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Posts posted by Hellstyrant

  1. I know that we tested Chernarus+ in A3 4 about months ago, only problem is that it is buggy and its use in A3 may not be allowed per the license. If it was allowed and we can sort out the issues we will add support for it.


    I would love to see this.

  2. Love the script having an issue with some stuff not saving sometimes.


    Banking data seems to randomly disappear, sometimes it saves and works, sometimes it doesn't.


    Same for the money on the player, sometimes it saves properly, sometimes it doesn't and the end up with negative money a lot of the time.


    Any ideas?


    Replace Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\init.sqf with http://pastebin.com/UPu8DhkT




    This will limit transactions to 999,999 and eliminate the issue you are having.

  3. anyway to get it to display numbers correctly as a lot of my players have over a million and it displays incoorectly?




    Old post, but maybe this will help someone:


    Soul Version:

    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 | Humanity: %2 | Money: %3 | Bank: %4',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0]),(_unit getVariable['CashMoney',0] call BIS_fnc_numberText),(_unit getVariable['bankMoney',0] call BIS_fnc_numberText)];

    Zupa 1.1 Version:

    _log2 = format['Blood: %1 | Humanity: %2 | Money: %3 | Bank: %4',(_unit getVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000]),(_unit getVariable['humanity',0]),(_unit getVariable['headShots',0] call BIS_fnc_numberText),(_unit getVariable['bank',0] call BIS_fnc_numberText)];
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