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Posts posted by BHBorn2Kill

  1. If you only want the loot to spawn when players enter a radius around the loot crate you can add this statement after you spawn the box, but before you add items to the container.


    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _vehicle_103768 < 30  } count playableunits > 0};


    Anything after this statement will only be executed when a player is within 30 meters of the object and it only executes once.  Adjust the radius as needed.


    You should also remove the sleep statement as it is no longer required.


    I use this technique in all my missions to broadcast a global message that the mission is complete and to remove the markers on the map.

  2. You can do this one of two ways depending on what information you want to see. 


    If you want detailed data similar to what is displayed in game (Ethan was killed by TheOneWhoKnocks with weapon G36C_camo from 1.71568m) then you will need your webserver to reside on the same host as your game server to be able to access the rpt file.  Note that the PKILLS in the report file are sketchy sometimes and don't always register.  Players killed by zombies are are displayed on the murder boards as killed by Nil and the report file just shows it as the player killing themselves or other weird things.


    If you just want to show a list of players who died in a given time frame, you can query your mysql tables character_data and list any players where alive=0.  This give less data, but is easy to parse than the rpt file.  If you purge dead characters from your tables, then that could be a issue as well.


    I've setup a statistics page for my server.  It shows a kill feed that parses the rpt file and picks out lines with PKILL in it.  The feed only parses the current report file (mine rotates about every 24 hours) so you can't go back any further than that.


    There are other statistics I extract from the database tables for top daily, weekly and all time players based on a number of different things.  This is all written in PHP.



  3. I've been racking my brain for the last 2 days trying to get a second Arma 2 instance running on my dedicated server.  I've googled and tested and tested again and I humbly ask for a second set of eyes to point out what I am doing wrong.


    My primary A2 Epoch server runs on port 2302 and the steam ports are set as follows in the server config file:


    steamport = 2300;
    steamqueryport = 2301;


    This server is running perfectly and has been for over a year.


    For the second instance, I've copied the entire server directory to a separate folder and am launching the server with this command line:


    "C:\DayZPVPServer\arma2oaserver.exe" -nosplash -nosound -ip= -port=2402 -maxMem=2047 -exThreads=7 -noCB "-config=instance_2_Utes\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_2_Utes\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_2_Utes" -name=instance_2_Utes "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;" "-BEpath=C:\DayZPVPServer\instance_2_Utes\BattlEye" -cpuCount=4


    I've tried setting the steam ports to every port imaginable as to not conflict with the other server and it won't accept any connections.  Also note that this second sever uses a separate database.


    I either get "You were licked from the game", or the server just sits at Wait For Host and the log files spam Player without Identity forever.


    In trouble shooting the issue, I copied all the server files to my test environment and started the server under the default ports 2302 and steam ports 2300 and 2301.  The server starts and runs as it should so it's not missing files or having other non port related issues.


    I also have a test A3 Epoch server that successfully runs on the same server using the port 2402 on the production server.


     8:35:00 Dedicated host created.
     8:35:03 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.198)
     8:35:03 Host identity created.
     8:35:03 Game Port: 2402, Steam Query Port: 2403


    Arma 3 Sever Config:

    steamport = 8766;
    steamqueryport = 27016;


    The one strange this I noticed is that the Arma 3 server is reporting Steam Query Port 2403 even though I have the config file set to 27016.


    I've read so many conflicting things on what to set these steam ports too, my eyes are blurry.


    Anyone see anything that I've overlooked or not tested?


    Thank you community.


    Edit:  The productions server is running Windows 2008 (x64).  Firewall is disabled.

  4. Nice mod.  I will give this a test on my server and see how it goes. 


    This also sparked an idea for a new mission idea to add to my current mission system.  I had at one point animated heli-crashes, but the code stopped working a while ago and I never had time to debug it.  I'm thinking of somehow combining this with DayZAI vehicles so that if destroyed the loot scatters around the wreck rather than losing it.


    I'll tinker with it and post back.  I'll be sure to credit your code if I get it working.

  5. This is an open source tool that I have been using for a while to run both my Arma 2 Epoch Server and BEC as a Windows service with good success.  It's free and pretty simple to configure.  It has the advantage of being able to start your Arma server and BEC automatically in the event of a power failure, or BSOD.


    I'm running both my A2 Epoch and A3 Epoch servers in a Windows 2008 (x64) environment.




    Get the complied binaries for Windows here:  (I am using version 1.6).




    To setup the service, copy the winsw-1.16-bin.exe to the directory alongside the executable you want to run as a server and rename it something logical.  I call my Arma3 version: Arma3serversvc.exe


    Create a blank text file with the same name as the executable with a .xml extension.  Arma3serversvc.xml


    Edit the xml as follows:

      <description>Arma3 Server Service.</description>
    	<arguments> -nosplash -nosound -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive; -config=C:\arma3server\SC\config.cfg -ip=xx.xx.xx.xx -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\arma3server\SC\basic.cfg -name=SC</arguments>  

    Modify the executable paths and arguments line to fit your Arma3 server installation.  You can name the service what ever you like.  The ID, name and description are up to you.  Note I wouldn't use spaces in the id or service name however.


    Create a servicelogs folder in the location of the Arma3 server files.  This will allow you to monitor startups, shutdowns, errors, etc.  This is important.  If you don't create a folder, the service install will fail.


    Open a command prompt (as administrator) and navigate to the location of the service executable file.


    At the command prompt enter:  arma3serversvc.exe install


    If everything goes as planned, this will install the service.  Check the services applet in Control Panel to see if the service is listed.


    If the install errors out check for typos or issues with the xml file and try again to install.  You can uninstall the service with the uninstall switch if needed.


    For BEC, you have to add an additional option for working directory.  Here is my xml file for BEC.

      <description>BEC Arma3 Service.</description>
    	<arguments> -f config.cfg --dsc</arguments>  

    Once the services are installed, start them and make sure they run without any errors.  Connect to your server and RCON to see if BEC is running properly.


    Now it's a simple as making a small batch file and scheduling that via the Windows Task Scheduler to execute when you want the server to restart.

    @echo off
    net stop arma3server
    timeout 5
    net start arma3server
    timeout 5
    net stop beca3svc
    timeout 5
    net start beca3svc

    Even though I have the BEC scheduler issue a #shutdown command (which shuts down BEC as well once the server connection drops) I issue a net stop for both the services anyway to ensure they are stopped.  This won't hurt anything and provides some redundancy in case BEC errors and your scheduler stops running.  Your server will restart anyway.


    You will want to adjust your batch file to rotate logs, make backups (or whatever) as you see fit.


    Both my Arma2 and Arma3 servers run on a 3 hour restart cycle.  As services I can restart both servers and both BEC instances with one batch file.  There are ways to stop and start services via a webpage with some .net sorcery, but you will have to google for that.


    Hope this helps someone as an alternative to Firedeamon.


  6. Just a follow up to this since it relates to mission crates and Infistar AH. The AH was picking up my mission crates and spamming the log files for possible Hackedboxes. To eliminate the unneeded logs for valid objects I modified my mission system crates with the following variable so that Inifistar would stop detecting them.


    _loot_box setVariable ['HBC',3, true];


    I found it better for me to do it this way, rather than altering his code.


    I am currently using Infistar version 332E.


    Hopefully someone else may find this useful.

  7. We figured it out - infistar antihack was detecting the crate as a possible hacked box and marking it with a smoke when someone opened it.


    Look for approximately line 1885 in ah.sqf and rem out or delete the following lines:


    _smoky = 'SmokeShellRed' createVehicle _pos;

    _smoky attachTo [_object, [0,0,2]];


    I've also had people banned when purchasing a vehicle from a trader:


    2014-07-20 17:07:07 infiSTAR HackLog | jesse (XXXXXXXXX) | LocalVehicle: VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 @062075 (BANNED)   |Instance: 11|


    I can only assume it's database lag when the vehicle is created in the world and the player hops in the vehicle before it has a chance to synch with the database.  Infistar picks it up as a hacked in vehicle, bans the player, and removes the vehicle.  After the server resets the vehicle is sitting in the trader.


    I haven't traced down a fix for it yet.

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