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Posts posted by DarrikVkir

  1. Might be someone rolling up, stealing the best loot (damned fast), and rolling back out without killing the AI?  Mission finish trigger is just getting within range.  For that matter, you don't even need to steal the loot, just drive up to the crate and drive away... although that one would just be trolling :)


    Be a lot easier with a vehicle that laughs at Ai weapons, if they are available on your server.

  2. AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.rpt


    Open that file.  Delete everything already in it and save (its persistent, so every error you ever got is in that file atm).  Log into your server and go to your safe zone.  You should get errors in that report file (something that references the agn_ script).

  3. using Latest beta patch: 112555, the admin tools seem to go haywire, it takes sometimes up to 15 relogs for the tools to show up ingame, sometimes works on the first try, sometimes doesnt, we can also lose the tools when we die on occasion


    rpt log shows this


    19:16:31 Error in expression <ivate.sqf"

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>

    19:16:31   Error position: <AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>

    19:16:31   Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlist

    19:16:31 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\admintools\Activate.sqf, line 1



    this was installed on a fresh server by myself and 2 other people on 3 different fresh installs, by following the instructions on the github


    Check the latest install notes... there is a waituntil added that fixes this issue on the beta.


    _adminListHandle = [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    waitUntil{scriptDone _adminListHandle};
  4. The parts dealing with alt+up and ctrl+up had incorrect code.

    _objHupDiff = _objHupDiff + 1;
    _objHupDiff = _objHupDiff + 0.01;

    Should be.

    _objHDiff = _objHDiff + 1;
    _objHDiff = _objHDiff + 0.01;


    Nice catch.  How many times did I look at that code today and not catch that?  It's even still there after adding snap building, so made the change on mine as well.  Thanks.

  5. Yah, I'm pretty sure the issue lies in the next post I made which talks about the portion calculating the counts. I think the issue is the fact that it's spread into multiple if statements, and it's checking to see if the first one matches the requirements before the rest. It doesn't seem to care if a person is pressing Alt+Up, so long as just the Up requirement is met. Thinking perhaps it needs to be restructured to check Up and Down last out of all of them. I'm going to do a quick test on it and see. If it still presents an issue, I may need to add in a series of else's.




    Saw that, but now the other thing is bugging me because it's broken, lol


    This thread's busy.  4 replies came in while I was typing my last post! :)

    if(_zheightdirection == "up_alt") then {
                    _position set [2,((_position select 2)+1)];
                    _objHupDiff = _objHupDiff + 1;

    This will trigger on alt-pageup.  The "up" will only trigger on a regular pageup.  So you can only alt-up a maximum of 5 times before it rejects it.



    When in the preview mode with a modular item, other players can walk on it.  So... if I wanted to be really ballsy, I could preview a floor, two of my buddies could climb on it, I could then raise it as far as it could go.  one of them could then preview another piece, the other could climb on it... with a big enough group, I could get substantial high without placing any pieces.  Place the last piece and you've got a floor 5 x (# of buddies) high.  Helicopter everyone up to that piece and start over.  It would suck if one of you lost connection or accidently hit your mouse button... and it's a massive PITA, though. 

    Actually, looking at the code, you may be able to do this with two people a lot easier than I wrote... first guy previews a floor, second guy previews another floor.  Each of you makes sure your floor is below your buddy, then one of you raises his.  I believe if YOUR position raises, the floor you are previewing will move up the same amount.  But not entirely sure on that without testing it, pretty much depends on how the attachto code works, which I don't know much about.


    But Vampire's code fixed this, so all good!

  6. Yah I see that. Pretty sure that's based on character position though, not object. So if your character moves up or down 5 meters it cancels. Like when you move side to side or forward and back more then 5 meters. Overall it just cancels out building based on player movement.


    Edit: Think I'm wrong on what I just said.


    Yeah, location1/location2 is player location, objHDiff is on the object.


    They must be building it somehow in the sky then! Some bases have gone up in a matter of hours so are definitely not using the build/remove method - Also, they're established players, not dupers or hackers.


    It's not impossible to do it in a few hours, just a lot of work.  Two ways I can think of off the top of my head:



    When in the preview mode with a modular item, other players can walk on it.  So... if I wanted to be really ballsy, I could preview a floor, two of my buddies could climb on it, I could then raise it as far as it could go.  one of them could then preview another piece, the other could climb on it... with a big enough group, I could get substantial high without placing any pieces.  Place the last piece and you've got a floor 5 x (# of buddies) high.  Helicopter everyone up to that piece and start over.  It would suck if one of you lost connection or accidently hit your mouse button... and it's a massive PITA, though. 


    2) It's a lot faster to just place a crap ton of (relatively cheap) wooden stairs and keep walking up them until you reach the desired height.  Place your initial floors and go back down, removing stairs as you go.  Fast skyhook.  I imagine construction death is a common occurence.


    An overall limit in height should fix it, though.  Hopefully Vampire's last code works?

  7. My guess would be they just build a floor/ceiling and keep raising the height of it then land on it and continue building the rest. After testing I can just Alt+PageUp an item endlessly. Not sure if there is a script somewhere that defines controls for raising/lowering, if there is perhaps you could add a count to add/subtract each time it's raised/lowered, causing it to cancel out of building if above 5 or below -5.


    This code in player_build should prevent endlessly alt-pageup'ing?  It's in stock Epoch.


            if(abs(_objHDiff) > 5) exitWith {
                _isOk = false;
                _cancel = true;
                _reason = "Cannot move up or down more than 5 meters";
                detach _object;
                deleteVehicle _object;


    I can't verify it myself, as I'm using snapbuilding which modifies that code.

  8. LMGs, M240s and Mk48s, as well, will be used against armored vehicles they can penetrate.  It was a bit of a surprise when I added them as Armored SUVs stopped being OP against missions. :)

  9. This is definitely a handy change and not something I was doing a year ago.  Happily, the first script I installed in my new server (right click bloodbag, maybe?) had this as the installation instructions... and a big light bulb went off over my head.  So for everything since then I've been using the additional compiles and variables files instead of overriding the original.


    Seems a lot of new posted scripts have this instruction instead of the old, so the words getting around.  Your efforts are not wasted :)

  10. Anyone else seeing this ?.


    The scroll wheel options can be a bit touchy sometimes and not refresh when they should especially if you have lots of stuff in the fn_selfactions.sqf or fn_damageactions.sqf files.


    I don't recall seeing this problem myself but if others are also seeing then I will have a dig and see what may be going on or how it could be improved.





    I'm also seeing this.  I haven't started digging myself, it's not so annoying to make it a priority :)  However, the only thing I installed from this thread is that plot boundary action, since I had already converted to playerUID.

  11. Where can we find these test versions?



    Go the github site.  At the top, switch the branch to testbranch.


    For those admins that have updated their servers to 112555, there's a bug in that beta that causes vehicles spawned with the tool (Permanent) to be despawned immediately. It's a known problem with that Arma 2 version and not something with this mod. It's for this reason, and because the server cleanup isn't working, that I've kept my servers at the older version. When Epoch 1.0.5 is released it's going to be running in conjunction with a newer Arma 2 beta than 112555 so it doesn't even make sense to put the effort into fixing it for that version.


    Doesn't seem to be happening all the time, and server cleanup appears to be working... parachutes is the main issue I've got with the new beta, but those are just in the animated helicrashes and the occasional player chute, so not so annoying.  Regardless, I'll be playing with the vehicle spawn.


    Edit:  Actually, after google, I believe I do have the deletevehicle issue... I've noticed it, but considered that a typical arma bug.  If a Dayz player can't handle such an obvious bug, they've got issues.  But I'll have to take a look at that one too to get around it with teleport. :P

  12. Effectively, yes.  I did something similar because I didn't want safe zones for all traders, just specific ones... I added a variable next to the canbuild call in mission.sqm and set it to true just for the zones I wanted as safe.  I then changed AGN to use the new variable instead of canbuild.


    Since you are looking for different effects for different ranges, you could use canbuild for one and the new variable for another.  Etc.

  13. Hey NoxSicarius, I modified nothing to the .sqf's... but... dayz.st update the latest beta and since then its all messed up. Gladly they messaged me the considering a rollback to previous beta... Gues all errors reported here are caused by that 112555 beta... But yes the car despawned... Also i can spawn vehicle with key, but suddenly gives an error in rtp and spawning isnt posible till restart... 


    Got my hope on the old beta to fix, since it always worked like a charm...


    Thanks for ur input tho... U guys Rule




    I'm also running the new beta (due to dayz.st).  I'm actually pretty happy with it, since the new warning level actually forces me to research some things and I've caught at least two instances in some of my scripts where there would have been uninitialized variables being used incorrectly.  As well as quite a few instances of sloppy code.


    I've got the May version of the test branch running on my server.  Spawning permanent vehicles is intermittent through the GUI (haven't dug down into that yet, and since I almost always use the GUI, I can't say whether or not it's also intermittent on the limited list).  All the F keys are funky.  F2 and F3 keys don't work, and F11 is iffy.  F1 sometimes doesn't work immediately on login, but will work after a minute or two (or possibly after the first teleport via menu, since I tend to use the menu when F1 doesn't work).


    Everything else appears to be working perfectly once the new waituntil check was added.


    I'll look further into the permanent vehicles issue this weekend, add some logs and try various things.  I'll also probably update to the latest test version.  Now that my server is live I have limited windows for testing new code, but midday over the weekend tends to be quiet.

  14. At the moment, I am using Defent's version of EMS 3.0. I tried the unfixed version first (accidently, actually), which popped up enough errors I'm glad Defent spent the time fixing them.  Defent's is working pretty well, I just had to fix a couple undefined errors with the new beta (I don't think any of them were justified in this script - I've found others elsewhere that were).  And reduce the loot, because the amount of loot in those missions is a bit ridiculous by default :)


    I also want to add fmissions, as it will provide an event driven break while doing EMS missions... once I build a few customized fmissions, but I haven't gotten to that yet!


    Edit: However, after vampire's reply and taking a look at his git page... I'm now tempted to switch to DZMS, since it's actually being actively updated :)


    I was also having this issue, as well as admins not being excluded from running antihack occasionally.  After adding a few diag_log's, I determined that the execVM Adminlist.sqf call wasn't always finishing before the if checks after it in init.  I added code so that it waits until it's finished, and now it seems to be working so far and the error messages are no longer showing up.

        _adminExecHandle = 0 spawn {};
        _adminExecHandle = execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
        waitUntil{scriptDone _adminExecHandle};


    After implementing this change, I have not had a single instance of the admin menu not showing up either.  So it appears to have fixed that problem completely as well.


    since yesterday i get this error, 


     6:41:40 Error in expression <ivate.sqf"
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
     6:41:40   Error position: <AdminList || (getPlayerUID player) in Mo>
     6:41:40   Error Undefined variable in expression: adminlist
     6:41:40 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\admintools\Activate.sqf, line 1
    have admintool working for quite somewhile, never had any errors but since 112555 it appears. also rtp doesnt open anymore en get pretty big what i am not used to.. but thats probably serverside cause db doesnt save everthing like it should either..



    I was also having this issue, as well as admins not being excluded from running antihack occasionally.  After adding a few diag_log's, I determined that the execVM Adminlist.sqf call wasn't always finishing before the if checks after it in init.  I added code so that it waits until it's finished, and now it seems to be working so far and the error messages are no longer showing up.

        _adminExecHandle = 0 spawn {};
        _adminExecHandle = execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
        waitUntil{scriptDone _adminExecHandle};

    Outside of this issue, I've had the test branch of the admin tools on my server for a few days now.  Outside of F2 and F3 not working, I haven't had any issues.   I haven't installed your latest changes from yesterday yet. 


    I do see a tiny error in your latest changes' commenting in your functionkeys file.  F10 says off, not on.

    +// Used to toggle admin scroll menu OFF
    +F10_KEY = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == 68) then {toolsAreActive=true;};"];
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