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Posts posted by aairez

  1. Hello anyone that reads this,


    I just started hosting with Vilayer and am having one hell of a time getting my scripts running with VIlayer. I've literally went back and re-researched all the scripts I had and their installation instructions. After doing so, any modifications I happen to make to the overpoch_taviana mission folder on Vilayers customcode folder path, I get hang ups with trying to authenticate with the server, or better yet, sits on waiting for host. If I modify anything on the dayz_overpoch folder for the server files, everything works fine, authentication and playability on the server works with no problems. The WAI, DayZAI, EMS, and Infistar Antihack work correctly after I installed them, just dont know why making any sort of modifications to the init and description files in the root of the mission folder cause the server to have a stroke.


    I have had at least some experience with SurvivalServers before the link to the database broke and they refused to give me service. Vilayer has been very attentive to my needs thus far.


    Any help would be amazing because I am just sitting here with my thumb up my ass feeling like a moron for not understanding why things do not work.

  2. Started this server a couple months ago, looking for more players. We are a fun crew, just want to play the game for fun, nothing too serious, for casual players as well. We have daily helpful admins and are currently working on a community safe house (base). Looking for new people to help also build this eye sore.
    Current scripts running on the server: Addons: - DayZ Missions - Epoch Trader City Safezones - Helicopter Fast Roping - House Lighting / Street Lights - Refuel Script - Towing / Heli Lift - Bloodbag Self - Remove Parts from Vehicles - Epoch Repair Refuel Rearm - Epoch Base Elevator Script - WAI - Snap-Building - Epoch Infected Camps - infiSTAR AntiHack - Custom Loadout - Camera Pan Start - Sarge AI - DZAI
    Current admins: AaiRez, Im An Admin, Andrew, LastPlace, Chubs
    We try to update the blog feature on GameTrackers website: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
    We really hope to see you there!
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