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Posts posted by bronic

  1. This may be a stupid question but i cant find anything that specifically answers this.


    On an indestructible base server, if you have built a base and have your plot pole down and locked inside but then you get killed. Can someone then place another plot pole next to your base and start dismantling or taking the locks off the door?


    As far as i understood how the plot pole works. A plot pole once placed and after you have been killed, will not let anyone build on the plot until the plot pole gets replaced. Do i understand this right?


    Basically exactly this happened to my friends base. He had control of the plot pole and placed it inside. We got sniped outside of the base with the doors locked. When we got back some guys had placed a plot pole nearby but im pretty sure it was past the 30m limit of our plot pole. It looked like they were trying to place a plot pole so they could dismantle the base.

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