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Posts posted by PuffY187

  1. Having a problem with crypto since the server went to the new update.

    Trying to store crypto in the bank is not working, it says transfer complete but its still on me. Tried logging off and back on again but the crypto disappears from my body and is not in the bank either!

    Also tried making a group but it does not work, its like the game is not seeing you have any crypto on you.

    Has anyone else experienced this?



  2. Infistar has an option to disable lifting.


    R3F also has an option to add an "unlock" option to vehicles, in which the additional unlock feature must be used by a player standing next to the vehicle before it can be lifted/towed using the R3F script. It helps a lot with theft, since the player now needs to get into your base if they want to steal a vic, not just hover over what they want to take.


    Honestly cannot see why this would not be in place already. I was driving a car the other when a heli came along and picked me up, couldn't believe it!

  3. I think for convenience's sake, I'm just going to assume that guns won't trigger the mines (reliably) and I want to daisy chain explosives, I need either an Explosive Charge or an Explosive Satchel to set them off. 


    Yeah I shall do doing the same :)

  4. Should be like a 100 m radius, and disallowing another within 300.. That would sort all sorts of exploits.


    Also, we need the max buildables on a plotpole back :)  Some bases on our servers are a bit over the top :P


    Nah if people go to all that effort to get parts why shouldn't they be able to build as big and high as they like. Needs to keep the realism as long as it doesn't affect world limit too much.

  5. We tried some bits the other day, put down a APERS Mine and an AT Mine next to each other, Shooting them did nothing. Put down a Explosive Satchel next to them both and touched it off, this blew up the the mines and took some walls with it to! So far have found Explosive Satchel does not destroy walls had been able to detroy walls with Explosive Charges.

  6. Well I had a reply from the admins on this server, they seem to think it is a steam update. Their reply:-


    Steam have released an update which has caused issues with players accessing our servers. Please be patient with us, we are working on it.


    Is this likely? Seeing as we can connect to toehr servers fine the bikey thing seems more likely.....

  7. Thanks for the replies guys. Tried removing everything in the folder and copying the zip over but still the same problem. I have emailed the admins asking them to add the bikey to their key folder. Its funny because CCG cherno 4 does not work yet CCG cherno 5 does!

  8. Hi


    A friend of mine has been unable to connect to any epoch server. All was fine until about a week ago when the arma 3 launcher said his all in arma terrain pack was corrupt. Tried to verify and redownload through the launcher but it was very slow, it eventually completed but didn't work. Got him to download the 6.5gb zip file from the website but still no joy. When trying to connect to a server it lists loads of files in the @AllInArmaTerrainPack saying "are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys"


    Has any one else had this problem as we are really struggling to resolve the issue?



  9. I think it is a little buggy. I logged in last night and it said my group was 5/4, i clicked a black box near the bottom of the group profile and it said do i want to increase the group size to 6 slots for 300 krypto. Click yes and it worked.

  10. Was running around this map last night with a couple of mates. There were only around 15-20 players on, at one point we had 5 guys all running back to their bodies at the same spot. Absolutely loved it, loads of action and people being shot all over the place! I'll happily sit here until more maps are released.

    Thanks Epoch mod!



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