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Posts posted by ThatGamer_Bullet

  1. Well, I've picked up the trail of a way around this...."beta".exes


    When I told steam to go ahead and install the 125548 beta (same version as vanilla now) it installed them and now the epoch files work without needing to be reconfigured to load arma2oaserver.exe via the a2oa root directory.


    Now, manually trying to open a2oa via the exe files appears to work. A2OA opened up just fine with my mods. (epoch and dayz). But then a second instance of arma tried opening up at the same time without further prompting. This second instance included a console screen that said, among other things, "...from now on, open Arma via Steam."

    But the second instance appeared to load up just fine as well. So perhaps maybe opening arma from the executable files themselves will help this. Perhaps using the beta server executable is unecessary, but I was hoping steam would no longer attribute the server being open as me playing arma, that isn't the case and my playtime for arm2oa is now approaching 600 hours... lol >.< bless


    EDIT: Sorry for multiposts. I'm kinda just talking to myself. I don't mean to be bumping. Just helpful, if anyone else is as lost as i am.

  2. So...many of the official guides for setting things up appear to be out of date (especially considering the new steam multiplayer changes) and when I first go to install a server these days, I know I have to redirect the batch file template to arma2oaserver.exe in the main arma2oa directory instead of down in a beta folder. Could this be part of the problem? I actually haven't even looked inside those folders where it originally was looking, but I know the beta to no longer be relevant with getting the steam overlay to work. Maybe my logic is understood, even if the cleverness was in error.

  3. Well I tried changing the arma2oaserver.exe to "a2oaserver.exe" in filename and its reference in the epoch-starting batch file. It starts up just fine but Steam still recognizes it and doesn't let me open a2oa after the first time.

    Perhaps either registry changes or the Steam-Tools Arma2OA:Dedicated Server can be used to distract Steam while I come and go as many times as needed? Just spit ballin here. I'm out of specific ideas

  4. Good advice either way. It was a variable I hadn't considered but HAVE had throw a wrench in the machinery as far as launchers were concerned. Install directories and drives I mean.


    I haven't tried re-logging yet, been confirming script installation one at a time so I always restart the server anyway. But thanks for returning with the second tip! Once I do that one as well and have finished setup I'll give it a shot and get back to confirm it working for me in case anyone else passes through with the same trouble. Bless Steams little heart.... *sigh*

  5. Had the same problem. Start your client then just leave it open. If you have access to another disk run your server/mysql on there separately from where your client is installed. 


    Oh thank you. UGH! I just about tore my hair out this time around having totally forgotten that I was installing everything onto steams installed hard drive this time. That would explain why I didn't have this problem before, I was always using storage drives / partitions. Thank you!! Gonna try it right away, great idea!

  6. Any ideas as to why I can no longer run a server and log in as a client from the same machine (steam copy of arma2 complete collection) but only once before launching A2OA gives an "app already running" error and refuses to open as long as the server console is running?


    The first log-in of a server takes me 10-15 minutes, and I'm getting really tired of restarting the server every time I want to test each scripts installation, especially if I can't confirm success on the first attempt...

  7. After reading a couple of guides ...


    A step that I've noticed left out of 9/10 guides that I think might do well to at least be noted in a cautionary section if nothing else, is that for steam users, after installing each of their steam-library entries (Arma2, A2OA, PMC and BMF) it is necessary to open not only Arma2 and A2OA but also open (click "play" in steam) each of the DLC listed there. ACR automatically finalizes installation upon opening my steam copy of A2OA, not sure why they don't all do that.


    But without doing this later on down the road you might put two and two together and say "Hey, why in "Expansions" does it list half of my DLC as a lite version and display the textures from those DLC in seemingly a quarter of the correct resolution?" Well, this would be why. I just never expected the process to be so convoluted to play what I was able to BUY as a single solitary purchase and package. =\ Good times.

  8. I can see the option to deploy when I right click the toolbox, but when I start deploying it just says I cancelled, and removes my toolbox without giving me a bike.


    Is there a way to fix this and add it to the scroll-menu?




    Well...technically speaking, all the code you need are in admin tools scripts for spawning vehicles in...at least I think so. I'm sure it would take some tweaking for it to work as a player ability without any undesirable consequences. But maybe there is some scripting in one of those admin packs that would help get you started?

  9. EVDGetMaterials = {
    	private ["_type","_materials"];
    	_type = _this select 0;
    	switch (_type) do {
    		case "MMT_Civ":		{ _materials = [[]; };
    		case "TT650_Civ":	{ _materials = [["PartGeneric", 2], ["PartEngine", 1], ["PartWheel", 2]]; };
    		case "CSJ_GyroC":	{ _materials = [["PartGeneric", 1], ["PartEngine", 1], ["PartVRotor", 1]]; };

    Um, I'm just passing through... looking for clues as to how I recently broke this WONDERFUL script, we love it!


    And, I think I see a frequent POSSIBLE problem... you might be missing a close-bracket in your mountainbike line.


    You have:

    case "MMT_Civ":        { _materials = [[]; };

    But if you look real close at each of the deployable vehicles, there is a set of brackets enclosing the whole list of each vehicles required materials, and also a set of brackets enclosing each material. So instead of the [ [ ] in your line, it should possibly look like the others, like this [ [ ] ] 


    I think that might be called an "open array"...but I'm still learning.

  10. i believe player stats is called from the dayz_spaceInterrupt which is called in your compiles.sqf. So you would need to change the compiles to point to your custom dayz_spaceInterrupt and then open your dayz_spaceInterrupt and point it towards your custom debug monitor.

    I've been tearing through PBO files, config files of every shape and size, literally scanning almost every line of every config I could think might be related to a "playerstats.sqf" file and only found references to use this file, but no actual "call" in a compiles.sqf to actually cache this "playerstats" file... i knew it had to've been changed, it also seems the entire "call" command used to be some other entry not including the word "call" so I've been COMPLETELY lost as to why I wasn't seeing this  "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf in any compile anywhere


    So the actual call, in the dayz_code.pbo, in the init\compile.sqf is for a file called "dayz_spaceInterrupt" and via adding / manipulating the script inside "dayz_spaceinterrupt", this call can be redirected to include the "playerstats" ?


    Well, hopefully thats the case...even if I described it poorly. And I'm not just losing my mind or eyesight completely

  11. I just wanted to drop in real quick since I just now found this post of yours and wanted to say thank you!


    GREATLY appreciated technical detail and explanation! I can't tell you how surprising and helpful it was to find that you've got an item w/ itemID (and prices w/ location!) database hosted somewhere. I'll be sending whatever donation I can through that database next week in appreciation =)


    I had to make a vehicle database by hand when I first got started doing server setup and it took FOREVER and drove me insane! Great work sir


    EDIT: And of course, very much grateful to AsianKid and Axeman (sp?) for their work and contributions as well!

  12. Hey,


    im pretty new to all this - so can someone please explain me how to get this to work? I cant find a file called "extra_rc.hpp" in my mission.


    About a week ago i had this script working on my server, without the maca right click script - i found a tutorial somewhere on the web that i cant find anymore.

    But yeah.. i had to reinstall the Server because i messed up big time - and forgot to make a backup of this!


    Hope you  can help me set this up :)

    I'm setting it up right now. Currently the altered dayz_code.pbo I made the changes to are now kicking players out due to the whole BIsign thing with the key files I'm assuming. I did something wrong, just describing how I suspect I screwed up in case...


    Anyway. Just finished reverting to the backup dayz_code.pbo.

    After I finish making sure I didn't do any irrepairable damage, I'll take another crack at it and give ya any help I can offer

  13. Does anyone have a working link to the "add right click options to items" scripting extension Maca134 had been working on?


    I needed to add a player-accessible option to change thier view distance, but can't find this script.


    A mouse wheel option would definitely also be an option I'd certainly put to use if nothing else were available.


    Anyone have access to how either of these can be done?

  14. Past couple of days I've noticed I can't access the contributions Maca134 made. None of the scripting info posts I had bookmarked for studying later when I got everything else ironed out work anymore.


    Does anyone have functioning info to share with adding right-click'able options to an item? Specifically, to add view distance.

    Without access to Maca134s mod to help with these type of extensions, I suspect I'm stuck at "step one"  ='(


    I wanna lock the view distance into my server in the init.sqf @ 5000 (what me and my buddies all play with) but it would leave my sons PC out in the cold

  15. Thank you so much!


    I'd been doing it backwards then. So many instructions simply reference "the mission folder" but there are so many that may or may not be utilized, including the mission folders in addons like DayZ and Day_Epoch.pbo, without specifics, the only way I knew how to for sure implement things was a spray-and-pray shotgun style of coding EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE. lol

  16. (for the now fifth time, I'm getting pretty good at this and have started simultaneously documenting every step, including illustrations and backupfiles which I intend to alleviate the confusion caused by language barriers and instructions made by much better educated people than many of the fanbase)


    Once I have a vanilla DayZ_Epoch server running on my private LAN I'm starting by adding AdminTools to make the testing of other addon functionality easier, since I'll be able to just spawn in whatever equipment / tools I need to test out each new addon as I go.

    But many instructions assume a remotely hosted server.

    Since I'm doing it locally, by just copying a template mission folder and its corresponding batch from

    "D:\SteamLibraryD\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Config-Examples"

    and pasting them both into

    "D:\SteamLibraryD\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\"

    The server appears to run from the directory

    "D:\SteamLibraryD\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\instance_11_Chernarus"

    So when I get to step#2 of


    Which says: 

    Log into your server via FTP or your host's File Manager. Locate, download, and unpack (using PBO Manager or a similar PBO editor) your MPMissions/Your_Mission.pbo, and open the resulting folder.



    Would I substitute those instructions with "Open "Instance_11_Chernarus" in my root OA folder" (as I listed it above)

    "D:\SteamLibraryD\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\instance_11_Chernarus"


    Because previously, I had been using a spray-and-pray method of coding, with mirror scripts / coding in multiple folders (the folder Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\ comes immediately to mind) , and it was just much too messy for my OCD tendencies, hence the fifth install...


    So would someone kindly, once and for all resolve this confusion for me. When, if ever, do I need to modify the mission folder inside the MPMission directory.

  17. Would a problem such as this also cause there to be no loot in a vanilla Epoch server?

    I've read so much the past three days, I may be mistaking this. I did read somewhere that "...loot will not spawn untill you go in and edit the..." but I think that was for an AI missions addon.


    I ask because I just got my server going (for the third fresh-reinstall time through my garbage internet connection) and drove by a store and found absolutely nothing in it like I've always seen them all having in regular Epoch servers.

  18. I'm kinda feeling my way through this same process at the moment. Hopefully you've found a solution by now, but if anyone else like my is passing through....

    The "Options File" is under the "Server" drop-down menu. And then the "Event Scheduler" will be an obvious option in there.

    At which point, you may likely have made your first change worth saving, and therefor may have just CREATED THE MY.INI file through that command.


    That was the case for me anyway.

    EDIT: the file was created in the MySQL Server 5.6\ directory as I believe was already mentioned as its typical location

  19. I'm having a little trouble wrapping my mind around this process as well.

    I have a successfully installed and accessible server and now I’m going through and adding some addons that I had hoped to give some people private experience with interacting with. And the

    "D:\SteamLibraryD\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\SQL\add_recommended_mysql_events.sql"

    File appears to have some very useful scripting in it that I had assumed I wasn’t going without. But I haven’t done anything with the above mentioned file, and if it isn’t being referenced as-is, and I assume it isn’t getting utilized, then I was hoping someone could help me understand how to get these events added with the tools I have.


    (Please forgive and feel free to correct any incorrect terminology, a lot of this server installation involved some pretty alien methods of data management to me)


    I’ve been using Navicat for the SQL database, and XAMPP to host the SQL connection, but I also have the program MySQL from when I was researching building a database for a small business of a family member.


    Anyway, on to an actual question, out of the three files in the SQL folder of the server, “add_recommended_mysql_events” and “” appear to be unused. When I open MySQL (for no better reason than a blind guess at how I might initialize or otherwise activate this “cleanup” scripting) and I connect to the SQL server I’m locally hosting, it plops me down at whats looks like line 1 of a blank text editor, or a command prompt. But I don’t wanna just start mucking about all willy nilly and ruin something I’ve been working on for two days in an obscure way that results in yet another reinstall of 25 gigs at this sub-par connection speed.

    I've been creating a list of my steps as I go, with no margins, and 0 spacing...and I'm at page 12 now. So it's a little difficult to keep track of another unique set of commands and variables. But, I assume there are a set of commands for this interface in MySQL to manipulate the creation / removal of events stored in the SQL database?

    And if thats the case, would I be typing out the entire "add_recommended_mysql_events" by hand into this prompt exactly as it was written?

    I'm sure there is extensive documentation about the use of MySQL, but please humor me. I've spent the past 34 waking hours with 20-30 windows / programs open across two computers and three monitors. Any relief from my trial and error or research(which results in forgetting where I'm at in a number of other steps) would be immensely appreciated.

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