazeXeX,


    I also plan to find the plot 4 life and vector building steps like you mentioned.Basically i just need to know where to start as far as the modifications to the files like init.sqf and all that go.


    So from my understanding, I ignore player_build.sqf, player_upgrade.sqf, player_buildingDowngrade.sqf files But follow the rest of the instructions?


    Sorry for the noobish questions.


    So far with no prior experience i have got snap pro 1.41, Self blood bag, Custom load out, Enhanced spawn selection, Enhanced Vehicle deployment, Axecops refuel rearm repair, Zupa's coin system V3, No overburden, DZAI, DZMS, WAI Mission systems with an AI City so far. This is set up on a GTX Gaming 40 slot Overpoch Chenarus server.


    For some reason this last script has really gave me a hard time lol. I plan on getting it working today hopefully.

  3. Do you have the WG_adminBuild defined in your init? When you don't do that it tends to fuck up the entire building system.

    Besides that I don't have any ideas as it's working fine for me =/



    Yeah, I did define that in the Init.sqf file. I checked over my work multiple times, In fact, I started completely over with a good nights rest with a "Fresh" Set of eyes so to say, I thought maybe i was a bit too tired when i tried to set it up. But my work checked out fine :( Hopefully because of your post as well as KamikazeXeX suggestions i hope i am able to figure it out, Thank you.

  4. Hiya sorry for the delay, whats your IP/port, i'll log in and check it out for you, you need to make sure you follow the rest of the steps for each variant i.e make sure you head over to the indestructible items for 1051 guide and install that skipping player_build steps, same for P4L and build vectors etc etc also to verify P4L and vectors are saving in the DB correctly you'll need to look for this on objects in the "Worldspace" field ["349.649536","[4701.495605,13454.0927734,-0.165802]",[[-0.18,0.984,0],[0,0,1]],"76561198089035592"]

    To break it down for you

    Direction and position (Standard)


    Vector direction etc (Build Vectors)


    Player UID (P4L)


    This is a extract from my Chernarus server of a metal floor on my personal base here which uses vectors and i do also run P4L on my servers which the system works flawlessly on



    Thank you for the response, My initial thoughts were this was a "Combination" type script like a 4 in 1 so to say. So from what i gather from your post i need to basically do the steps to install the 3 other features, Those being a plot for life, building vectors, and indestructable.

    I think i know what you mean, So i am gonna go ahead and try that and see what happens. If for some reason it doesn't work out for me, It would be awesome if you could check out my work. Which is probably not the greatest lol, Being that this is the first time i have ever set up a server. I'll check back with ya soon to see if the issue is resolved. Thank you a bunch i really appreciate it.

  5. Anybody? Sorry if my initial post wasn't clear, Basically when i put a plot pole down, I try to build and it prompts me saying " You must have a plot pole within 50m". Any idea as to why this is happening? I have confirmed snap pro works when i run "No Plotpole" In my Infistar admin tools. I am running the 3rd option with snap pro, a plot for life, indestructable items, and vector building. 


    Does anybody have any suggestions as to possibly how i can fix this issue? Should i try a different version of your script, Maybe the second version without vector building? Any information would be really appreciated. I have been wrestling with this issue for the past couple days. Thanks.

  6. Hello, I have tried to install this multiple times but im having an issue when i try to build with it saying " you must have a plot pole within 50m" But i am right next to the plot pole. Not sure why it is doing this. I am using the 3rd version of your build snap pro,plot 4 life, indestructables and vector building.


    Now when i go into admin and turn on no plotpole it allows me to use snap pro. Also how do i tell if pp4l is working as well as vector building? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

  7. You will need to merge the variables and compiles files with your existing custom ones and then link to the merged version.  You can run two versions at the same time but you are then defining the same fnctions / variables twice (waste of server effort) and anything that is common in both versions of variables / compiles will only take what the 2nd file defines it as (in load order so last defenition is the one that sticks).


    Grab a copy of diffmerge and search for Raymixs tutorial on using it.  Should be fairly straightforward if only those two files need to be merged.


    Ah! Ok that makes sense. I knew there had to be some sort of solution. I had a feeling i was going to have to manually compare each file side by side which would take quite a bit of effort. However, With that diffmerge software it looks like it takes most of the difficulty out of it. Thank you for the help.

  8. Hello, I had a question for anybody who can answer this. I am trying to install this, I already have snap pro installed, But i figured i would go ahead and give this a shot instead. I don't quite understand the install instructions, I will explain why.


    So first step Replace with

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\init\variables.sqf";

    I already am running a custom variables. So do i have to ditch my old variables file? Because i have some modifications done to that variables.sqf file.


    Second issue.

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\init\compiles.sqf";

    I also have modifications done to my compiles.sqf. As well as other files.


    Basically what i am saying here is, Can i run 2 different variables.sqf, As well as 2 different compiles.sqf?


    Or what should i do here? I do understand how to install this script, But its not worth losing all my other scripts i have installed. Any tips or information would be appreciated, Thanks.

  9. Thank you for this Script. I got it to work fairly easily, I am a first time server renter and have been scripting my own server, Learning step by step.


    I have one question though that i can't seem to find an answer to. When i build something it takes much longer than i would like with the 1 of 3 building stages.


    I have played on other servers where you didn't have to wait 3 stages to build something. Is there a way to modify the script so that there is only 1 building stage?


    Also, I intend the 1 stage building to be for all the players on my server if this is possible.


    Any input would be appreciated, Thanks :)

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