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Posts posted by MrBombaaa

  1. Alright, finally found a fix.

    If someone ever runs up to this problem, this is what i did. Step by step:

    Installation Overpoch Taviana:
    1. Under "mod manager" tab on the tcadmin, install Epoch.
    2. Uninstall epoch after the installation is done.
    3. Install Overpoch.
    4. You must then go back to the TCAdmin Control Panel Home Page & Click The "Configuration Files" button and click "Configuration Editor" next to @Server_Start.bat and select the "Overpoch" option.
    5. Go to the Game Server's Home Page .
    6. Click "Configuration Files" .
    7. Find "@START_SERVER.bat" & Click "[ Configuration Editor ]" .
    8. Find "Primary Commandline" .
    9. Select "DayZ Epoch / Overpoch & Taviana" .
    10. Click Save .
    11. Go to the Game Server's Home Page .
    12. Click "Configuration Files" .
    13. Find "Basic Server Settings" Line & Click "[ Configuration Editor ]" .
    14: Find "Mission Map" .
    15. Select "Taviana" .
    16. Click Save.
    17. Go to "Map Packs" tab on the tcadmin.
    18. Select "Dayz Epoch / Overpoch Taviana" and press install.

    Fixing the bugs i had:
    1. On the tcadmin excecute "Wipe Database" (It'll wipe all your players gear, bases and all the cars!!!!!, I was doing this on a fresh install server. The step might not be needed, but i did this step!)
    2. After that, navigate to "/@DayZ_Epoch_Server/Addons"
    3. Download "Dayz_Server.pbo".
    4. Open that file with PBO Manager.
    5. Go to missions -> Dayz_Epoch_tavi.13
    6. Download dynamic_vehicles.sqf and open it. There are loads of lines in there that looks like this


    7. Count up all the numbers that are at the end of each line, so these:


    You can change those numbers to whatever you want, as long as you count them up. If you're changing the numbers, go to step 8. If you didn't go step 10.
    8. Save the file and drag it back into the Dayz_Server.pbo in the missions -> Dayz_Epoch_tavi.13 part from where you downloaded it. (NOTE: If you're not able to drag it back in, just drag another file out and drag that one and the dynamic_vehicles back in)
    9. Close Dayz_Server.pbo and reupload it to "/@DayZ_Epoch_Server/Addons"
    10. Navigate to "/MPMissions/DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi" and open init.sqf
    11. Find this line: "MaxVehicleLimit = "
    12. Change the number after the "=" sign to a number less than the number you counted. For example, if all thos numbers in dynamic_vehicles.sqf counted up to 473, make sure to set the number at "MaxVehicleLimit = " to 472 or less!
    13. save your init.sqf and reupload it.
    14. All those nasty errors will dissapear like snow on a hot summer day

    I'm not 100% sure if this will work for all of you guys. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, i just wanted to share my solution with you guys! Also, don't ask me why this solves the problem, because i don't know why :P. Was just trying out some stuff and this seemed to sort it out.

    Best regards,

  2. Hello everyone,


    I've installed Overpoch Taviana. But, i'm getting loads of error.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/yj0hghze1s...15).RPT?dl=0 (start at line 1585, before there is panthera)


    That's my RPT file.

    If you don't trust it, these are the errors i get:


    These, but like 1000 times and different file names


    11:12:56 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\budovy\rov_nam.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\budovy\roh_nam.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\budovy\rov_nam.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing
    11:12:56 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing

    These, a lot, but not that often, mostly in the beginning of the errors


    11:14:55 Error in expression <esList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
    };AllowedVehiclesLi>11:14:55 Error position: <select _lastIndex];
    };AllowedVehiclesLi>11:14:55 Error Zero divisor
    11:14:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 258

    These, a lot, but not that often, mostly in the beginning of the errors


    11:14:55 Error in expression <ect _lastIndex];
    };AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;
    if (count Allowed>11:14:55 Error position: <resize _lastIndex;
    if (count Allowed>11:14:55 Error Zero divisor
    11:14:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 260

    These, but like 170.000 lines after 5 min uptime, and they keep spamming


    11:14:55 Error in expression <imit = _random select 1;_qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
    >11:14:55 Error position: <_vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
    >11:14:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
    11:14:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 249

    These, a lot, but not that often, mostly in the beginning of the errors


    11:14:55 Error in expression <VehiclesList select _index;_vehicle = _random select 0;_velimit = _random sel>11:14:55 Error position: <_random select 0;_velimit = _random sel>11:14:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: _random
    11:14:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 246

    Overpoch was installed by Harkness(Host staff) on our server. I installed Overpoch Taviana myself afterwards. Followed the steps i took and showed Harkness and it was the correct way to do it. I tried another mappack aswell, panthera, and got no errors and constant server 50 FPS.


    I'm out of clues and harkness has not expierenced this personally so he doesn't know what causes it aswell.


    Help will be apreciated!


    Thanks in advance,


  3. Never got a fix and was told to ignore it so have done. I'm not sure the error is having any adverse reaction apart from slight extra spam in the report. This will depend on how much your gem trader gets used though. Because of the higher currency, I have changed my gem rarity to a 4% drop instead of 40%. So, this trader's activity is quite low within each restart cycle.

    Where can you change the drop rate?

  4. Hi Sukkaed, did you manage to fix this issue? I'm getting the same error in my rpt since adding gems to Black Market Trader at Stary.....


    23:09:29 Error in expression <urrency = _this select 5;
    _qty = _this select 6;
    _clientID = owner _player;
    23:09:29   Error position: <select 6;
    _clientID = owner _player;
    23:09:29   Error Zero divisor
    23:09:29 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_tradeObject.sqf, line 9



    Fix on this?

  5. 0:57:09 "EPOCH SERVERTRADE: Player: AHappyTeddyBear (76561198092997456) bought a ItemAmethyst in/at Unknown Trader City for <null>x <null>"
    0:57:09 Error in expression <urrency = _this select 5;
    _qty = _this select 6;
    _clientID = owner _player;
    0:57:09 Error position: <select 6;
    _clientID = owner _player;
    0:57:09 Error Zero divisor

    Gettint that error, eventhough it seems to be working fine. I can buy and sell gems

  6. Hello,

    I'm new to running a dayz server and we had some problems lately. Most of them have been solved, but i made a list with bugs/errors that show up in console.


    We haven't been able to fix these errors though...
    so If anyone has some spare time and is willing to help us, then please do!

    Thanks in advance!

    I've nummered the errors to make it a bit easier explaining what error you're talking about

  7. Hello everyone,

    There has probably been a post like this on the forum, so sorry for that.
    Right now i'm hosting at GTXGaming. Till now, it has been the worst host i have ever been (had a couple of MC server, no dayz server).
    We're having random crashes, sceduled restarts crashes the server, things they forget to change so that rcon doesnt work, files randomly deleting, rollbacks after server restarts etc..
    So we want to move to a new host, but we don't know which one is the best.
    So please, let me know!

  8. Hello,


    I've some trouble configurating the script. I want to add/change the following things:

    • Change amount of weapons in the crates (it's too much now)
    • The timer in the config doesn't seem to work. As major should spawn after half a hour uptime and after that mission there has to be 1 hour no major mission, but they seem to spawn at random times.
    • I want to add a building supply mission (and remove another 1 or 2 mission), but i don't know how.

    If anyone can tell me how to do these things, that would be awesome!



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