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Posts posted by King.

  1. Here is the code for my bridges on Napf. One is from Awols to Suhrenfeld Array island, then from there by the docks to the northern most island above Array. I also have a bridge near Lausen to the small island north of it. Lastly I have a bridge going West from Hero Trader Airport to the island and connecting both islands together. If you do not want one, just remove that line from the system and it will be gone. This script should go in your init folder and then inserted in the server_functions.sqf file.
    Thanks so much to Fully for this great script he shared with us!!
    if (isNil "oneTime") then {
    oneTime = true;
    fnc_bridgeA2 = {
    private ["_start","_obj"];
    _start = createVehicle [
    _this select 2,
    _this select 0,
    0, "
    _start setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    _start setDir (_this select 1);
    _start setPosATL (_this select 0);
    for "_i" from 1 to (_this select 3) do {
    _obj = createVehicle [
    _this select 2,
    _this select 0,
    _obj attachTo [_start, [
    _i*(_this select 4),
    _i*(_this select 5),
    _i*(_this select 6)
    //Placement of objects//
    //[startingPosition, direction, objectClass, repeats, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ]
    [ [15977.752, 15997.674, -10.9626017], 28, "MAP_Bridge_stone_asf2_25", 120,0,15, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
    [ [17079.8,18870.3,-10.00143099], 58.2, "MAP_Bridge_stone_asf2_25", 75,0,15, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
    [ [12354.339, 15672.063, 0.950], -40.469933, "Land_nav_pier_m_2", 10, 40, 0, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
    [ [11103.7, 17759.7,-1.950], -80.1, "Land_nav_pier_m_2", 10, 30, 0, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
    [ [1420.8, 4121.58,-3.950], -110.1, "Land_nav_pier_m_2", 10, 30, 0, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
    [ [1549.48, 4083.11, -8.9626017], 80.5, "MAP_Bridge_stone_asf2_25", 900,0,15, 0 ] call fnc_bridgeA2;
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