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Posts posted by Jpolloni

  1. How would I re install it? Replace the modified files and try again?



    And seeing that it probably makes a difference my server says it does not require BattlEye 

    (Does this mean I do the one step where I add  (see below) instead of Option A?)




    // Epoch Admin Tools

    [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";



    //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";

  2. I am running an epoch server on my PC (to test various things) and wanted to install the Admin tool to aid in basic tasks. I cannot get the menu to come up though. I didn't end up running into any other errors it's just the menu will not appear. I followed the instructions, looked over everything several times, then watched the video. Still nothing though. I am willing to share any information that may be needed to help me get this solved. (Can't wait to see how the tool works)   =D


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