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Posts posted by piyrez

  1. Not sure if this has been address before but it would be really cool to have the base not vanish while a player is within a configurable amount of distance.  People on my server enjoy it but have complained about falling to their death due to the base vanishing.  I know we can configure the time before it expires/vanishes but it might be better to not vanish while a player is within a distance.  Especially on a really popular server where now suddenly everyone is battling in the open.  :)

  2. Has anyone run this on the new ARMA3 Epoch .3.0.1 update?

    Just wondering if there are any issues.



    I have it running on a test server right now with Chernarus for testing @, still trying to confirm if it is working 100%.

  3. Love this script, thank you so much.  I changed the color to blue and removed the grid.  I'd rather people find a GPU for their grid (or know how to use the map.)

    ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 1000)ctrlSetText format["FPS: %1 | PLAYERS: %2 | DAMAGE: %3 | KRYPTO: %4 | HUNGER: %5 | THIRST: %6 | RESTART IN: %7:%8", round diag_fps, count playableUnits, damage player, EPOCH_playerCrypto, EPOCH_playerHunger, EPOCH_playerThirst, _hours, _minutes, _counter];
  4. We actually have it where we all see each other in the group but we are unable to open unlock/lock doors.  Only the group leader (who placed the frequency jammer) can unlock/lock the doors.  Hopefully this is something the Epoch Team will be looking to fix asap as the group system seems to be pretty popular among communities.

  5. It looks like you did suggest removing "if (isNil 'player_zombieCheck')" in one of the posts.


    I am trying this:

    				if (_noSafeZone) then
    					/* if (isNil 'player_zombieCheck') then
    						[] spawn "+_randvar2+";
    						"+_randvar10+" = [_name,_puid,toArray ('zombieCheck broken'),toArray ('BANNED')];
    						publicVariableServer '"+_randvar10+"';
    						if (str player_zombieCheck != str _zombieCheck) then
    							[] spawn "+_randvar2+";
    							"+_randvar10+" = [_name,_puid,'zombieCheck changed','',''];
    							publicVariableServer '"+_randvar10+"';
    					if (isNil 'player_zombieAttack') then
    						[] spawn "+_randvar2+";
    						"+_randvar10+" = [_name,_puid,toArray ('zombieAttack broken'),toArray ('BANNED')];
    						publicVariableServer '"+_randvar10+"';
    						if (str player_zombieAttack != str _zombieAttack) then
    							[] spawn "+_randvar2+";
    							"+_randvar10+" = [_name,_puid,'zombieAttack changed','',''];
    							publicVariableServer '"+_randvar10+"';
    					}; */
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