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Posts posted by Stevilicious

  1. I code in C++, SQL, and Cisco Routing already as a job so i know the logistics (Networking Engineer).  And i of course, before asking, did my research and have currently updated my server with the Admin tools which was pretty harmsless.  It's more things like;


    ZERO carry Weight
    Snap building (Noticed there is a newer version out published very recently which is a HUGE update from the one i am used to on most Epoch Servers)


    They're the main two i would like to establish so i can actually start to reek havoc with a couple of friends of mine. "Trolololol" and all that jazz.


    Again, thank you for the fast replies as always.



  2. Just a general query really.  Wanting to start adding Mods to my Private server and i literally have Zero clue on the subject.  Files to edit.  Do i have to mess about with my database, add lines into my Hive... Do some Mod downloads come with "How-to's" or are they alll the same?  Thanks for all the support this site has given me btw!!  (Y)


  3. The personal info was there to reassure people i'm not  complete retard even though it's making me feel so.  I managed this morning, to get it upto "creating character" screen but it stops there and hangs.  Getting a player uid as 0 or something.  But to get it to that point, i did some weird steps. I had to grab the a few files from my client side folder and copy them into /ACO/common folder...  So i've obviously forced something there. plus i had to enable epoch mod in the launcher to get on or i'd just get "waiting for server".  Zero errors in both files mentioned above other than the one i stated.  I'd still prefer this over skype though lol 


    IP of my server is it's up and running now so you can see my error.


    The above thread, no matter how many times i do it, just doesn't work for me.  And i'm no idiot when it comes to coding; SQL, C++, Java and the occasional Cisco router.  I've even started diving into Rasberry Pi.  I am versed in all of the above and yet the server (Epoch Panthera is what i am trying to achieve) just LOVES to give me the middle finger.



    Please PM me and i'll throw my Skype and/or Steam username at you for help...  I believe verbally trying to sort out the issue won't be possible.  I think you will need to see what's going on yourself to truly understand.  Hopefully, i have missed something completely obvious and it will be a 2 minute fix.

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