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Posts posted by xGinoCazinox

  1. Sad part is that people don't realize that there really does not need to be any AI antagonist in Epoch.


    With things like Earthquakes, survival, exposure, shelter and of course other players the addition of ai enemies just feels tacked on and unnecessary.

    Thats not correct. On 244 m2 are only human players not enough. The Servers would be too empty and only little parts of the map would be really used. If you put somethings like zombies in, it is not so empty and it makes it more atmospheric. 

    Earthquakes, survival etc. has nothing to do with "necessery". Zombies would make players more nervous and the players havent unlimited time to loot places, because of the zombies. The zombies arent the ultimate threat, this will already be the players, but zombies will be the salt in the soup. 

    In Breaking point it works fine, you play normal against Human Players, but the zombies are always in youre mind and you have to pay more attention.

    Sorry for my bad english :-/

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