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Posts posted by Franzoart

  1. there are so many RPT files...


    btw, my player keeps having black screen even after restart, im driving crazy! 


    My host is vilayer, and them tell that cannot do anything...

    Do u think will works if i reinstall the server, and restore the database?

  2. Guys... i need help, there is something i can do, for this issue??? My server keep spawning people with black screen randomly... sometimes it happens 1 hour after restart, and sometimes after 2 or less... 


    What could be?

  3. i got this problem too... 

    ONLY in my server... when i try to connect, after the loading screen ARMA2oa keep crashing me to desktop... and cannot join at all... sometimes i join, but after few minutes it continue to kick me out with the ARMA2 crash... ç_ç

  4. Hello guys, i was wondering if is possible to add a custom death screen when a player die... 


    I tryed to search in google but i didnt found anything important... just a topic on dopendayz.net but wont work... and it even went out of topic... lol

    So, someone know a way?

  5. My host is VILAYER and in the config of my server i changed this line:

    // INGAME SETTINGS            
    disableVoN = 0;						
    vonCodecQuality = 10;					
    persistent = 1;						
    timeStampFormat = "short";				
    BattlEye = 1;

    in this:

    vonid = 1;
    disableVoN = 0;						
    vonCodecQuality = 10;					
    persistent = 1;						
    timeStampFormat = "short";				
    BattlEye = 1;

    As u can see i added:

    vonid = 1;	

    But it dont works... any hint?

  6. Hello guys, i got some scripts problems with the update...


    First at all, i added the godmode in trader zone, and the impossibility to open gears... and now when u go out of the trader zone, everywhere u cannot open gear or even logout coz it say that u are in a safe zone... any hint?

  7. Yes Warfare I think in the editor. Some advice, when building something for adding to your map I find it helps if you place everything related on the map before you start. For example, if you are building a military outpost place all the objects from military, EU-Military, Warfare sections, Military Specific menu (USMC, TK, RU etc), fortifications etc. 


    Most of it you can delete as you place it but you will learn what each menu has in it, what the item class names are and for future reference if they work. Most of it you will end up deleting as you place it, you may not want Russian buildings in your US base, or it will have a desert theme rather than temperate. 


    Make sure you have the EU-Map installed into your editor, this means going to Armaholic and searching for jons- editor and is placed in your as follows:



    There are other editors addons like OA editor pack but it results in some duplication. 

    Yep i already have that addons for the editor... but i still cannot find them... argh hehehe

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