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CMDR. Taco

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Posts posted by CMDR. Taco

  1. If you completely destroy the mineral deposits (gold, copper or silver that I've tested), the search option does nothing. If you are able to damage the mineral deposit below 50% without completely destroying it, you will then get the search option which will destroy the deposit and allow you to loot the inventory. 

  2. Here is how to make it serverside.

    Download pbo file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/5m4qg1ucch116f6/Safe_Zone.pbo?dl=0

    Unpack Safe_Zone.pbo and add your safe zone cords inside file init.sqf 

    Pack it back to pbo and add to @epochhive\addons

    Run it from MPMission init.sqf 


    [] execVM "\q\addons\Safe_Zone\init.sqf";


    There is no need any be filters

    Can someone repost Sadboy's server side PBO? It is no longer in his dropbox folder.

  3. I've noticed a significant general drop in FPS since I updated my server and client to 1.42 and epoch b2. My FPS would normally be in the 40s and now it's 28 to 30 at best. The worst part is it will drop down to 2 during the server startup and it seems like anytime something is spawning nearby. If I purchase a vehicle from the trader, it drops really low for about a minute or if I'm approaching an area that loot would normally spawn at.


    Anyone else seeing this kind of FPS issue?

  4. Can someone explain how the trader entries are created for the DB? I have the four default traders that are defined in the chenarus.h file on the server side. If I delete all the AI and AI_ITEMS in the DB and restart the server, it creates AI:01:4 through AI:01:15 and none of the coordinates match the four in the chenarus.h. Where the hell is it getting the data to create the 11 traders in the DB?




    I'm guessing the entries in the DB are dynamically created by the EPOCH_server_spawnTraders.sqf, but why are the four defined in the chenarus.h not in the DB?


    EDIT 2:


    So it appears that the static traders that are set in the chenarus.h, or your map's equivalent, only appear in the AI_ITEMS after you sell the first item to the trader. They will not appear in the AI table.

  5. Taco,

      May be a config on your side. I am aware of multiple servers running FuMS with an HC and Infistar...no kicks.


    Is it a BE kick?  Shoot me a copy of your .rpt if you want.

    I'll check the logs later, but I never had an issue with the default AH and the HC. I did have issues with the default AH banning all the non-admin players. Looks like I traded one issue for another.

  6. I was running the headless client on both of my A2 servers running all AI and missions perfectly fine up until about a month ago when the new BE client was released. It became so unstable that I had to stop using the headless client. I'll take a look at the links in this post to see if I can find a work around because I was truly bummed when I had to finally disable it last weekend.

  7. Make sure you check the power options on that machine and set them to High Performance. That's the reason for my lag.


    I already had the server BIOS set for all of the HPC settings, but I run ESX 5.5 as my hypervisor. I set the VM advanced settings to the HIGH setting for latency sensitivity and set the disk shares to high. That seemed to cut down the load time a bit.

  8. Did you ever find a solution to your slow database load times at startup? Our server went over 10k objects in the past couple of weeks and it now takes 15 minutes to start. The first 9k objects load in about 3 minutes. The last 1k takes about 10 minutes. I'm using Arma2Net just for my modified version of plot maint. I don't think that has anything to do with the startup times though.

  9. Remove the plot pole only from the array...not the other objects....You are sending a <local> object to the server...the server doesnt know about it....i mean its not a dealbreaker...how many plotpoles do you have? 300 ? even so... thats nothing compared to the cinderwalls you still have in the array


    I don't care about the plot pole itself. I'm saying the players can't perform the maintenance for the objects that are loaded locally. I still loaded anything with a door on the server so that all players could see the doors opening. I do not want to remove maintenance requirement so the server doesn't get overloaded with objects no one is using. 

  10. Remove it from the array.




    Removing them from the array defeats the purpose of having maintenance. The server can not update the objects since they are loaded locally.  I tried creating a local version of the PVDZE_maintainArea script that uses the "_key call server_hiveReadWrite;" instead of  "_key = format["CHILD:397:%1:", _objectUID];".


    It would update the objects in the server, but it would never actually update the backend SQL. I got busy with other things and gave up on trying to get it to work.



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