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Posts posted by nForce56

  1. if im not wrong u cannot create a dataset with NOT NULL as an attribute and then use the default NULL    

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `banking_data`;
    CREATE TABLE `banking_data` (
      `PlayerUID` varchar(20) DEFAULT '0',
      `PlayerName` varchar(128)  DEFAULT 'Null',
      `BankSaldo` bigint(24)  DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`PlayerUID`)

    this should work

  2. I bought infiSTAR before half a year.

    Before 3 days it worked, and now after I did reinstall everything cos i failed it doesnt even start anymore.

    I'm also not anylonger allowed to download the new Version, and don't get update emails.


    Does somebody have the same issue?




  3. Ehm, i made it now,


    else {
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["1231231"]) then {
    if (s_player_elevator_upgrade < 0) then {
    s_player_elevator_upgrade = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build",_ct], 0, false];
    if (s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop < 0) then {
    s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator Stop</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build_stop",_ct], 0, false];
    But when I press upgrade to Elevator nothing happens and im getting stuck into "Upgrade already in process"
  4. yeah don't ask me about it, that is like the weird part of the Arma scripting language :P

    and you are not alone, I forgot to put the ; after {} blocks all the time, because no other programming language does that and since you have to use  { } anyway I don't know why... :D


    but if you know c++ Arma script should be fairly easy to learn, there just some minor differences but the basic concepts are the same in most imperative programming languages.

    but do you see atleast an error at it? because its not working on my server when i made the "build" only availible for me? Is it because of the ";" because i dont see a fail at this for not working right.

    (I get the menu ingame) but when i press nothing happens and i do get a "Upgrade is action" or so

  5. sure you can do that, I am pretty sure I have explained that a few time already :D

    You just have to start the script for admins or yourself only, and not all players.

    like a simple "if" around the script in the init.sqf should do the trick

    if (getPlayerUID player == "12345678") then {
      ["elevator"] execVM "elevator\elevator_init.sqf";

    that is all, so only the player with the UID 12346789 can use the elevator.

    i had done this before the day, but at me the server started lagging a bit.

    At me i edited the popup at the metal floor to get the menu only for me.


    Hopefully i did it right^^


    else {
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["####"]) then {
    if (s_player_elevator_upgrade < 0) then {
    s_player_elevator_upgrade = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build",_ct], 0, false];
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["####"]) then {
    if (s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop < 0) then {
    s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator Stop</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build_stop",_ct], 0, false];
    so well i knew how to do the if 's but i wasnt totally sure, because firstly i made it in the building.sqf
    So everybody had the upgrade Menu, but only I could use it.
    But when i changed it to the elevator_init.sqf,
    I couldn't do it myself too.
    I do programm in school too, (c++)
    but i never did ";" after if's thats why i wonder.
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