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Posts posted by LordSolarSteve

  1. Ok,


    I play Epoch on the BMRF servers, and so far from what I have seen, it can be a lot of fun and we at BMRF are trying to keep it a RP PVP style server. One of the drawbacks some groups on our servers are seeing, is that there is still a lot of the standard KOS that happens in regular DayZ or other similar mods. 


    Part of the problem is the risk reward factor for a bandit. When someone has a gun and i want to rob them, what incentives do I have to not just kill them? None really. There are no stats for robbing, I am guaranteed to get ALL the loot when I kill, and I don't have to worry about them turning around and shooting at me if I got the drop on them. So why bother?


    Well my suggestion for a change to the offical Epoch mod would be to add a new stat called "robberies" which in order to get I would have to rob someone, then walk up to them and "tag" them, just like I tag a person when friendly, and the person I robbed would have to tag back. I would even get the negative humanity from it. If the person I rob refuses to tag me back, just get hostile and kill them, and since i tagged them, it can come up as a different sort of murder like a "killed during a robbery" or something.


    I am sure the idea can be fleshed out more, but it give people who want to be bad guys, but not douches another way of playing the game in an interesting fashion, and get rewarded for it in a meaningful way. 

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