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Posts posted by Mistereed

  1. Non so se su questo forum sia possibile parlare in altre lingue oltre all'inglese spero non cancellino il post :\


    Comunque, ciao a tutti! c'è qualche italiano qui in giro? Qualche lupo solitario o qualche grande gruppo che accetta gente?

    Siamo in ed un mio amico e ci stiamo massacrando su questa mod, un altro pò di compagnia non farebbe male;)





    Hey guys, me and my friend are looking for a group of italian people to play with, if u know someone can u tell it to us? It would be great;)

  2. Interesting idea.


    I think people would create groups for the purpose of healing. I heal 20 players, go shopping, give gifts to the 20 players.

    I see abuse, which is probably warranted under the circumstances of survival.


    But then again I might be that guy that needs the help, where otherwise I would not have gotten it.


    Really depends on the implementation, but I am all for positive PVP interactions. It would be cool for strangers to meet in game and decide if helping is more beneficial that killing.


    Well it's a little difficult to do a 20 people group, but if they can do it it's just a good thing because in the server will be a moment of super collaboration from everyone and i see this like a good thing

  3. All I see is something that can be exploited by teams.


    ...and what about those gamers that can't play ever day?  Some can only play on weekends, or depending on there location might only be able to play at times when the given server has low population making it far more difficult to accomplish.


    Nice idea, but don't see how this can be considered balanced to be fair across the board for all players.



    Well i have a solution. Make the inactivity system longer. For example we can do 1 month then u lose everything (decrease or encrease of prices). So if u don't play everyday u will keep ur advantages or disatvantages for one month. So if u are an active player and u kill some people if u want a discount u need to help more people because u are in negative and u can't just wait one day to make it disappear.


    For the teams, u will not be able to earn some advantages helping the same people more than one time (yeah, then some hour like 2-3 u will be able to do it again). But yes teams will always be advantaged than a single player but this game it's more funny if u team up with someone, no?

  4. i have downloaded the latest patch ( and i log on a server where i play usually and i didn't find any problems. But when i try to log on another server (i tried like every server and i checked if they have the new patch, i tried the official one too) and i can't join in any other server, but when i try to come back to the server where i joined for the first time i can play. I stuck at loading character body and get kicked.

  5. Hi guys i want to share with you one of my ideas, i don't pretend that this thing must to be implemented on the game i want only to know what u think about it.


    In the game there are several npcs that sell what we give to them with a locked price (price are always the same at every npcs, if i'm wrong tell me). Players can earn a discount if they help other players. Well, every player can earn 2% of sale per player. (Example i heal a player 2% for me or i give a player food and a drink so 2% for me, then i can help another player and earn other discount) Every player can earn a 50% max of discount (so you have to help 25 people). If a person with some discount kill another player he will lose it all and if he keep killing people the prices will increase like 2% every kill (This can prevent kos or kill of fresh spawns).

    Naturally there will be an inactive system, so if i don't kill people for 24 or 48 hours (it's only an example) i will get normal prices again. This system will work also for who help people so if i don't help people for 24 or 48 hours (just an example like before) i will get normal prices again.

    Or this system could work like we lose some stacks, for example i don't help people for 24 hours so now every hour i will lose 2% of discount up to return to normal prices. The same thing could work with the increase of prices so if i don't kill people for an amount of time then every hour i will lose 2% of prices increase.


    It's only a little idea to prevent kos and try to see more friendly people on the server. This idea isn't aimed to stop pvp in servers it's only to prevent some kill for no reason. Please tell me what u think about it, don't be aggressive if u don't like it and try to give some suggestions to make it better if u like it.


    Sorry if i did some mistakes but i'm not english.

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