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Posts posted by Deanos

  1. Is there any way to change the upkeep costs on the new update. Players complain and want me to disable the deterioration but as you all know that leads to way to much clutter. I will not disable the deterioration but i just want to change the costs of it all.


    Also is there a way of removing the "cannot build another plot within 45 meters" thing. I'm trying to find a happy medium. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. How do you change the ;CleanupPlacedAfterDays? I have this setting option on my panthera servers, and taviana but not on my Takistan server. Could i put

     ;Negative values will disable this feature ;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart 
    ;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted 
    ;CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 14 

    in the HiveExt.ini or would this not work. I dont want to have an event going on the database because that leaves to much clutter on the server i want players to update the date stamp them selves with this new update. 


    Please any help would be greately appreciated.


    Thank you,

  3. Does anyone know if there is working misions for Taviana? I currently run a Takistan and a Taviana Epoch and have missions on the Takistan, but not Taviana for fear that the missions will take place in the ocean.

  4. First issue. I have R3F tow and lift. But there is an issue with lift. sometimes when players drop the vehicles the bounce up and hit the heli and all is lost. Does anyone have a fix for this?

    Second issue is vehicles move position after restart. Players report and I confirmed that vehicles (completely random btw) move sometimes to last restart position or 3 reatarts before that or even last place they were in it. Again any help would be greately appreciated.

    Third issue fuel pumps. Now thinking about it I'm sure I know why I have an issue with it.Did the name of the fuel pump change from the last update?

    Thank you all.

  5. The problem i was having is i assumed it was necessary to comment out the 

    _inventory =	[];
    _backpack = 	[];

    In the login.sqf in compiles. So now after testing i found out this is not necessary.


    But now a new problem has arisen. I cannot after hours and hours and hours of testing get custom loadouts working properly. Now let me be specific the individual that has the custom loadout works perfectly no black screens, they can pick their starting sex everything works great except for giving the player both default and custom loadout(not a big deal right now). Now the problem is for the player without a custom loadout they are plagued with the inability to load in they just go to the black screen of death. Does anyone have a fix for this? Does anyone have custom loadouts working properly on their server with no issues?

  6. So i love Epoch but god i hate the fact i cant change the Default Loadout easily. Now i have tried it over and over again adding the Default Loadout scripts into the init file in the mission.pbo and the commenting out a couple lines in the server.pbo in the player login.sqf. Now the damn problem i have is anytime i do this it then plagues players with black screens when joining and then they cant pick there sex when joining. Every time i re-spawn i pick female and it goes black screen then i have to press escape then abort then almost relog. Now i dont have to exit completely out of the server but then after i relog i spawn in great i have my default loadout but im a male. 


    Now has anyone been able to fix this issue im going to do some testing and see if the only reason that the black screen happens is because i chose female. Ill see if maybe that little sex selection is bugging when trying to add default loadout. 

  7. I have my AI fine tuned to almost exactly what I want.But I have one question does anyone have the issue of not hearing when any AI fire? I'm guessing just guessing maybe something in the DayZ_server.pbo maybe the FSM cleanup but I don't know. And everyone that has the invisible AI problem. Go into your Sarge AI config file and change the Survivir1_DZ skin to something else. I also have this problem and read on opendayz this was the fix for that issue. I will post later to update if it works or not.

  8. Im having a huge problem. I have uploaded all the files you have provided and for me it works great i love it. but every player that tries to join except for me gets kicked for Battleye script restriction #230. I am using the Battleye script.txt provided in the file pack and its no Bueno. Now my problem is im a moron and well im a moron. I forgot to back up the original .txt file and now im screwed. Is there anyone on here who can help me? I would more prefer to get the whole mod pack that this topic is about. But if thats completely unavailable oh well.

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