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Posts posted by copper

  1. Sounds like an Antihack Problem to me. Do you use Infistar or similar 3rd Party AH Software? If so you need to whitelist the selfaction functions (s_player_garage) and the dialog function (50003,50004) in the AHconfig.sqf, I would guess.

  2. Hello!

    What would I have to do to change the PlainText message info to a _hint message with vehicle or gun Picture inside. I have this running on an older WAI Version but on there the message get executed direct inside the Mission sqf of the specific Mission and not from an extern file like in 2.1.4 .

    Any help would be much apriciated cause I realy would like to use this version.

  3. Hi,

    Can someone tell me what I have to do, to change the minefield so mines only explode when vehicles drive over them (all vehicles including bike) and not players on foot, cause this anoys alot of my players and I realy would like to change it.

    This is an awsome Mission System, much respect to Foamy for his work!


    Many thx in advance.

  4. Hi!

    I know this is a bit older already but it seems to be a very usefull script. But I want to ask if it would be possible to call the superadmin.sqf in a way so you can place it rather in the Server root Directory (like infistar does) or into the serverfile. Because Iam a bit worried to put all the UIDs into the Mission file where everybody could get them who connect to the Server and download the Mission file.

  5. _picture = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _guncar >> "picture"); //this will be %1
    _hint = parseText format ["
    <t size='3'font='Bitstream'align='Center'color='#ff0000'>Armed vehicle</t><br/><br/>
    <t align='center'><img size='8' image='%1'/></t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='Center'color='#ff0000'>Mission secured!</t><br/>,
    [nil,nil,rHINT,_hint] call RE;
    } else {
    	clean_running_mission = True;
    	deleteVehicle _veh;
    	deleteVehicle _box;
    	{_cleanunits = _x getVariable "missionclean";
    	if (!isNil "_cleanunits") then {
    		switch (_cleanunits) do {
    			case "ground" :  {ai_ground_units = (ai_ground_units -1);};
    			case "air" :     {ai_air_units = (ai_air_units -1);};
    			case "vehicle" : {ai_vehicle_units = (ai_vehicle_units -1);};
    			case "static" :  {ai_emplacement_units = (ai_emplacement_units -1);};
    		deleteVehicle _x;
    		sleep 0.05;
    	} forEach allUnits;

    Hi after putting this into the WAI missions they wont stop and clear after been taken. It broke the end-mission function. RPT says there is a ] missing but can not figure out where.

    Anybody willing to help? Would be awesome.

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