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Posts posted by Tomodan

  1. here is my copy of mission file http://www.kotas.tk/DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.zip


    You can see how things running there, for addons.sql this is script to make other scripts run on server side so no one take my code off


    For AI to use HC change all them if(!isServer) exitWith {}; to if(!isServer && !hasInterface) exitWith {};


    Any chance of getting this link activated again?

  2. getting this error in my log files today since latest update


    is it something to worry about??



    13:55:17 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 playername (**************************************) - #20 "P_packet" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_fnc_MPexec};
    13:55:17   waituntil {!isnil "bis_functions_mainscope"};
    13:55:17   _queue = bi"



  3. check that your sql events are running to add damage after so many days (xampp doesnt have these set as on my default if your on a dedicated box add event_scheduler=ON to the my.ini file for xampp)


    This is what mine is set to:

    UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.11 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 6 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )

    also you sql cleanup event:

    mine is



    also set


    CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1 so the server itself wont delete any items, the sql events should take care of this

  4. One of my players is getting this issue on our server


    2:04:58 Player Playername kicked off by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #85


    This happens when he gets shot, he gets kicked, message comes up saying he combat logged, when he relogs to has the 300s unconcious timeout


    Look at antoher log file i see this:


    Value Restriction #85 "PVDZE_plr_Died" = ["5698",0,<NULL-object>,"steamID goes here",0,"playername"]


    Now this only happens to him, no one else on the server.


    Also my admins can get kicked for teleporting to him with the same restriction.


    Is this guy a hacker or is his game files corrupt or is their some other explanation for this.

  5. This one is a bit baffling .


    Random deletions should not occur.


    When you say old verion, do you mean v1 or v2 old version ?.


    The Take Ownership have two main uses.

    Allow people who were not using A Plot for Life or who were using v1 of A Plot for life to align their bases to the new system.

    Allow base raiders to destroy the original plot pole and place a new on and then take ownership of non-ocked buildables so they can do what they want (which seems reasonible).


    It is set as an option so it can be turned on for base ownership realignment and then turned off again for Servers wehre the admins do not want base takeover to be available.


    I would check your DB and look at the damage field to see if it is anything othere than 0.  The maintenance function may be 'degrading' the buildables and theny they are deleted when the server cleanup is run or when the server restarts.


    Try taking control of a base (pref on a test server) and checking all the base buildables have got the new SteamID in the worldspace field or if some of them are missing.


    If it is locked items that are vanishing it may be because they are deliberately excluded from the take ownership functionality to make it so base raiders do not automatically get access to locked doors (although they can remove the walls around the locked doors after taking ownership).


    I have been using V2.2.1 since my server went live 3 months ago.


    Its not just locked items that vanish, its walls also


    I will play about with it some more on the test server and post back with any findings.

  6. Hey


    Seem to be having a problem where base items are disappearing after installing this mod.


    I have been using one of the old systems of p4l since my server went online so thought this would be a straight forward upgrade.


    When players take ownership of their items, all works good, but then items start dissappearing, this seems to happen at varied intervals, usually wihtin a day or so or can happen after a restart.


    I have CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1 in hive.ini (have tried at 16 also)  and my sql script is set to delete items after 16 days never had this issue before with old system.


    Any ideas on what the problem could be.  (should players not have to use take ownership since we used the old version of this since day 1 and if so can I remove the option for it).




    Doh have just found this


    DZE_PlotOwnership = true;


    Will set at false and see what happens

  7. Awesome mission system btw


    However i've noticed that when the mission times out the ai stay ?


    Any quick solution to fix this or wait for next update ?



    Great additions, thanks very much my player base love these missions


    I am however getting this also that AI stay if mission times out


    I have set the mission despawn timer higher on my server, this way the mission will never timeout


    Probably the easiest fix in the meantime, just means mission will stay on the map until next server restart or until someone completes it

  8. I had been experiencing the same problem over the last few days with traders being really slow and sometimes vehicles wont appear until after a restart.


    after numerous attempts to repair, one of these 2 things fixed my problem, cant say which one it was as I did both at the same time


    1. Completely deleted the database, re-created and imported from last backup


    2. removed the new mission system i had installed and replaced with one i had working previously


    Noticed an immediate difference to trader performance after doing this.

  9. I think u must look this topic, something about humanity baset load out

    maybe if u delete all loadouts then u get only custom skin for all players based on player humanity

    hope this helps, and sorry mu bad english 





    Wouldnt this just called the Get humanity of each player and if its Over under or between x amount it gives a specific loadout?


    I've been using Enhanced spawn Selection 



    You can set it up quite nice


    Thank you will take a look

  10. Hi Guys


    Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a script available where if you die and respawn, your character can come back with a pre-defined skin


    for example


    1: If you die with over 5000 humanity - respawn wearing the hero skin

    2: If you die with between -5000 and 5000+ - respawn wearing a normal survivor skin

    3. If you die with -5000 humanity - you respawn wearing a bandit skin


    Tried searching the forums but can only find one about custom load outs depending on humanity


    Thanks in advance

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