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Posts posted by BadContrakt

  1. I'm going to bed right now but I'm going to ask you some questions that if you answer them, hopefully someone else will be able to help. You won't get very good help without being a little more specific.



    What exactly is being said when you're kicked?

    Were you in the game before and then after the update you can't get in?

    Which server?

    What time?

    I'm fairly intoxicated right now so thinking of more questions is proving difficult...

    Have you gone through all the steps, like making sure your parameters are correct and making sure that epoch is the only mod you have active?


    If none of these help, then consider hitting up the epoch teamspeak and asking an admin there for help.

    Also, this doesn't really belong in the bug tracker section, but that's ok, it'll get moved if necessary. Good luck.

  2. This is true, however, it's not a bug and belongs in general discussion most likely. The limit is there for a reason. Don't waste and build random shit mindlessly and this won't happen across all the servers so fast lol.

  3. Hello,

    This is my first bug report :D


    Anyway, if your using the multitool revive attachment, and the person you are reviving decides to respawn there body will disappear.


    To reproduce:

    Be dead


    have your friend revive your dead corpse

    Corpse will be gone, only the gun stays.

    Happy to see you reporting, however, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. Could you go a little bit more into detail about what exactly is happening? I'm a little thrown off lol.

  4. Have you noticed anything else with the group system? For example, have people been randomly thrown into your group when you or anyone else you have gotten grouped up with people you never invited? If you find something strange like that then post here. Several of us did group testing, and we got randomly grouped with people we never sent invites to.

    Nothing unusual to that point has happened to any of my group. Sometimes when a member of the group logs in, it will state their name incorrectly, then correct the name in a matter of seconds. No unusual group additions or reductions though.

  5. You didn't read clear enough, or I didn't type clear enough. This is the exact order of what happened...


    Hid hunter last night.

    Went to bed.

    Logged in 5 minutes before the server was restarting. HUNTER WAS THERE STILL.

    Logged out at the 1 minute warning.

    Logged back in in a minute and the hunter was gone. No one found it in a matter of a minute. It disappeared.

  6. ummm  ya, its meant like that for now.... you have to siphon from a vehicles tank to fill the jerry's.... what are you referring to though gas station crate?

    Because the gas station is technically a "crate". The devs know what I mean. And as far as I know, it's not meant to be that way, I asked in the TeamSpeak and was told to report it.

  7. I was caught in a bad desync chain. I logged out. I logged back in quickly and just got a black screen. So I logged back out and then back in again quickly and did not get the black screen this time, but my character was there, standing right next to me. She was moving and doing animations and looks like a real player but was a direct copy of me. I could not loot her and did not kill her to test if I would've died. I think the Desync had something to do with it.

  8. Logged in, Hunter was in front of me. Server restarted, logged back in, Hunter is gone. Never touched the hunter and haven't been on since last night. The Hunter sat for 12 hours and was fine, and for some reason right when I logged in it disappeared.


    Are the vehicles on some sort of timed reset or just bad luck?

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