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Posts posted by plaiides

  1. yea i did delete some "units" but they seemed to be named after a building thats a bit weird. i do use that file with the editor what i did was go into the editor and open the default trader map and delete all the "6" locations. But i didnt do it from the editor i just used it as a referance and went into my mission.sqf and went to the lines of the buildings. one thing i cant figure out is how would u just delete/move traders/ add buildings right from the editor and save the file. i tried to upload it onto my server (which i use villayer) deleted the mission.sqf and uploaded the modified one and that's when everything got scrwed up. so i totaly delete the default mission.sqf file and uploaded the one i edited with the editor but did not work at all. so thats why i wanted to manually delete the buildings, sorry im rabbling on just trying to figure this out.



    _vehicle_461 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall", [6316.4673, 7792.5254, 3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_461 = _this;
      _this setDir 35.687778;
      _this setPos [6316.4673, 7792.5254, 3.0517578e-005];


    this an examble of what ive been deleting off my mission.sqf to clear objects from stary traders,

    so i just delete only the vehicles stuff in stary and some of my traders are missing

  2. dude thats an awsome stary city i really apreciate the help also, so when i do remove all stary objects some of my traders get delteded as well, i only have the medit and the weapon dealer left




    edit: im keeping the original traders just removing all objects from the city so i can remodel then change trader position once the city has been re-built but like i said some of the traders dissapera after the edit

  3. So i just tried to edit my mission.sqf, deleting all the objects in trader city stary and leaving the traders alone. I made sure i was only deleting the objects and when i load in most of the traders are gone only 2-3 remaing and i made sure i was only removing the objects out of the mission.sqf basicly to have nothing in the trader city just the traders and il add the edits after but now the traders are gone.


    i made sure to add the


    }; after each line but i must be missing something


    p.s anyway we could talk threw I.M if not thats no problem just would be faster

  4. Hello, so last night i decided to make some edits to stary trader city on my epoch server.


    1. I downloaded my mission.sqf and put it in my arma2otherprofiles file to be able to load it into the editor, i also used the mission.biedi file that was available to download that contained all the default trader city locations for me to edit them in the editor.


    2.I deleted most of the default items in the trader city stary and built it basicly from scratch under my design, I also moved the trader location from the editor.


    3. After i was done i saved the .sqf file and uploaded it to my server replacing the exisiting .sqf file (mission.sqf). I though that would replace the existing buildings and upate my new additions. ( i also went threw the steps of deleting whats on the top of the sqf everything from onto of vehicles and at the bottom of the file)


    4. When i load my map on my server to check the modifications my traders all run away from me and half the warfare walls long arent there.



    Just need some clarification on how exacly to make edits on the trader citys from the map editor so the edits i made save and the traders dont run away from me when entering the trader city, i defenatly did something wrong but i though that if i load up the mission.sqf file from my server (villayer) and made the edits and re upload it would work but obviously not. i am replacing the whole mission sqf with the editited one i made.


    any help would be apreciated thanks

  5. Look in the missions folder of your install, in there is a file MISSION_EXAMPLES.sqf which details each item and what it is. That should help you.

    okay i see what all the paramaters do now thank you, one more question though hwo do you make the paradrop initiate faster like after and x ammount of group units killed or so minutes after the fight started or even better immediatly after the fight started.

  6. question about para drop for the mission just did some testing and addes a paradrop to one of the misisons and the drop happens after the mission has been complete, i copy pasted the para drops from the president mission to the sniper extraction, is anyone able to explain how to modify it so its compatable with the mission, or is there a place were all the specific numbers/names mean


    example  //Heli Paradrop
        [[(_position select 0),(_position select 1),0],[0,0,0],1000,"UH60M_EP1_DZE",6,"Random","Random",4,"Random","Hero","Random","Hero",true,_mission] spawn heli_para;
        [[(_position select 0) + 50,(_position select 1),0],[50,50,0],1000,"UH60M_EP1_DZE",6,"Random","Random",4,"Random","Hero","Random","Hero",true,_mission] spawn heli_para;
        [[(_position select 0) + 100,(_position select 1),0],[100,0,0],1000,"UH60M_EP1_DZE",6,"Random","Random",4,"Random","Hero","Random","Hero",true,_mission] spawn heli_para;


    obviously the begining is coordinates but im not sure what the rest mean, sorry but i would apreciate any help thans

  7. I don't see a problem in that file, which is where I would expect the problem to be. Did you put your id in AdminList.sqf? That might be overwriting your UID since you added it to the init. It is suggested that you use only one method, not both. Have your UID in the init OR use AdminList.sqf. If you are not using AdminList.sqf then you need to make sure to also add tempList = []; to the init.


    http://pastebin.com/sHA0qbyF   here is the init file

    http://pastebin.com/CFuWBz7z  and this is the adminlist
    i only put the id in the admin list dont think i put my uid in the init


  8. // Epoch Admin Tools
    AdminList = [
    "111111111", // <Admin In-Game Name>
    "999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    ModList = [
    "999999999", // <Admin In-Game Name>
    "999999999" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";



    so im putting my id's for my admins only in the admin part and nothing happens but when i put the id in the modlist i get the menu but only at mod level access how to i get admin access instead of just mod, because if i dont put any id in the mod list the menu wont show up in game but it i do put it in the mod list it does but only as the mod level access. what could i be doing wrong?


    // Epoch Admin Tools
    AdminList = [
    "186xxxxx", // <elo>
    "244xxxxx" // <not#a#cockroach>
    ModList = [
    "186xxxxx", // <elo>
    "244xxxxx" // <not#a#cockroach>
    [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";


    this is how i have it set up in the admin list and in game only have mod access level, if i try and remove modlist i wont have the menu at all.

    FYI i have the full id number in admin list just not pubicly showing

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