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Posts posted by shadow12399

  1. Can't get admintools to work :/ It worked some days ago, but i got another map on my server, and then i when i changed back i had to reinstall to play chernarus again. I use Gaming Deluxe as host, they have automated installations.


    // Epoch Admin Tools

    //Replace 111111111 with your ID. 
    AdminList = [
    "STEAM_0:1:43209911", // <Your In-Game Name here>
    "999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    ModList = [
    "108461126", // <Moderator In-Game Name>
    "999999999" // <Moderator In-Game Name>
    Base deletion variable. Default true.
    Determines default true or false for deleting all vehicles
    inside the base delete dome. Can be changed in game.
    BD_vehicles = true;
    tempList = []; 
    Determines default on or off for admin tools menu
    Set this to false if you want the menu to be off by default.
    F11 turns the tool off, F10 turns it on.
    Leave this as True for now, it is under construction.
    if (isNil "toolsAreActive") then {toolsAreActive = true;};


    This is my Adminlist.sqf, the "STEAM" thingy is my steam Id, and the other id is my UID i think, i added the "STEAM" ID because the first post in this says that i have to add that instead of my UID, because UID no longer work because of a update or something.

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