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Posts posted by SGCDayZ

  1. Hey guys i am more than happy to help.

    I am the origional creator of the OverPoch mod well over two moths ago.

    Unfortunately i have received no credit for the idea or name <_<





    Well George I'd be happy to accept your help :) Firstly could you maybe point out where to find the batch file as our server host (Vilayer) but seem to have it available in the server files.

  2. il make it easier for you.

    1.upload overwatch client files to your server.

    2. edit the .bat file that launches your server to include @dayz0verwatch

    3.tell your players to add into there additional launch parameters -mod=@dayz0verwatch;@dayz_epoch

    4. add extra vehicles to spawn in using the dynamic_spawn.sqf and edit traders



    Thank you now that is what this thread is about :)

  3. Actually the first comment answered everyones questions!



    the exact thing that needs doing to make a overpoch is mentioned in both them posts linked in that thread



    I understand both of these points however this thread is more for people to post ideas towards actually merging the two mods not just saying to wait for someone else to do it.

  4. Several people on my server have been requesting we switch to 'Overpoch' which is a mix between Epoch and Overwatch. I've tried looking into it but can't seem to find anything on how to set it up.


    Hoping this is in the right section of the forums but it seems like the right place as I want to add Overwatch to my already established Epoch server to create Overpoch.


    Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


    SGCDayZ Server Management



  5. Find

    _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""];
    Change to 
    _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "custom\\ConvertpUIDplayer_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; 


     On the change to the directory has a double slash ;)


    SGCDayZ Server Management


  6. Have just been through a complete build from scratch and have found another amendment to the install instructions.  Install instructions int he first post have been amended.


    Player_build.sqf (step 10)


    Find (Epoch)
    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname];and replace
    Find (Snapbuild mod)
    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_object,[_dir,_location],_classname];and replace

    Change to (Epoch)

    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname];

    Change to (Snapbuild mod)

    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_object,[_dir,_location],_classname];

    If you have installed the mod without this change and people have built then you can just run the post install SQL to realign the objects to the playerUID when you do this change on the server. 




    Please add this to the original post. Also should the finds say "and replace" on the end ?

  7. On the change to, the file path should be "custom\ConvertpUID\" currently its to "custom\"


    Don't believe I didn't see this before sadly doesn't fix the problem at least not for me


    6. Copy over "Client_PBO\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageActions.sqf" to the "custom\ConvertpUID\" folder and open it.

    _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""];
    Change to 
    _action = _unit addAction ["Tag as friendly", "custom\player_tagFriendly.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", ""]; 
  8. All player on my server have a friendly state of [], basically no one has any friendly.


    Another admin on our server has asked if it would be possible to add a menu to plot poles so that when you scroll on it it shows 'Plot Pole Settings' and it would open a gui like your gear where you could select what players are friendly and who aren't. Just an idea.


    SGCDayZ Server Management


  9. Great glad we got that cleared up unfortunately late last night we discovered another problem now I'm not sure if it's due to our installation or not but after a server restart players we unable to access there plot poles it didn't recognize them as the owner. This being quite a serious issue arguably more so than the tagging since out server restarts every four hours I have uninstalled this addon, however while it was installed it was received greatly by the players despite it's flaws so I'm hoping this can be resolved as quickly as possible.


    Also in the last SQL bit is char2nine meant to be text2digits. I have very little experience with SQL so I'm just asking as a general question as it only worked when i used text2digits which might be why it's not working


    Thanks for any help


    SGCDayZ Server Management


  10. Find (Epoch)
    _tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true];
    Find (Otternas or  WGC GeekGarage Snapto release)
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true]; 
    Change to  (Epoch)
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];
    Change to (Otternas or  WGC GeekGarage Snapto release)
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];


    Are the change to meant to be the same ? And I should also add that I have Epoch yet I had _object not _tmpbuilt

    (I have snap build installed)



    _callerID = _caller getVariable "CharacterID";
    _targetID = _target getVariable "CharacterID";
    Change to 
    _caller = [_caller] call convertPlayerUID; 
    _targetID = [_target] call convertPlayerUID; 


     Shouldn't it be change to _callerID ? Or is the ID dropped on purpose ? ??


    Any help greatly appreciated.


    SGCDayZ Server Management





    Also when you say edit fn_selfAction.sqf I'm presuimg you meant fn_selfActions.sqf


    Also when you say find :

    s_player_downgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_REMLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_upgrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""];


    I'm presuming that the file path is meant to say player_downgrade.sqf not upgrade since this is the downgrade action not the upgrade ;P


    In EVD_pack.sqf

    Add this:

    player addWeapon "ItemToolbox";

    After this

    [1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
    player playActionNow "Medic";

    In EVD_deploy.sqf

    Add this:

    player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";

    After this:

    [1,1] call dayz_HungerThirst;
    player playActionNow "Medic";


    Hold up, just realized that you need a toolbox to pack it so I edited out "and _hasToolbox"  from the first line on the pack option in fn_selfActions.sqf


    	//Pack Vehicles
    	if (_typeOfCursorTarget in EVDVehicleArray and _hasToolbox and !(locked _cursorTarget) and (damage _cursorTarget < 1)) then {
    		if (s_player_packvehicle < 0) then {
    			s_player_packvehicle = player addAction ["Pack Vehicle", "SCRIPT_PATH\EVD\EVD_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    	} else {
    		player removeAction s_player_packvehicle;
    		s_player_packvehicle = -1;


    I also realized that if you interrupt the progress at any point it doesn't give you the toolbox back, or for packing you can begin and then abort and effectively clone tool boxes to fix the deploy I put this

                                    player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";


    				player reveal _object;

    in EVD\EVDdeploy.sqf


    To fix this on packing I put this

                            player addWeapon "ItemToolbox";


    		_radius = 1;

    there we go all fixed :)


    NOTE :

    With this method you won't get a toolbox if you already have one, for a method that drops the extra on the floor look here :


    In EVD\EVD_pack.sqf, find:

                } forEach _materials;

    After it, add:

                _item addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemToolbox", 1];

    The reasons for this are two fold. First, you don't loose your toolbox if you cancel your build action. It also check to make sure you have at toolbox before removing it from your inventory. Second, the toolbox will drop like all other materials when the vehicle is packed/deconstructed. Otherwise, you will not get the toolbox back because you already have one in your inventory as one is required to pack/deconstruct the vehicle.

    Method by TheFarix, I take NO credit for this
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