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Posts posted by ertatu

  1. Can you show me the line you used in your init.sqf?

    if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then
    [] execVM "addons\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf";
    [] ExecVM "ScarCode\SC_PVE.sqf"; 
    [] ExecVM "ScarCode\sRestartWarnings.sqf";
    Now found...
    But only work for me... (i am the admin) if i shot to any player i cant dead to other player.
    But if other player shot to other player if can dead to other player.
    i comment i use Infistar.
  2. My problem is all good. But when infistar scan the players cant see the dialog of trader for acces to trader menu.

    Before scan infistar scan if is possible access to trader menu in the firts secons

    link image of scan:



    Before scan the player can access to trader menu.

    After scan the players cant access to trader menu.

    Help me please.

  3. /*
    a3 epoch trader
    by Halv & Suppe
    private ["_staticCoords","_blacklistedAreas","_spawnarea"];
    _agent = "I_G_resistanceLeader_F";
    _spawnnearroad = true;
    _dist2roadMax = 350;
    //amount of traders to build
    _tradercount = round(random 4)+6;
    //min distance from other traders in meters, dont go to higher than _spawnarea/(_tradercount+1) or script will just revert back to this amount to avoid problems 
    _mindist = 4000;
    //marker text for traders
    _markertext = "HS Blackmarket"; // "" for empty, then is only the blue dot on the map
    //if _staticCoords are set here, there will be a trader at that exact position and direction,
    //_blacklistedAreas is where random blackmarkets cannot spawn
    switch(toLower worldName)do{
    case "altis":{
    _staticCoords = [
    // [traderposition,direction,createmarker,props[classname,position,direction]]
    // "full" array
    // [[0,0,0],0,true,[["classname1",[1,1,1],1],["classname2",[2,2,2],2]]]
    // minimal array
    // [[0,0,0],0]
    [[18459.1,14259.2,0.00141716],340.199], //trader by mine
    [[13319,14523.9,0.00134587],143.067], //trader by stavros
    [[6193.02,16828.7,0.00118256],1.52142] //trader by kore
    _blacklistedAreas = [[[18459.1,14259.2,0.00141716],1000],[[12570.8,14320.2,4.67927],1000],[[6193.02,16828.7,0.00118256],1000]];
    //distance to search for trader positions
    _spawnarea = 12500;
    case "stratis":{_staticCoords = [];_blacklistedAreas = [[[0,0,0],0]];_spawnarea = 6000;};
    case "bornholm":{_staticCoords = [];_blacklistedAreas = [[[0,0,0],0]];_spawnarea = 12500;};
    case "chernarus":{_staticCoords = [];_blacklistedAreas = [[[0,0,0],0]];_spawnarea = 7000;};
    default{_staticCoords = [];_blacklistedAreas = [[[0,0,0],0]];_spawnarea = 7000;};
    //============================== DONT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW THIS POINT ==============================\\
    // Server stuff...
    if(isServer) then{
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server adding PVEvent";
    "HSPV_traderrequest" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call HS_playertraderequest};
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server Loading functions";
    HS_playertraderequest = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "trader\HS_playertraderequest.sqf";
    HALV_PurgeObject = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "trader\HALV_PurgeObject.sqf";
    private ["_coords","_roadlist","_firstroad","_statdir"];
    this is taken from:
    objectMapper.sqf Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land
    Edited by HALV
    private ["_multiplyMatrixFunc"];
    _multiplyMatrixFunc =
    private ["_array1", "_array2", "_result"];
    _array1 = _this select 0;
    _array2 = _this select 1;
    _result =
    (((_array1 select 0) select 0) * (_array2 select 0)) + (((_array1 select 0) select 1) * (_array2 select 1)),
    (((_array1 select 1) select 0) * (_array2 select 0)) + (((_array1 select 1) select 1) * (_array2 select 1))
    waitUntil {(!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos")};
    waitUntil {(!isNil "BIS_fnc_selectRandom")};
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server Building traders ...";
    if(_blacklistedAreas isEqualTo [[[0,0,0],0]])then{
    diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: no blacklisted areas found for world: %1",worldName];
    diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: Selecting blacklisted areas for world: %1",worldName];
    if(_mindist > _spawnarea/(_tradercount+1))then{
    _mindist = _spawnarea/(_tradercount+1);
    diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: Reverted _mindist '%1' to avoid problems",_mindist];
    _units = [];
    _allcords = [];
    for "_i" from 1 to _tradercount do {
    scopeName "posiscope";
    _coords = [getMarkerPos "Center",0,_spawnarea,20,0,500,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _IsBlacklisted = false;
    {if(_coords distance (_x select 0) < (_x select 1))exitWith{_IsBlacklisted = true};}count _blacklistedAreas;
    {if(_coords distance _x < _mindist)exitWith{_IsBlacklisted = true};}count _allcords;
    _roadlist = _coords nearRoads _dist2roadMax;
    if(!_IsBlacklisted && !isOnRoad _coords && !surfaceIsWater _coords)then{
    _firstroad = [_roadlist,_coords] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition;
    if((count _roadlist > 0) && (_coords distance _firstroad > 50))then{breakOut "posiscope"};
    if(count _roadlist > 0)then{
    if(_coords distance _firstroad > 50)then{breakOut "posiscope"};
    }else{breakOut "posiscope"};
    _allcords pushBack _coords;
    diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: Found position for a HSBlackmarket ... (%1) %2",mapGridPosition _coords,_coords];
    _randir = (random 360);
    // diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: _roadlist: %1 _roadlist: %2",_randir,_roadlist];
    if(count _roadlist > 0)then{
    _randir = [_coords,(position _firstroad)] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
    // diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: _randir: %1 _firstroad: %2",_randir,_firstroad];
    //create trader and objects
    _objects = 
    [(["Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_JumpTarget_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[-0.304688,-22.9434,0],0],
    [(["CamoNet_INDP_big_F","CamoNet_OPFOR_big_F","CamoNet_BLUFOR_big_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[-0.75,4.9082,0],0]
    [(["Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_JumpTarget_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[18.8994,-2.90039,0],209.0909],
    [(["Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_JumpTarget_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[-10.749,30.5313,6.67572e-005],339.294]
    [(["Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_JumpTarget_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[-2.83496,39.7852,-0.000118256],359.41]
    [(["Land_HelipadCivil_F","Land_HelipadCircle_F","Land_HelipadEmpty_F","Land_HelipadSquare_F","Land_JumpTarget_F"]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[-10.7529,4.375,1.90735e-006],0]
    ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _extra = _objects deleteAt 0;
    _randir = _randir + _extra;
    //creating trader
    _pos0 = [(_coords select 0),(_coords select 1),0];
    _unit = createAgent [_agent, _pos0, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unitdir = _objects deleteAt 0;
    _unit setDir (_randir+_unitdir);
    _unit setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
    _unit allowDammage false; _unit disableAI "FSM"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _unit disableAI "TARGET"; _unit setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _unit forceSpeed 0;_unit enableSimulation false;
    _unit switchMove "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
    _unit setCaptive true;
    _obj = createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _pos0, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _obj setPos _pos0;
    _Dir = (_randir + (_x select 2));
    _newRelPos = [[[cos _randir, sin _randir],[-(sin _randir), cos _randir]], (_x select 1)] call _multiplyMatrixFunc;
    _pos = [(_coords select 0) + (_newRelPos select 0), (_coords select 1) + (_newRelPos select 1), 0];
    _obj = createVehicle [(_x select 0), _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _obj setDir _Dir;
    _obj setPos _pos;
    _obj allowDammage false;
    _obj enableSimulation false;
    _obj setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true];
    switch (_x select 0) do {
    case "Land_Ammobox_rounds_F":{clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;};
    case "Box_IND_WpsLaunch_F":{clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;};
    case "I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F":{clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;};
    case "I_supplyCrate_F":{clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;};
    case "O_CargoNet_01_ammo_F":{clearBackpackCargoGlobal _obj;clearItemCargoGlobal _obj;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _obj;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _obj;};
    case "Land_Campfire_F":{_obj = createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_medium_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_obj setPos _pos;};
    case "Land_Ground_sheet_blue_F":{_obj = createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_obj setPos _pos;};
    case "Flag_ARMEX_F":{_obj setFlagTexture "trader\dkflagpole.jpg";};
    case "Land_HelipadEmpty_F":{_obj = createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_obj setPos _pos;};
    case "SignAd_Sponsor_F":{_obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "trader\trader.jpg"];};//apply diffrent texture to the sign at some point
    }forEach _objects;
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket]: HSBlackmarket Creating a Marker";
    _marker = createMarker [format["HSBlackmarket_%1",_i], _coords];
    _marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _marker setMarkerType "hd_dot"; // "hd_pickup"
    _marker setMarkerText _markertext;
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorWEST";
    _units pushBack _unit;
    _pos = _x select 0;
    _dir = _x select 1;
    _createmarker = if(count _x > 2)then{_x select 2}else{true};
    diag_log format["[HSBlackmarket]: HSBlackmarket Creating a Static trader @ (%2) %1",_pos,mapGridPosition _pos];
    _unit = createAgent [_agent, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _unit setDir _dir;
    if(surfaceIsWater _pos)then{
    _unit setPosASL _pos;
    _unit setPosATL _pos;
    _unit setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
    _unit allowDammage false; _unit disableAI "FSM"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _unit disableAI "TARGET"; _unit setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _unit forceSpeed 0;_unit enableSimulation false;
    _unit switchMove "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
    _unit setCaptive true;
    _units pushBack _unit;
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket]: HSBlackmarket Creating a Marker";
    _marker = createMarker [format["HSBlackmarket_%1",(count _units)], _pos];
    _marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _marker setMarkerType "hd_dot";
    _marker setMarkerText _markertext;
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorWEST";
    if(count _x > 3)then{
    _objs = _x select 3;
    _objtype = _x select 0;
    _objpos = _x select 1;
    _objdir = _x select 2;
    _obj = createVehicle [_objtype, _objpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _obj setDir _objdir;
    if(surfaceIsWater _objpos)then{
    _obj setPosASL _objpos;
    _obj setPosATL _objpos;
    _obj allowDammage false;
    _obj enableSimulation false;
    _obj setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true];
    }forEach _objs;
    }forEach _staticCoords;
    HSPV_HSBlackmarket = _units;
    publicVariable "HSPV_HSBlackmarket";
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket] Server Done ...";
    // Client stuff...
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket]: Client waiting for Trader ...";
    waitUntil {sleep 1;(!isNil "HSPV_HSBlackmarket")};
    {_x addAction ["<img size=1.5'image='\a3\Ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArcadeMap\icon_layout_ca.paa'/> <t color='#0096ff'>HS Trader Menu</t>","trader\dummy.sqf",_x, -9, true, true, "", "_this distance _target < 5];}forEach HSPV_HSBlackmarket;
    HSPV_HSBlackmarket = nil;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "trader\tradermenu.sqf";
    diag_log "[HSBlackmarket]: Client Done ...";
  4. Hello guys, i have problems with redis. Not save and errors... and not create automatically dump.rdb file.




    This is are my dates for redis.conf


    maxmemory 2gb
    save 450 1
    save 150 10
    save 30 1000
    requirepass levanton
    This are my dates for EpochServer.ini
    IP =
    Port = 6379
    DB = 0
    Password = levanton
    When i start Redis
    When i am playing in the server
    This is the content of DB folder:
    Any idea please guys? ;(
  5. I need help.... i put @mas and @Emod in root folder but not found... HELP ME please... any can upload a tutorial for noob please...


    My parameters Launcher is:


    @echo off
    REM Server
    set serverkill="C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch"
    cd /d %serverkill%
    taskkill /im arma3server.exe
    REM Arrancar Server
    timeout 10
    start "arma3" /min "arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@Emod;@mas -config=C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\SC\config.cfg -ip= -port=2222 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\SC\basic.cfg -name=SC
    REM Arrancar BEC
    timeout 50
    set becpath="C:\Users\OCIOSERVERS\Desktop\Arma3Epoch\BEC"
    cd /d %becpath%
    start "batBEC" "bec.exe" -f Config.cfg --dsc
    timeout 10
  6. I put in description.ext

    #include "spaz_spawn.hpp"

    I add a Sensor in my Mission.sqm

    class Item0


    position[] = {8886.766,102.1,9097.741}; //respawn_west Location

    a = 10;

    b = 10;

    activationBy = "ANY";

    repeating = 1;

    interruptable = 1;

    age = "UNKNOWN";

    name = "SPAWNPOINT";

    expCond = "(player distance SPAWNPOINT) < 10;";

    expActiv = "hint ""You are in the clone room""; inSpawnPoint = true;};";

    expDesactiv = "inSpawnPoint = false;";

    class Effects{};


    But... Where i have to put the file onPlayerRespawn.sqf and file onPlayerRespawn.sqf ??

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