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Posts posted by AlbertusSmythe

  1. Would this tool be good for a home server?


    It certainly is, I have it working on mine so I can confirm it also works with devd's Linux server, with the exception that the Admin Tool Usage reports don't work because Linux doesn't use DLLs, I guess I should get around sometime to converting them to the Linux server hive calls but time and what have you mean it's not top priority for me right now.

  2. Has anyone tested changing the time/weather and having someone join?  I know the they work normally, but does it work if someone joins after changing it? I would say the most effective way would be to make it midnight with no moon and have someone join AFTER having done so and see if they join into darkness or not.


    I'll test this tonight, I've got two PCs to play with and the server's in the rack so it's relatively easy to test changes.


    Mind you it scared the crap out of a couple of my players when I tested changing the time to midnight no moon the other day :lol:.

  3. Go into your createvehicle.txt in your BattlEye folder and delete the line that should look something like this...


    5 "Land_"



    Yea you have to add the create-vehicle filters for the building part yourself


    Thanks, I removed the line as a quick fix while waiting for a reply, but if that's the answer I'll leave it out.


    Cheers all


    For your information I'm running a Linux Server and this Admin Tools Kit seems to be most excellent, even without the DLLs.

  4. OK then


    Stealth mission, you have to get in , raid the loot and get out without being detected.  The loot is guarded by 2 or 3 AI, if one detects you, either by firing at you or you've killed one of the AI and the others are alerted, the loot either despawns or becomes trash and reinforcements arrive so you're in a firefight just to get out alive.  It would be nice if killing AI with a melee weapon doesn't raise the alarm.

  5. I think we're all barking up the wrong tree here.


    If you look through the dump.log you'll see at some point the call to write the player status cache to database (CHILD:201 & CHILD 22) has an empty backpack after this you have lost all the contents of your backpack even if you log out 2hrs later.


    Calls are around line 190 in @dayz_epoch_server\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf and 209 in @dayz_epoch_server\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf


    I also have cleared out the cache folders, I think this may have been a mistake so tonight I'm going to create folders cache/1/ to cache/9/ in case they aren't actually created by the server on the fly.

  6. AlbertusSmythe: restarter.pl does also kill the process completely? my $res = `kill -TERM $pid 2>&1`;

    So why using an additional script. You can also put your backup/logrotate mechanism directly into restarter.pl.

    And this is not a Linux way problem. Any OS should take care of not deleting open files ;)



    I think that early on I was having problems with old mission PBOs being used even after being overwritten by new ones I assumed that restarter.pl wasn't releasing the old file handles so the old files were still being used rather than the new ones. After all Linux allows you to delete an open file but keeps a "ghost" copy for processes that are using it until all the open handles are closed.


    Also it's much easier for me to have a script called server in ~/bin and type server sauerland start than cd ~/server/sauerland && ./restarter.pl && cd - especially as I also have a test and a Napf server so server napf start & server test start also become easier to remember/type.


    Stopping a server becomes as simple as server sauerland stop, I don't have to faff about trying to find the correct pid to kill, as for adding the logrotate to restarter.pl, the less I can customise important files the easier it is to apply updates.


    Not terribly important but just the way I prefer to do things

  7. I have a shell script that stops the running instance using the data in the .pid file and restarting the server from scratch. This script makes sure the directory is correct and has the option to stop and not restart.


    The reason I do this is because of the way Linux doesn't actually delete files until the last program using it closes the file, this causes (in my experience at least) the server to keep using use old "deleted" .pbo files instead of any new ones copied over and allows me to rotate the logs properly so that each restart has clean log files.


    Why are you having problems running restarter.pl as EpochServerUser ?, do you have some files owned by root? if so chown everything in your server folder to EpochServerUser (substitute your own user id)

  8. Has anyone got the Taviana map working as an Epoch  Linux server?


    I had a quick go last night,, server started OK, logged on got the Tavi load screen, got the connected users screen, mission loaded, initscreen.paa loaded then nothing...  the server had stopped dead. Loads of errors though.


    Gave up and played Sauerland for a couple of hours.


    I'd like to get Taviana Epoch working if I can as it's the map I played the most as a DayZ noobie getting on for 2 years ago now :o (Yup spawn in... quick look around..., :ph34r: Ahh I know where I am).  


    If anyone's got it running I'd appreciate some help otherwise I'll just have to work my way through the errors and produce my own how-to.

  9. ever since i set it up, and i have set many servers up so i dont know why its doing this but im going to have a futher look into it and try and find out whats causing it


    I had a similar problem, my server stopped creating new player entries in the user_data table after i changed the userid which Epoch used to update the database from the one the database was created by..


    I exported all the tables, dropped the database, recreated it with the userid I wanted to connect with and imported all the data...  bingo!, it started recreating dead players and saving to the database again.  Some weirdo mySQL permissions thing no doubt.

  10. I've got the same problem, Ive tracked down that the problem isn't logging on, it's this call never returning;

    socket_recvfrom($sock, $buf, 64, 0, $ip, $port);



    could you elaborate about php-cgi, "apt-get install php-cgi" returns no such package


    OK it's php5-cgi, but how do I add it to the mods list (ubuntu 14.04 server)


    Just casting my programmers eyes over the code again....


    where is $buf declared?  the socket_recvfrom() call is the first instance of $buf in every one of the files. Just curious as $sock, $ip and $port are declared earlier in the code and for me at least this is the call that never returns.

  11. ($h, $m) = (17, 0) if ($h > 17 || ($h >= 0 && $h < 4));


    Isn't the logic; Set the game time to 17:00 if the actual time is after 17:00 or the actual time is after midnight but before 04:00    or in English, set the game time to 17:00 if the actual time is between 17:00 and 04:00.


    so the logic for ($h, $m) = (4, 0) if ($h > 4 || ($h >= 0 && $h < 4)); Set the game time to 04:00 if the actual time is after 04:00 or the actual time is between 00:00  and 04:00 ... Always set the game time to 04:00


    This only applies at startup so if you were to start your server at 20:00 the game time is set to 17:00 and rolls forwards so that at 08:00 actual, in game time is 05:00, days are still 24Hrs long.

  12. Trying to load this on an existing server running Debian seems to have become a complete pain, although I managed to get to a point where I could at least log in, but the sever crashed at the authentication point.


    New plan of action...  I'm going to create a new VM with Centos 7 and start with a completely clean machine :wacko:


    Change of plan, going the Ubuntu route, I can't be doing with having to learn yum & how rpms work just now!

  13. Hello,


    Thank you Dean! I was able to get the server running but am seeing that the DZMS text is in Russian, is there an easy fix for this?




    It's WAI,


    Go to @dayz_epoch_server\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\missions and edit each of the mission sqf files,

    un-comment the English text and comment out the Russian, there are three in each file ; Mission start, Mission succsessful and mission timed out.


    Simples (ish)

  14. Step by step this was how I installed.

    1.  mkdir server1051
    2. mkdir server1051/epochserver
    3. copied "Arma 2/AddOns/" to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    4. copied "Arma 2/dta/" to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    5. copied "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Common/" to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    6. copied "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/@DayZ_Epoch/" to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    7. copied "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Expansion/" to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    8. run ./tolower to change all the file directory names to lowercase
    9. copied contents of Dayz-Epoch-Linux-Server-Master to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/
    10. run ./install
    11. copied Dean's epoch to /home/epoch/server1051/epochserver/

    fired her up with ./epoch.sh

    loaded epoch from DayZCommander loaded fine, played for 20mins (it was 1am) every thing seems fine except for the notifications in Russian for DZMS missions.



    LOL... l just noticed I have a Work and a Home forum ID.  ;)

  15. Not at home until late this evening so I can't post my log.


    This might be a red herring but if I use Dean's "expansion" directory instead of devd's, DayZ Commander shows the correct versions but when I try to log on I get loads of lines saying that I can't play this mission because of deleted content "deleted.chernarus"


    When I get home tonight I'll reinstall using the instructions from the video and see what happens.


    The readme.md is a bit vague when it says



    3. Download and install DayZ Epoch Mod (http://goo.gl/IN1Pt1).


    My client is already running so I skipped this step, as I assumed it was the client that needed updating

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