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Posts posted by minos

  1. Thx for answer,

    I've few lines/process on my htop, the ./epoch....... (all are the same command)


    But when 1 core is 100% used, the 2nd is not used to help... For example when the mission is loading, and during the game... always only 1 core is 100% used, and 2nd is not used for the ./epoch process


    I remember Bliss private server, on Windows, was using all cores when needed ;)


    ps: your server looks like a warmachine :)

  2. Are you using the Epoch linux server port as a test server or productive (or one-time trial attempt)?
    > Using today for test server, happy to try this work on my linux box.

    For how long are you using it now?
    > Some days ago...

    What is your experience regarding performance of this solution?
    > Last time I've set up a @home server was a Bliss release, on Windows... I can say now it's running as before.

    What are the positive and negative aspects/experiences with it so far?
    > "+" : linux of course, and easy to set up!
    > "-" : not found a way to set up another mysql address database than localhost (ex hiveext.ini)(for server easiest maintenance, and friends database hosting)

    Which additional mods/scripts are you using and which do not work properly due to this version?
    > Masterkey, lift/tow, snap building, admintools, custom_monitor, R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG, service_point.
    Everything is working fine for now, may be some little shits on scripts config sometimes...

    Is the installation tutorial detailed enough to get this easily installed and working (and what is maybe missing here)?
    > Tuto is ok. May be a html webpage complete tuto...

    Who was using this server already and decided to change back to a Windows server and why?
    > If possible nope!

    Any other comments?
    > Thx for your hard work!
    May be a good idea to speak with the admintool's author, to incorporate it by default in your package ;) I think a lot of server admins here is using this useful tool!

    Thx for asking us ;)
    Good luck!

  3. 1st, I've to thx you for this linux version :)

    I'm happy to have this working on my favorite distrib server ;)


    I'm not sure, but I think there's only 1 cpu core used on my set up...

    on my epoch.sh there's -cpucount=2

    and I'm always starting/restarting the process with ./restarter.pl


    It's running on an old AMD dualcore, Debian 64bits


    Is your Epoch Linux server using only 1 core too ? Or Am I alone ?

    Thx for work!

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