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Posts posted by Snydessss

  1. Anyone looking to join them be aware they are old men that are really mean. Some people are really nice and they are great people to play with but they play really serious with really strict rules. They ban people for not breaking server rules also so take this into account. If you touch anything that the admins built they will ban you. They banned all their player's so that's why they are looking for new players. In about 2 weeks about 15 friends and random players were banned for simply playing on these servers. But they are all great people. So beware if you are looking for control and all power on a server join them. I am still friends with Neo,Kilo, and ImSoSpcl of the U4G team. It's only when the SOA guys came in things got taken to seriously. They are also looking for player pretty much to just pay for the servers friends and I were donating about 30 a month on total as an anon and we got kicked as soon as we got our money. I hope to see a change in control so people get to know the original U4G guys who were nice and awesome to play with.



    If anyone wants to play with my group of 6 please message me thanks.

  2. Hello Mr.Darth. Snydessss.tv and Co. Have about 6-15 people looking for people to play and battle against on a server. We have had past relations with other clans and are very skilled players. We play everyday and look to be aggressive on dayz against other teams. We are sorry for our past but we look to fight again. We hope to hear back from you and Neo is love Neo is life  :) Contact me anytime...P.S.S I really miss you guys :( but seriously we are looking to play we have 6-10 people. We have the Krabby Patty Formula A.K.A the money to provide for the expenses :)


    Wizzy Is life...Word!

  3. i am looking for a scripter that can help me get mission,extra traders,extra trader weapons,safe-zones,long day/short night cycle,load out and maybe more....


    If interested join TS at and join Snydessss greeting room

  4. Wanted List


    1.traders added- new traders added to coast so people can buy old motos/ quads


    2. Godmode added to trader areas


    3. Buildings added to map such as extra hanger at airfield and loot spawns


    4.spawn loadout


    5. AI missions and other chest spawns


    I want a server like dreamfall hosting has setup

  5. Hello i'm Snydessss I stream on twitch at www.twitch.tv/snydessss and im looking for help to setup my epoch server with bike traders,AI missions and other cool and exciting things. If you are interested please leave a comment below and if you do a great job i am willing pay you a small sum. I am using Vilayer hosting service and am going to stream and play on this server. Hope i get someone great and cant wait to work with one of you guys!

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