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Posts posted by MrFlopsy

  1. So I have an error which when loading in says fn_selfActions.sqf can not be found.


    Here is my custom compiles.sqf

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    	fnc_usec_selfActions =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_selfActions.sqf";
    	player_selectSlot =				compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ui_selectSlot.sqf";

    it is located in a folder called custom. the custom folder is located in my dayz home dir.

    Here is my init.sqf custom compiles load line.

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf";	//Compile custom functions

    Screenshots that may help.

    oE5XuD_JB2226OQyiSvN.pngky_8beHD040xqlXpad8R.png The right most is inside the custom folder.

  2. Here is an example from our Scheduler.xml

    <job id="0">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server Restart in 15 minutes </cmd>	

    The <time> indicates the server will send the alert 3 hours and 45 minutes after the server restarted.

    We have automatic 4 hour backups so this works for us. However if the auto restart kicks in and then I restart 2 hours later, the xml resets and will alert 3 hours and 45 minuites later, however it will not make it because our auto restart will still restart even though I manually restarted.


    This may help

    <!-- 2 Time Formats Can Be Used:
    		 00:00:00 - HH:MM:SS - Example, 02:30:00 would be 2:30am.  Messages using this format are sent based on the node's time.  It is recommend to set your ACP profile time to the same timezone as the node. 
    		 000000 - HHMMSS - Example, 003000 Is 30 Minutes From When Server Started

    Notice the colons

  3. Hey are there AI as in like AI players at these missions?

    Not with this particular addon no, if you want something like that look into WAI. On my server I run these side by side so there is a variety of missions.


    Hey if someone could help me i have this installed and it seems like its working.


    18:40:01 "RUNNING EVENT: Supplyitems on [2014,5,13,2,40]"

    18:40:01 "Spawning loot event at [6382.59,8103.13]"

    18:40:01 "Creating ammo box at [6289.8,8282.54]"

    18:40:01 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"


    but when i go to the map marker i cannot find any loot.

    The loot can be anywhere in the highlighted radius.

    If you open up the file. for example Construction.sqf on line 5 it shows this.

    _debug = false; // Puts a marker exactly were the loot spawns

    Change the false to true and then go to where the dot is on the map. (Requires a server restart upon altering code)

  4. There is possibly an easier way.

    Find this in you init file:

    // DayZ Epoch config

    spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)

    spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500

    dayz_MapArea = 14000; // Default = 10000

    dayz_minpos = -1;

    dayz_maxpos = 16000;

    Then add:

    //Non destructable bases  

    DZE_GodModeBase = true;


    Looks Like this:

    // DayZ Epoch config

    spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)

    spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500

    dayz_MapArea = 14000; // Default = 10000

    dayz_minpos = -1;

    dayz_maxpos = 16000;


    //Non destructable bases  

    DZE_GodModeBase = true;

    did not work. Any help with CPC?

  5. I am having some trouble installing on vilayer as the thread (located ) says on line 6 of server_monitor.sqf there should be this

    _script = getText(missionConfigFile >> "onPauseScript");

    but all i have is this

    veVersionNo = 	getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "DayZ" >> "hiveVersion");
    _hiveLoaded = false;
    waitUntil{initialized}; //means all the functions are now defined
    diag_log "HIVE: Starting";
  6. Not familiar with ARMA code but I know other launguages, this MAY work.

    Reason beaing if humanity is not more than 4999 it must be below, therefore making you a bandit.

    It may even work with if (player getVariable["humanity",0] => 5000 then{


    But as I said not familiar with ARMA so going off my knowledge of other languages.

    if (player getVariable["humanity",0] > 4999) then {
    _anothervalue = "Hero";
    }; else {
    _anothervalue = "Bandit";
  7. never heard of that weapons box before ... try "USBasicWeapons" instead


    also it might be a good idea to delete all content and fill in what you feel is ok, or some boxes might have a bit too op content

    This is my aim, I want to define what is in there.


    Also you say try  USBasicWeapons when it states that's what I am using.


  8. I have scowerd google to try and get loot to spawn in the crates I have placed, but can not get anything, here is my code:

    _vehicle_5 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["MAP_USBasicWeapons", [16563.672, 18303.949, 0.5777005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_5 = _this;
      _this setPos [16563.672, 18303.949, 0.5777005];
  9. In my RPT I have this error.

    diag_log format["server_monitor.sqf exec>
     3:21:56   Error position: <diag_log format["server_monitor.sqf exec>
     3:21:56   Error Missing ;
     3:21:56 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 19
     3:21:56 "HIVE: Starting"
     3:21:56 Error in expression <ver_initCount = server_initCount + 1;

    And my line 19 in server_monitor is:

    diag_log format["server_monitor.sqf execution count = %1", server_initCount];
  10. How can I install on Vilayer, when I tried I could not connect and my console was spammed with this:

    diag_log format["server_monitor.sqf exec>
    13:25:26 Error position: <diag_log format["server_monitor.sqf exec>
    13:25:26 Error Missing ;
    13:25:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 19
    13:25:26 Error in expression <ver_initCount = server_initCount + 1;
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