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Posts posted by N340

  1. This may have been posted somewhere before but I myself searched for days on forums and contacting people about it left and right. Everyone just said to simply add in:


    steamPort = "";

    steamQueryport = "";


    And you do have to do that. But I found that the issue I was having and I can assume most people are having, is that you no longer use the arma2OAserver.exe from the /Expansions/Beta/ folder. You now simply use the one in the root folder. My servers started and showed up within seconds I changed that in my bat files. 


    So yeah, just thought I would share this as another solution for people to try.

  2. Ok someone tell me if this is correct or not. This is what my config looks like

    steamPort = 4301;
    steamQueryPort = 4302;
    hostName = "Double Tap Overpoch #1 Sauerland";
    password = "";
    passwordAdmin = "notnow";
    maxPlayers = 50;
    logFile = "server_log.txt";
    voteThreshold = 2;
    voteMissionPlayers = 3;
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    motd[] = {"DayZ Epoch","Have fun!"};
    motdInterval = 0;
    vonCodecQuality = 11;
    disableVoN = 0;
    kickduplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 0;
    persistent = 1;
    BattlEye = 1;
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    regularCheck = "";
    requiredBuild = 125548;
    class Missions
        class Mission1
        	template = "DayZ_Epoch_25.sauerland";

    Should this be showing under commander or is there something wrong?

  3. I have tried about 50 ports for both, No firewall or anything and I rent a dedi box. Its getting really frustrating and I am loosing player base daily. Honestly if someone KNOWS they can get this working I would give you the info to log into my dedi and check out the files.


    My TS server is


    The worst part is I do similar stuff for a living and this is causing me issues. LOL

  4. Nope still not working. Ports are open, firewall is off, dedicated server and I have tried about 20 different query ports. Nothing works. People can still join and play but server just show the IP and port, no description and always the 10k ping. Gametracker is same issue. I start the server, go to gametracker and put in the query port and still does not find it. 

  5. This is what my config file looks like. It should be working as far as I know

    password = "";
    passwordAdmin = "blahblahblah hahaha";
    maxPlayers = 50;
    logFile = "server_log.txt";
    voteThreshold = 2;
    voteMissionPlayers = 3;
    steamQueryPort = 2303;
    steamPort = 2304;
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    motd[] = {"DayZ Epoch","Have fun!"};
    motdInterval = 0;
    vonCodecQuality = 11;
    disableVoN = 0;
    kickduplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 0;
    persistent = 1;
    BattlEye = 1;
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    regularCheck = "";
    requiredBuild = 103718;
    class Missions
        class Mission1
        	template = "DayZ_Epoch_25.sauerland";
  6. Ok I know all about the 125548 and issues with commander and so forth. Last night all was fine when I went to bed. Gametracker was still showing my server stats, Commander still showed everything. Wake up and now commander shows my server as greyed out and 10k ping and gametracker says offline but you can still join the server and play as normal. This is irritating me. I had updated to the steam beta a week ago and all has been fine till this morning. 


    Anyone know a way of getting it back to normal again?

  7. Sorry almost posted really wrong stuff here, to many threads open. 


    You cannot really just make the item spawn in already smoking. There are two ways to do this


    1. You can make the AI throw them at enemies and have all but 1 of your AI bandits, have that 1 be a hero. The AI will throw smoke


    2. You can make a trap kit that will set off when an AI steps on it, since they spawn there it will go off guaranteed when the mission starts


    Ill find some code and get back to you when I test it a bit


    To get this to work with Basically you have to do a full redirect of all the old Snap_build files. For instance mine are.



    //Extra Buildables
    player_build =               compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf";
    player_buildcontrols =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_buildcontrols.sqf";
    snap_object =               compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\snap_object.sqf";


    As the issue I am having is not directing where the files are but that the sqf files are out of date for, would you mind sharing your current files if they are working for you. Mainly this would save people time. Thank in advance

  9. I have added Origins buildings into my right click options, works perfectly. However soon as the building has been placed I get kicked by infistar for "purchasing without a trader (s)". Any ideas on how to fix this?

    actually this is easy to fix, in the AHconfig file there is an option to check if by trader before buying, simply turn this to false. 

  10. Found out i get this error in RPT when the player builds today


    22:03:15 Server: Object 4:26 not found (message 70)


    its over and over and over. The object changes from what it is he is trying to place


    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:12 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:39 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:17 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:24 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:49 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:34 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:38 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:14 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:35 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:11 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:48 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:46 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:36 not found (message 70)
    22:03:10 Server: Object 4:37 not found (message 70)
  11. Ok so here is the short or it. I run a server on a dedicated box. Everything is setup properly, I have done through everything 100 times.


    I have two players, and only these two that are having a very odd issue that I have googled but cannot find info on. Now remember that this issue is only on myserver for them, I have joined them in another server a friend runs and everything is fine. 


    What happens is, when they go to build an object, its visible to them, places and all. But its invisible to ANYONE else and if they relog, its gone. This is not with every item, just some. Like I got one of them to place 5 safes to test, the first one was fine, i saw it, so did they and it stayed. Second one, invisible, same with third and fourth, then fifth was fine again. We did this with walls, doors, everything. Its always the same. But I have been open for months and this is the first time its been reported. I have asked other players and everyone says nothing is wrong. Its just these two.


    RPT log shows nothing wrong, neither does hive log. Well hive log doesnt even show they are laying anything to be entered into database.

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