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Posts posted by Hiimstring3

  1. So I run a server for me and some friends and I recently upgraded to windows 10.

    I haven't touched a thing in my settings, all of which were stable in windows 8. Now however when I try and join I get the error: 

    This Server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ Epoch Staff

    After some googling it seems this issue is strongly correlated with .dlls not working and db connection. From what I can see the MySQL server is working fine and is properly set up, so I can't see how this would effect it.  

    Is anyone else having this issue? Are there any fixes available?

  2. I've recently set up an Overpoch server for some friends and I, and I've noticed that at the military spawns around the map, only HK variants spawn, no ACR, Snipers, etc. I used this tutorial to setup the server, and I have a feeling the reason only these weapons are spawning is to do with the loot tables hes using.


    Secondly, even when I'm just using a vanilla DayZ Epoch build loot never spawns in cars around the map. Is there any way I can make it so loot does spawn in there? Any help would be appreciated. 

  3. Hi all,


    I'm currently running an epoch server for me and a couple friends, and I've added the Ural ZU-23 (AA Ural) to the traders as well as the ammo it uses (40Rnd_23mm_AZP85). I've just done this though SQL, adding it to my 'traders_data' table. When i go to buy the ammunition its name shows in the list (but not an image) and I can purchase it. The problems start when I look for it in my inventory, in that I can't see that it's there. When I add the ammo to the ural it works just fine, however it doesn't seem to show up with an icon or anything in my inventory. Any ideas as to why this is happening or how I could fix this? Thanks. 



    Below are screen shots of the issue in game:



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