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  1. Well what do you expect when they are having key giveaways everyday on twitch. When i heard about the mod i sent mails to the admins offering to help test it the next day i noticed that none of them had looked at the mail so i donated hoping they would read the mail and give me a yes or no but they haven't even looked at my mail still. So for 3 days i tried to "win" a key off twitch. that did not go so well..... I gave up when i noticed in a giveaway that people where using multiple twitch accounts to have better odds and I also seen one of the streamers run into a hacker while he was playing....


    I don't think this is much of a test more of a advertisement because what i have seen from twitch streams the epoch mod runs allot smother then most of the mods for arma 3 especially mods like king of the hill that mod de-syncs so much i gave up playing it and i know its not me i have 85mb download 11mb upload and a i7 3820 with two gtx 660's.....


    well im done ranting ill see you guys in 0.5 maybe because im not wasting any more of my time refreshing a forum or watching a twitch stream that 95% of the people there are only there for a key and not because the streamer is good 

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