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Posts posted by Dillwhop

  1. ok did all of that and now im getting only one error in the rpt logs:


    0:48:03 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\AH.sqf not found


    Everything is in the right spot as well i also checked my init sqf to make sure nothing was conflicting in there

  2. Would i put it in the init folder inside of the custom folder?


    I also don't know if my custom folder is the right place. I am using vilayer and i put it where the @DayzOverwatchserver and the other mod folders are at just like that. Basically at the very begining so my path would be my "server ip/custom/init"


    I tried both putting it in the custom folder and in the init folder inside of the custom folder and no luck.

  3. Hi, i just installed plot for life on my server but it seems that when i get in game my infistar has been disabled.

    no debug, cannot open up the admin menu, nothing.


    if any one can shed some light on this and how to fix it that would be greatly appreciated!




    Teamspeak: tschi1.vilayer.com:10002



  4. I have tried all sorts of over poch loot tables but I do not get the same out come as to other servers. I have tried upping the loot chances and stuff like that. But my loot compared to other servers is crap.

    My server = 2 guns per barrack

    Other servers = at least one gun in every room

    If some one could tell me maybe what is going on I would appreciate it greatly.


  5. Im not meaning this as an insult i just was very frustrated when i made this thread. I know people work very hard inorder to make free content for us to use. If i get no support from you guys who think i am insulting the maker of WAI, that is whatever but thank you to those who are helping me.

  6. Hi I just got a new overpoch taviana server from Vilayer servers. I have about 3 problems which i believe are inner related.



    1.Cannot remove crowbar from tool belt

    2.When buying from traders I do the animation and nothing happens. also trader doesnt take my money nor does the item/vehicle spawn. When i go back to the trader it says a trade is always in progress.

    3.Cannot split money in my inventory


    The only custom stuff i have on it so far is snap building, service points, and infistar anti hack.

    Also with the service points they wont work because i cant split my money into 2 gold or whatever.


    Any and all help would be appreciated I am a fairly new server owner, so bare with me


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