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Posts posted by Joganaught

  1. I think having a key chain for your keys is both good and bad. I would store my key chains with my copied keys in the safe, but the only down fall is having the key chain in your toolbelt then someone coming along and shoots you and takes them. I would rather loose one key then all of them. They may never find all your vehicles but they can be jerks and just throw them out in a field somewhere. Its a great idea to have in safes to save storage space but not so good to carry around.

  2. The best solution I thought worked best is to play with a group of people or friends you actually trust to help you out with situations like that. I know the fact of building something to keep your things in are always going to be invaded by other players one way or another, the only thing I would request is to just use safes to store your things in, maybe map out where you put your safes in different location so that when you do spawn you can always gather somethings close by. I don't see the point in puting a spawn point at your base if like you said players camp on each others bases. You would just die and die again over and over. Maybe put a rule on the server saying no griefing or camping. I help run a server and that seems to help. No matter what for Epoch there will be always jerks and the only thing you can really do is try to out smart them.

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