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Posts posted by vangrunz

  1. I got it work by adding two lines:

    vkc_temp_keys = vkc_temp_keys - [vkc_carKey];
    vkc_temp_keys = vkc_temp_keys + [0];
    vkc_temp_keysDisplayName = vkc_temp_keysDisplayName - [vkc_carKeyName];
    vkc_temp_keysDisplayName = vkc_temp_keysDisplayName + ["NO KEY"];

    within the "Change Key" section in "vehiclekeychange_init.sqf". It starts in Line #196, shown in Notepad++.

    Now I have the problem that after reverting a car's key to "none" kills my mouse wheel menus/doesn't let me change/claim any other vehicles, or even kills my Admin Tool menus. I don't know how to force a database reload in-game, if that's ever possible.

    Your script only works by changing keys or claiming non-key vehicles, but it fails by setting object_id to zero, switching it to a non-key vehicle. I think that's a limitation of ArmA2, rather than your fault, although you've got some typo's:


    vehiclekeychanger_init.sqf, line 85:

    if (vkc_cTarget getVariable ["VKC_claming_disabled", 0] == 0) then {

    "VKC_claming_disabled" must be "VKC_claiming_disabled", or disabling won't work (on co-op servers, disabling is rather useless at all, so I appreciate a switch in config file).


    Some minor typos in vehiclekeychanger.sqf (nothing bad at all), such as missing "format[]" or adding variables (%1, %2) wile not needed in systemChat operation.


    _targetVehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";

    after key change was deleted for testing purposes, but they lock at all, and I don't know why. Locking a vehicle while deleting key necessarity is futil as you can't access it any more unless the server is restarted. That's really confusing me, and I ask myself if we can't get rid of the 3-seconds-update routine and integrate the functions to car menus?

  2. 2 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    The speed feature is meant to only work with W. There seemed no reason to use it for any other button. Do you think those buttons should have this feature?

    Transforming to animals deletes all items regardless of what I do. I might be able to save all the items to a database, but I dropped that idea because if you transform twice, you empty the variables. A warning can only be displayed as a confirmation menu or a after the transform has happened. So either we make the process to transform longer or we alert people after it is too late.

    The building system is still in development. I have to manually add every item or the menu gets populated by duplicates and worthless items. There will be a lot more items in it for version 2.0

    As for the zombie thing, that is normal. They even do that if you shoot a normal weapon. Simply turn on a short ranged zombie shield for like 5 meters to fix this.

    Thanks for reply, and merry christmas. :)

    Speed feature:

    I'd expected an overall boost of 'x%' for all speed-related functions, including driving backwards. But it's not necessary as long as one function (the main function) provides it. It's just non-intuitive like it is. Calling the menu something like "Vehicle Normal Speed Boost" would be more matching.


    I thought about a warning message within transform menu, eg. instead of "Transform Animal >>" it should be like "Transform Animal (wipes all inventory!) >>" or a submenu "Wipes Inventory -> continue?". Additionally, can we make "Transform Animal" available for all players/configurable? Since it's found in Action Menu, I think it should be available for all players if Action menu is enabled. Does a transformed rabbit give raw rabbit meat if shot? :D


    There's a v2.0 planned? Wow.


    Zombie aggro:

    Shooting a normal weapon sure attracts zombies, but firing M203 HE grenades (and only these -- other M203 like smoke or flare are NOT affected) have the same effect, even though a M203 HE has a much higher sound when it explodes than the grenade launch (and, other M203 have exactly this launch sound, too, so it is weird). But, I don't think this is a problem of Admin Tool but DayZ/EPOCH. But I'm not sure if ArmA2 EPOCH is currently maintained since ArmA3 exists, so I don't know if bug reporting like this makes sense.

    Admin Tool is something I don't want to miss. Setting up a server with Mods is much easier with it.

  3. Hello!


    First of all, I want to thank u for this awesome mod! It helps a lot, since it is known that logged in ArmA2 Epoch Admins can be hacked.


    But, I have a few bugs to report:


    1. If you're in Admin mode [F4] and choose to speed up vehicles, there's only a speedup if you press 'w' while driving forward in a vehicle. The 'q' or 'e' keys are operating normally (braking the special speed of the other two), and backwards is totally normal (slow). I'd expect that especially the 'e' key would boost up eg. a SUV more than 'w'. Anyway, they're still faster than any other, what's good. The only thing that's missing is a blue light and a siren. XD


    2. Using 'Transform' menu from admin menu and change form eg. into a goat will wipe all your inventory. That's not really a problem as long as you're admin since you can gain back any loot, but I'd expect to keep it. If there's no possibility or it's too complicated then I'd suggest to implement a warning into the menu, since it is not accessable for non-admins (and not configurable, what would be funny). :)


    3. In Admin Build Menu GUI, there's an entry called "Roads", but when I open it, that shows me "<null> - <null> (<null>)".




    Is it normal that if you're in admin mode and shoot a M203 HE grenade, the zombies follow you? They don't attack, but they're bothering. I know that there's a bug in EPOCH let the zomibes follow the source of a M203 HE rather than the destination.


    Lastly, is there a possibilty to administrate server functions such like shutdown/reboot?






    Keep up the great work, and merry christmas to all of the ArmA2 EPOCH community!

    -van Grunz

  4. Hello!


    I'm still playing ArmA2 Epoch Mod and just found this script which lets me clean up the mess with the vehicle keys -- it's awesome! :D


    But I have one question:

    How can I edit this script to add an unclaim function for vehicles to delete a key requirement?

    It would be nice if I could confige a prerequisite for unclaiming, too, eg. 1x Scrap Metal.

  5. Hey Folks,


    when I use the M203 grenade launcher which is built-in to the M4A1 Holo's, some things make me stuck:


    - Using the Flare Green, Flare White or Smoke Grenade, nothing is noticed by Zombies, except the smoke of the grenade where the impact is. This looks quite normal, but it isn't, because:


    - firing a M203 HE Grenade makes the Zombies being attracted to the Launcher instead of where the impact of the grenade is. And it is VERY loud, so a lot of Zeds are chasing for me instead of the grenade. This is weird.


    As I understand, the Zeds must be attracted by firing every M203 Grenade, at least with sound radius of a pistol. Additionally, Zeds have to be attracted by the impact of non-flare grenades, too (Smoke & HE).


    Since Flashlights, car lights etc. do nothing to Zeds, it is OK that the Flares do not have any effect on them.


    With this in mind, I use rather seldom M203 HE's, but they make the most fun. Can or will this be changed in an upcoming release?


    Thanks for reading,


    van Grunz

  6. Hello everyone,


    I don't know if this topic exists before -- my search did not yield any results.


    Like the topic says, after each login the ammunition in my inventory (and I think in the vehicles, too) is set back to 100%. This is nice, of course, because I can buy or find less of the type of ammunition I need. But I don't understand it. If I log out ordinary by waiting 10 seconds (any way to turn that off?!) and then log in back, all my used ammo is filled up. Sometimes, if the server kicks me due to a restart, the ammo count is correct (but the most filled ammo type is used, anyway, what makes it hard to switch to the one with the least amount). I know from my admin that the database can store how much shots are used, so I think this is a "feature" of Epoch.


    By the way, the ammo count of additional vehicles added to the server (such as tanks like T-72) is always FULL after a server restart. This sure is fun (because you can tear down building over and over again :D), but it is against the overall usage.


    Also, using the chainsaw and filling it with gas, leads always to have an empty one after a log-in. Why is that so? In spite of having e.g. full STANAG ammo or 200-round M249 belts after each login, the chainsaw does neither remind its last fill state nor is it filled like any other weapon. This is quite confusing.


    I'd love to have it consistent, so I don't need to worry whether I should mess up more trees with the rest of the gas in my chainsaw not to waste the rare oil. I know that the database can keep the fill states.


    Thanks and happy playing,


    van Grunz

  7. Hello Epoch Developers and Players!


    Although I'm playing DayZ Epoch (ArmA 2 variant) for several years now, I'm starting today my first post of bug report.


    I'm playing on a private server on a friend of mine who is also the admin.


    Now, he decided to add a few custom vehicles, such as tanks like M4A1, M4A2 and a T-72, for example. These vehicles do not seem to be handled in the same way the normal vehicles are done. If I gear and change inventory in a T-72, the changes are not saved in the database unless I sit in the tank.


    This can be used for cheating -- or for trashing your items. Put items in the tank without sitting in after, and the things are lost.

    Put things in the tank, sit in, wait for a server restart, loot the inventory without sitting in, and await the next server restart, and all the loot is back again.


    Due to popularity of new vehicles, I assume that several public servers are affected by this problem, too. One could make a lot of Hotwire Kits or Chainsaws -- without cheating the code.


    If someone knows a fix, please let me know. This affects not only the latest version, as, like I said, I play Epoch for several years. When DayZ Mod was von 1.7.x, the problem in Epoch was there, too.


    Thanks and happy zombie fragging,


    van Grunz

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