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Posts posted by Madtree1

  1. Hello!


    I'm looking for some help in placing custom locations for traders. Issue which I'm currently facing is that I'm not sure about few things:



    Here's a standard vanilla trader location.


    // North East
    { "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10686.8,9437.87,0.00151825 }, 231.976},
    If I was to have an custom trader location at stary sobor, does the "C_man_hunter_1_F" matter? For example could it be "B_man_hunter_1_F" ?
    Second question is that I TP to Stary and placed an object to the ground. I aimed at the object and pressed I and thus I got the figures which is the following:
    ebike_epoch, WordlSpace: [118.417,[6309.37, 7798.66, 0.0860901]],@063075 
    Which of these set of numbers has to be on the config.cpp? Does the 231.976 represent the @063075?
    Thank you!
  2. Mine PBO Folder looks like this:







    While in Custom I have the code of the Welcome message. And in the description.ext and Init.sqf file the changes from Page 1.

    Then you Pack the Folder /Epoch.Map/ into a pbo.

    If there is no description.ext you need to create one.(Watch out windows likes to make it a description.ext.txt, did cost me 1 hour of my life. I hate Windows)

    epoch.Map is obviously your map you wanna use like Altis, cherna etc.



    Thank you buddy, I got everything but the music to work. It made me download the intro file, but it did not come up. I tried it 3 times with music on, on the arma menu but still not luck.

  3. I tried many times with different ways to do this with no luck. I need some serious help here.
    * I made custom file inside mission file and placed the Welcome.sqf file there. I also placed the init.sqf file to missions file. Does it matter where I place the init.sqf file? 
    * I did not have Description.ext file, but under MPmissions file I found epoch.Chernarus.pbo and I unranked it and thus I got the Description.ext file. After modifying it, I repacked it to pbo file. 
    I did all of the steps but unfortunately nothing seems to be working. Please help me understand what I'm doing wrong here.
  4. You won't get support here, go to infistars forum/board.



    With "Put the following files right next to your "arma3server.exe" (on the Server!)."

    He means that you should but the files straight into your arma 3 server directory, next all the server.exe, @Epoch, @EpochHive etc etc.


    Thank you very much and I really did not have anywhere else to go, thats why I posted this here. Tyvm!

  5. Hello,


    I have Arma 3 Epoch installed but installing Infistar for Arma 3 is problematic for few reasons. I did almost everything what the instructions told me  but I couldn't activate the admin menu in the game.


    Here's part of the instructions:


    " Go into your servers MPMissions folder and unpack the mission pbo file you want to run. Now open the "description.ext" and add this at the very top:

    #include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp" after doing this, you need to copy the "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp" file from "MPMission Addition(s)" into the MPMission (so it is right next to your "description.ext").
    Repack the mission to a pbo again. "
    When I wrote I did almost everything, I failed to repack the mission to a pbo again. HOW does one do that?
    Put the following files right next to your "arma3server.exe" (on the Server!). Well this is confusing as shit, because vilayer filemanager does not have arma3server.exe files?
    Hope someone knows how to sort this out.
    Br, M1
  6. Hi,


    I need some help with setting up Arma 2 server. I would like to have Panthera map with Epoc/Overwatch mods in them (base building, guns, cars & choppers), but I lack the skill for it. I've tried to read all sorts of DIY threads but with no luck. 

    Thus I am willing to pay solid 100€ for you, who can help me sort out this mess. If you know how to script and have done this before PM me.


    Br, M.T

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