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Posts posted by Booch2251

  1. Poetic332, as for the fighting over missions, this is a problem we are very aware of. We have added so many, at any given time there are 2-3 yellow, 2-3 red and 1-2 blue unless this has changed since I've been away. If people can't share this many missions I don't think there's anything we as admins can do, like I said we aren't babysitters. Adding any more means that, with the roaming AI, they start to cause lag.

  2. I just want to add to this discussion about some of what IVE seen on this server. Ive spoken with Admin about it so you can't say I havent tried. First thing is the ever present fighting over missions. Players not marking or taking over missions and expecting all the loot. It states clearly in the rules if someone dies in a mission, it is not fair game to finish it and loot it. Thats exactly what happened to me... TWICE... And by the same toolbag player. There was physical proof i was in the fight before he was and had just returned to find him looting it. And when an admin showed up the response was .... Well its already looted. Not much he could do. I told him he just patted someone on the back for lying to his face and he didnt really have a response for that. 


    Base building... Last time I logged in I found someone building a base on the same hill as me. As close as the plot poles will allow. Its ruined my plans of expanding my base. Nothing, I suspect, will be done about this based on my experience on the server. I will give it a once over as soon as i see an admin. So we shall see. If its decided I can't expand then Im leaving. 


    If you care to know, i'll post an update when something happens.

    Poetic332, sorry to hear about that and I can say both of those things have happened to me too. I have been out of the country and away from my PC since the end of September. For now, all I can say is that player deserved a kick or temp ban. When I get back around November 6 you can contact me on the server, I'd like to know who it was.

    As for the base, there is no set rule against it, only common sense, I thought that would be enough. What I have done is placed extra plot poles down around my base, hidden in trees and under tents. If the player hasn't returned in a few weeks the base can be deleted. Also, I'd like to know which admins you spoke to. Thanks.

  3. Sorry for my lengthy post, didn't realize I was typing so much lol.

    Don't give yourself anything with admin tools. Play the game like you don't have those powers and you'll never get bored.

    And yes, this... It's how I play and keep having fun. I only TP if it's for some urgent admin thing, I find all my guns and ammo, buy all my vehicles, etc. But being an admin can still suck at times, like when your friends get banned, for example. And by the way DayZ Vet, you did show me a lot of helpful stuff, like when we got Infistar which I was completely unfamiliar with. Good luck in your future DayZ ventures.
  4. Hello, I am the aforementioned "booch" -->

    apart from booch he was cool.

    . I would just like to apologize for whatever happened though most of it is unclear to me. I wasn't on at the time of the events DayZ Vet described. I was chosen to be admin by the server owner (for a while it was only him and I) probably because of how long I've been playing there and I try to be helpful and fair to other players, even if I don't like them personally ;) I did play with DayZ Vet on many occasions and was surprised and a little sad when I heard him and his friend were banned. Now, I do know that DayZ Vet is very opinionated and didn't like some of the changes made on the server before his ban, which is fine. But the server owner does moderate his server, very heavily, even if it means reading a couple hours of logs after work on his "free time". It seemed that DayZ Vet and his friend were discussing ways of hurting the server to get back at the server owner. Unfortunately, this has happened before, and lead to innocent players' bases and vehicles being destroyed by attack helis, racial slurs being tagged all over the map, etc. The ban was meant to prevent anything else from happening. Most of the opinions I hear of our server are very positive although you can't please everyone, obviously. The server is PVE and our players are generally helpful toward each other, DayZ Vet included, often being the first to offer a dead player a heli lift back to their body. But this seemed to be a personal issue between the OP and the owner, which continued on in this thread. I don't think it was fair to include the other admins as they were quite new at the time and, in fact, I am the youngest admin at 28. I'm referring to their lack of action taken during DayZ Vet's " fight " with the other players and calling the admins "kids". Also, in my opinion, being an admin does not mean being a babysitter. We are not there to step in between unhappy players unless it affects the gameplay or rules of the server. Once again, I'm sorry DayZ Vet was banned but I cannot un-ban him either, I will not step on the toes of the server owner, who I like and respect. It's his server and it was his decision.
  5. Hello, thanks to everyone for the replies and I got it working. Seems I needed to use the OLD version of DayZ Commander as well. I was directed to this thread by someone and this was the missing link for my issue. Even downloading the patch from that site, installing manually, would leave my Arma version unchanged in DZC.




    By following what I found here I was able to get version 103718 applied in DayZ Commander. If anyone else has a similar issue try that, although I don't think it worked for the O.P., it worked for me.


    Thanks again guys

  6. Thanks for the replies, guys, much appreciated.


    I tried downloading the patch manually from there yesterday, actually, but installing it leaves the version at 95248, NOT 103718 like I just installed, or tried to.


    Where in my DZC files do I find the arma version being used? I just had a look but don't see anything obvious. Where should I look to replace those/that file/s?


    P.S. I'm afraid I don't exactly know how to run something as a .bat file... I'm not a computer wizard, I'm a welder, LOL. Any more help or advice would be very much appreciated! :)

  7. Hello, thanks in advance for any help you may provide.


    So, after playing last night, I wake to find my version is not the correct one to play on the server where I'm an admin, but it is not "my" server, so I'm no guru at this stuff. I tried a few things in DZC, nothing worked so I went on the internet to find help. A thread here seemed quite useful, Brockie's thread about downgrading version 1.63 to 1.62 and on it there was a video from Spooney showing another, similar way of doing the same thing.


    I did both of those and they worked in getting my Arma2 OA version down to 1.62.95248 which is what the goal was. Great. But the final step in both those tutorials is to select which patch version you want in DayZ Commander and install it, then good to go... only it doesn't work for me.


    In DZC, it now says my current Arma2 version is 95248 and when I install 103718 it starts to do it, tells me it cannot be interrupted, etc. and asks to continue. I click Yes and then the installer starts but at 3% I get the message "Wrong CD KEY" and yes, I know that's "normal" but the install has jumped to 100% and doesn't seem to have changed anything. Clicking Ok on the CD key message and the completed install window but DZC still says my Arma version is 95248, not 103718 like it should be.


    I've tried this so many times, I've tried uninstalling Arma2 OA and DZC and installing the patch manually and still nothing. Please, someone help me! :D This is my favorite game, it's all I really play and I found myself staring at my Steam Library for an hour before settling on something else... There's got to be a solution somewhere but I can't seem to find it. Why doesn't it update like every tutorial says it should? I literally tried for 3 hours today...


    -Booch, a very sad Booch

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