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Posts posted by T1NY

  1. hi, i'm trying to use this but for some reason it's ot letting me get the gear, i added myself to the admin.sqf in the root, and put the startingloadout.sqf in the mission file as instructed, added:


    if(isNil "admin_list") then
    [] execVM "admin.sqf";
    if(isNil "donor_list") then
    [] execVM "donor.sqf";



    as it says in the instructions, when i die i get no option for loadouts, i am using altis, anybody help me with this?

  2. i've been using this(found it on the other page that was posted and commented about not giving credit) but when ever i try to sell the bike(i know you cant) it stops all trading after the attempt till i relog, can anybody tell me why or how to stop this? obviously i know not to try and sell it but players will not and they will be asking why they cant trade, 

  3. Hi guys, i'm new to setting up a server and i am having some issues starting it all up,

    I have it all done i think but when i launch the .bat to start the server, The window to show what the server is doing(with green writing normaly) is just spamming this http://gyazo.com/0c32d487764bac7e4c83c1fb23fafe89






    my .bat file contains this:


    arma3server.exe "-mod=@epoch0303;@EpochHive;" "-port=2302" "-config=NLG\config.cfg" "-cfg=NLG\basic.cfg" "-name=NLG" "-profiles=NLG" -autoInit -loadMissionToMemory




    anybody tell me what could be wrong?

  4. the amount of "mess" i have seen on fr01 from just building for the sake of it, it's not even to build a base, its just randomly placed shit, a clean up would make people want to get on and build again, after all what is epoch without building? just breaking point with ALOT less dead

  5. man thats the only two skills i bring to this game

    being real good at running people over

    trolling/shit talking


    any chance they weren't your tears ?



    wasn't me, i dont fall for shit like that, just think it's sad that people have to do that to have fun, it's pathetic

  6. i dont lay as much as i did because there isn't anything to do, i mean i could spend my time hunting players, but i cant take all the gear as there is nowhere to store it, all the traders are being killed, cant even build a teepee to store stuff, cant build anything, so when the build limit has been raised i think the server will get full again,


    possibly raise the limit of vehicles to 300 from the 200 it's at? and if there is a way to have less boats(not sure if you can seperate them)


    just my thoughts on the matter,

  7. also, to withdraw somebodies whitelist without looking into it is something i would not expect the devs to do, they know what they are doing, i dont think they would ban for no reason

  8. ok so if these things dont get reported with names....the devs cant look into it properly. my friend and i run 6 servers and if sombody makes a hacker claim we NEED a name, if there is no name, there is nothing to check! i susspected a guy of hacking but didnt catch a name so could not report, if i caught a name i would have reported it so they can check him/her out

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